Are there Any Blacks in this Subreddit?

3  2018-03-05 by OpiesInnerCircle

Just curious...



Lies do not become a lady.

I'm down with it. I eat the coochie. What about Angela Davis y'all?

Show us your cunt.

Our First Lady.

Shh im tryna pass

Sorry, sweetheart.

Then don't say "tryna."

Nice, the Blaxploitation slang will really throw everyone off the trail

I just assumed most were. From what I've seen it's 3/4 black & 1/4 crust punk.

Im black

Fuck. Time to move.

Username checks out! Amiright?


I thought he was just a clean freak from Australia. EYE NYE!


I have a child that I ignore, does that count?

Close enough, whats good my nigga?

I'm a somali woman living in Sweden on white boi government aid niggaaaa.

I swear to God an Ethiopian savage from Stockholm just PMed me who took offense to my racism.

I hope you advised them to go the fuck back where they came from

I certainly did.

ant and joe peruse here a lot

I just figured we were all black and this is our theme song:

Only from the waist down OHHH!

Not even funny. Don't perpetuate the myth of the giant black fick. It simply isn't true. If they want to say we can't dance, who gives a fuck. That's not even a useful skill anyway.

But I'm not engaging in false self deprecation to pacify the coons. Government statistics don't lie. The truth is on our side.

I dunno, all the black jocks throughout my school locker rooms certainly lived up to it. Retards too, for the record. Imagine being a fly bro with micropenis. What a doubly cruel life hand to be dealt.

Ah, so you were educated among negroes, and have seen them nude. That is interesting. Your opinions are certainly more qualified than mine but I don't envy the life you have endured, the horrors you have surely encountered.

I’m literally a white nationalist but I even think the “lol BBC is a myth bro” narrative sucks. Blacks are separated from us by 100,000 years of evolution, they’re 1-2 standard deviations below us in IQ, they have muscles and bones we don’t possess, they evolved in a completely different climate with a completely different reproductive strategy...but it’s not possible that they could have different sized genitals.

Anthony used to post here.

I'm black. FROM THE WAIST DOWN. Hahaha. I'm just joshing around, take a chill pill, brother.

Aw man, I thought you were being serious and I was like, what da fawk, dat don't make no sense.

Only when I apply the facepaint

The one we had is in lockup.

Isn't that just typical?

We still have Ant

Sherrod you savage.

My mom did an ancestry test and found out she was 8% black so that makes me 4% black. To celebrate I immediately went to our local Wendy'sand robbed it.

Did the ansestry place get caught fucking with people telling them they were part minority? Also, for anyone dumb enough to pay for this stupid shit don't commit crimes. The cops can subpoena your DNA. So can baby mama probably.

We had one.

He's now serving time for stealing audio equipment and leaving his toddler to bleed to death in the streets after a botched getaway.

Niggers gonna nig.

If any are reading this:
Get out

Not a one. I thought that was the point of this sub
