"All my heroes are going down!"

66  2018-03-05 by enmara23


I shoot a guy in a Zulu tie nigga I'm like brother mouzone

You are assuming Bill is with her.

Like all good cucks he's there to fund and clean up when needs be.

What a classless, tacky, uncultured slob. I have no respect for Bill. What a clown.

get me pregnant so I can spend 9 months camped out on your couch watching operacion triunfo

BRAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA. No, you're better than living on a couch. I'll let you share my bed, or let you have the spare bedroom. Tourist season begins in 2 months, so I rent the upstairs of my house since I'm near the beach. They'll have to bare witness to our interracial lovemaking and inevitable drunken and violent blow out fights.

alright cool. if I'm not at home I'm getting white boy wasted at the chiringuito. xo

Whitified black girls are the worst. I'd take a ghetto hoodrat over one of these weird insecure identity-crisis blacks.

I'd take a ghetto hoodrat

Don't say things you can't take back


Grip the ratchet, fool. You finna blass dis mutt Billy.

Bill always said he loved Margaritas

His testosterone levels are low.

I'm confused by the point of these pictures and the title comment.

Burr criticises 'gold digging whores' for a lot of the same things Nia does, he railed against marriage in his act for years, quietly got married and then got pissy on O&J when Ari asked him about the wedding

Right but I think the pictures of burr just sitting next to her in an uber and her exercising don’t really demonstrate that point.

I can edit it down, I wasn't sure what would garner the most annoyance

I can’t imagine it would take much

In a treadmill video she was asking whether she should get the new gucci workout gear, that was quite rage inducing.

I don't remember the incident with Ari. Care to give me the basics? I don't feel like listening to O&J.

It was one of the episodes when the show goes to Montreal. Different comedians come in on different days, I believe Chris D'elia was in one show, on this certain day Pete Holmes, Ari Shaffir and Burr were in. The show was live on the radio obviously but video was being livestreamed on youtube, between commercials Sam would cut the audio off then come back and switch it on.

Just found it


^ It's here, notice how defensive and pissy Burr gets, it's hard to hear it in audio but when I watched it happen live on youtube you could see him getting really flustered being called on the fact that he railed against marriage in his act then said nothing once he got married quietly

Wow he acted like a pissy fag who has been ball busted too many times about it. Not even a joke or sincere answer.

Is this the same guy that took on all of Philly by himself?

“I don’t want to talk about that”.

Ari gets too much hate in this place. Sure he’s a Kikeasauras Rex but he calls people on their shit pretty often

My problem with him is that he’s not funny. Ever. Yeah calling people on their shit is cool but his stand up is terrible and I don’t find him wiping his ass with a chihuahua funny at all. That’s cringey desperate shit

amazing racist was funny as hell when I first saw it when I was 13

I know that bit but seriously those pictures really don't scream gold digger.

I hope she's not, man, I like Bill Burr a lot.

...but why the fuck do these talented people, at the top of their field, sleep with or mary unemployed women?!

Patrice ranted about this a few times, and Louis CK too. You got these people who worked hard for decades to become one of the best in their field, finally made some money off their talent and years or practice, then they end up with complete nobodies. Not even someone who's worked a regular job for long enough to get a few promotions or own a house that they worked and paid for...just random chicks who spend their money and don't work. I just don't get how they're OK with that.

I don't get it, after a drunken stupor i fucked a black chick and i was feeling sick while doing so. How can Bill keep up the charade?

What a reprehensible spade. I couldn't even get through the first few pictures before being utterly disgusted. How could you stand to be around this idiot all the time for the rest of your life? I'm an unemployed alcoholic who spends all day reading the o and a subreddit, and even I wouldn't trade lives with him.

the same man who ragged on Yoko and John. Nia couldn't hold a candle to fucking Yoko.

And Bill isn't a Beatle. He really is a less successful version of his own pet peeves.

yoko or nia? Who do you pick too share the bed with? I'm having trouble deciding too be quite honest.

Well Yoko doesn't look like a benchwarming power forward so I'll take her.

Their bedroom is a disgrace in terms of cord management. Money can't buy you class, and apparently basic home maintenance skills. Also Nia is an absolute monster.

Now I’m honestly wondering whether she has some level of retardation. Women are such a fucking mess right now. Jesus Christ Bill, what did you do. I genuinely hope she takes every penny.

We need to just round up everyone who's made a BitMoji and gas them?

I think they're kinda fun...

What a worthless human being she is. Who even gives a fuck that she keeps taking shitty selfies?

Ni__a is so fucking disgusting

I would have guessed she was a Banana Daiquiri type


It still hurts to know he’s with her, and locked in with a kid

Nia is not an attractive lady.

Let’s not mince words here. She is a hideous ape.

Does Bill ever acknowledge the distaste a great many people have for Nia? It’s not normal. Wives and gfs of other comedians usually aren’t commented on all that much.

What I find most offensive are her atrocious picture taking skills.

Hundreds of thousands of Japanese manhours have gone into making the act of taking a focused and correctly exposed digital photograph so incredibly easy, yet she can't manage a still shot on a $1000 phone.

You follow her on Snapchat ? She has a public Snapchat?

Bill Burr has turned into everything he hates and rants about

The Hennessy is for the gorilla and the bitch drink is for the ginger

Does Bill really have to spend all day every day with her?

Nice fat neckrolls banjo lips

Only married her to make himself look better to the SJWs in Hollywood. All that money can't pay for the fact that you married a dumb, disgusting, leach, nigger Amazonian lady that constantly cucks you for existing. Oh and that baby definitely isn't yours William. Hope it was worth it.

Like all good cucks he's there to fund and clean up when needs be.