This, elderly faggots, is how you tweet about the Oscars.

204  2018-03-05 by RBuddCumia


CQ is the only person who ever understood how twitter should work.

“I’m just trying to tell people Twitter is retarded!”

“I’m just trying to tell people that people are retarded!”

no hes not

oh literal faggot

The perfect wedding guest

This is Norm MacDonald erasure and I won't stand for it.

No he isn't you fucking faggot

He uses twitter just like everyone else. He makes his cute "I'm only ironically using twitter XD" anti-humor tweets...but then keeps doing it for 12 years, and is more active on twitter and retweets people more than many celebrities

He likes cute responses from fans to his ironic anti-humor. "Oh my god, that joke made me grind my teeth with anger" and he retweets it like haha just a bit of light ironic fun between me and the followers

What's the difference between that and how a normal celebrity enjoys twitter?

The only thing more pathetic than being emotionally invested in twitter is being emotionally invested in twitter but pretending it's actually this ironic, Kaufman-esque thing and you're really above it, when in fact you actually do care and enjoy the cute twitter interactions with people just as much as anyone else does

Stop with the emperor's new clothes jerk off over Colin's "genius". He does shitty formulaic ethnic humor. "He's a Corsican ___", "This Tunisian", "he looks like a Tibetan ____"

That and cute ironic cheesy humor

Wow what a genius

I didn’t read this comment but I don’t think it’s so great.

That guy's a real jerk

Yeah yeah, Colin is a hack but Norm is legendary right? Slash your own fucking throat, queer.

You must have me confused with RapistWithAIDS.

No, you just quoted Norm's bit after shitting on Colin's bit.

I didn't shit on Colin. RapistWithAIDS did, you illiterate mongoloid.

No, you did

Check out this civilian over here. Nice post stupid.

I agree, this sub sucks his dick way too much.

No you don't

Hey what's your problem bud?

and yet you continue to post, what a guy


The local news radio station here in NY did a report after CQ had his heart attack. At the end, in a totally serious tone, they said “Quinn says the hospital took extra good care of him because they realized they had a comedy legend in their midst”. Goddamn I love Colin.

Holy shit that's great.

God bless that comedic legend

That's how he referred to himself in his podcast with Bob Kelly too, "the legend from Brooklyn"

Bless his shitty heart I love that guy

Can't wait to read this to my family at Thanksgiving

I dunno man,I think hovering over people and yelling out tweets would ruin their appetites, make their holiday uncomfortable and miserable, and make yourself look like an inconsiderate, autistic asshole. You may want to reconsider doing this.


lol you’re one to talk about autism

Cool said nobody

Thanks for checking in, nobody

Or like how the comedy-legend Dennis Miller said 2 days ago (and hasn't said a thing since then)

As opposed to watching the Oscars tomorrow, I'm opting to kayak solo across the Pacific with a rabid raccoon loose in the leg space of the vessel.

What a hilarious circumstance!!

Circumstances are really the goldmine of comedy.

Needs to be a bit more wordy.

What, a comic trying to be funny? Now I've seen everything.

Amazing in this day and age. Colin will always be that kid on the stoop making fun of people passing by. God bless that old Mick

When I saw only one set of foot prints in the sand, is was then that I realized Collin was carrying me.

What do I know, you got your bucket,ya got a spicket,wha la a bucket of water.

Hey, I’m not elderly.

If colin quin was a user on this sub he would tell you guys to stop sucking his balls all the time for mediocre tweets

Thought he was mentioning Norton for a second

I dunno man,I think hovering over people and yelling out tweets would ruin their appetites, make their holiday uncomfortable and miserable, and make yourself look like an inconsiderate, autistic asshole. You may want to reconsider doing this.

oh literal faggot