OK, I'm immediately on Anthony's side after watching this. Fucking animals.

31  2018-03-05 by Cullen396


I mean, it's true that there's a bunch of trashy people from the ghetto. They do shit like this. White and black.

But I think it's more of a ghetto issue than a black issue. But it does get my blood boiling when I see this shit

No, it's a third world problem. This is what black and brown people do. They have no honor, integrity, dignity, or civility. I grew up in various shit neighborhoods in NYC, during the crack epidemic. Not even spics would jump you, unless they were drunk, if you won or fought a one on one fight.

You can't defend them on this one. I've never seen white trash gang up on people and stomp their heads

Oh hey apologetic white guy. How's your wife's son?

This is Case A of denial, deceit and delusion.

This kind of shit makes me angry for so many reasons. I can't even come up with a snarky line. I'm just going to log off the internet for today.

Just accept this is reality. No need to get angry, just understand when the time comes, have absolutely no mercy on them or the race traitors who not only tolerate this behavior, but justify and encourage it.

Don't go fam

I can’t bring myself to watch this video ... too early in the day and in the week to get angry.

You rang? What's the big shock. This is what black people are. And, no it's not a poverty issue or a cultural issue. It's a biological problem. They're quite obviously and frankly less evolved. You have to be delusional beyond hope not to see this.

there we go.

I honestly don't understand what the big problem with what I'm saying is. EVERYONE knows I'm right, it's just some people will never admit out loud for fear of having their life ruined. This is the third world reality. Science proves this. Reality proves this. Walking down the street and lifting your head proves this. This whole PC charade is the biggest farce in the social sciences. Third world people will die with the Western White man, whether or not we win. The Hindus, Chinese, and Eastern White man, will not make the same mistakes we made. There is no helping them. We'd wasted trillions, destroyed our countries and civilization, have given them the benefit of every doubt we had in us, have sacrificed our future and destiny, and they've only gotten worse. Black people will readily admit to you in private if they respect you, that they're hopeless. Only wealthy white suburban liberals, who have no contact with the Negroid, outside of a mudshark having a one night stand with Daekwonko, and who stealthily keep the monkeys limited to poor white and brown neighborhoods, still live in the delusion that we can help them.

No problem. Anyone who grew up in a crack era city in the crack era knows this is how they act

The level of brainwashing, willful ignorance, and cognitive dissonance of people who refuse to understand the reality of racial differences in light of overwhelming evidence is astounding to me. I just don't see it. I've heard every excuse there is, poverty, culture, drugs, broken home, institutionalized racism that for some reason seems to extraordinarily benefit Jews, Yellows, and Hindus, and when all logic, reason, common sense is exhausted, it's karma paying us back. It really is unbelievable, and at this point I'm salivating eagerly anticipating the collapse. I want their third world pets to turn on the yuppies and hipsters first. The looks on their faces and their calls for genocide are gonna be hysterical to me. We can finally do evolution a favor, and put them out of their misery once and for all, at the same time.

If you look in West Virginia or Kentucky where there are some poor as fuck white people strung out on oxy and spun out on meth you might see a tv getting stolen and sold to a pawn shop but those hicks(who have guns) aren't killing each other

Exactly, or beating assaulting eachother. Plus those white trash rust belt states receive the least in gov't handouts, and they've been all but completely ignore by the country and treated with out right hatred. No free jobs, education, or other obscene privileges. White people have lost their minds due to White guilt It's that simple.

unrelated, but whats your job in spain? i wonder how you could so easily move there

Living off my savings. I did well for myself stateside, and did some wise investing, including buying a house over here, where it's relatively cheap to live. I drank, and drugged most of my money away, and provided for 3 bastard children until my baby momma's finally found some dope to provide for them. But I'm ok for now, and giving myself another 6 months to get my sobriety and life on track, before I move to a bigger city near me, where I also own an apt. I'm renting and looking for work. The economy is garbage here, but so long as I get any job, I'll probably be ok.

damn. nice . you work in fincance or sth?

No. I was a regular Joe type, but b/c I was poor and had personal tragedy I had to work full time right out of HS. I had full scholarships, and went to various schools in the NYC metro area at night or on weekends, but could never find the time to completely finish my degree, and by the time I was about to graduate there wasn't much I was gonna do with what I studied, so I gave up on academia. I also always worked waiting tables and Bartending at decent spots in trendy neighborhoods when the economy was very good in the late 90's, very early 2000's. So I was able to save, without having any debt, which gave me a huge head start over my peers, but I found a way to fuck it up anyhow.

If you have to say "everyone knows I'm right" in your argument, perhaps you should work on your talking points.

It's poverty, culture, and education. Shitty people raising shitty kids. There are plenty of mid-class or upper-class black people who were raised by good parents that do not behave this way. Do you think they evolved over night?

There's plenty of poor black people who don't behave this way, and go on to become surgeons. There's rich Jews and Asians, like Elliot Rodger who commit massacres. But this isn't a few bad apples soiling the bunch. This is a clearly low IQ, poor impulse control, primitive, feral, undisciplined, problem. Millions of dirt poor illiterate European peasants came over, living in dire circumstances that make the worst hood in contemp. black America look like Disneyworld by comparison. Didn't stop them from assimilating, the same it didn't stop millions of Asian/Hindu immigrants from now being the most successful demo in history. The same way a nuked, destroyed, ravaged Japan, and similarly Germany rebounded back, and within a generation were again dominating their continents, and responsible for remarkable achievement. It's almost all genetic, with of course, some environment. All the data is on my side. You're delusional to think otherwise. But, I guess you'll just bury your head in the sand, and keep throwing money we don't have, at a problem that's only getting worse with each generation. Sunk cost fallacy is just a myth after all.

I assume by now you have read Richard Lynn, right ?

No, quien es?

Have fun ! It's what Anthony would read if he wasn't so lazy.

I'm surprised this still hasn't been outlawed. If you want a real hoot, read Japanese genetics studies. Bless their wacky hearts and complete disregard for PC politics.

Do you have an English version of these studies readily available ? I'm in a peevish mood.

No. I forgot the scientist's name, but he's been banned from working in the West despite being amongst the world's upmost scholars in the field. Much like how they destroyed James Watson for wrong think. He and his staff, were a bunch of crazy Jap Autistic geniuses who conducted amazingly detailed research on many things, including on why men found light eyes more attractive, and consequently was already under fire. I know a lot of their research is flat out banned in Western academia for being too controversial, aka truthful.


Prove that it's genetic.

Live in the hood like me you white suburban fagot.

Nice proof, retard. Must have been that NYU education.

The hood is environmental.

Come to my old hood off Liberty Ave in Jamaica Queens, you lil bitch. You wouldn't dear.

So much for having all the evidence, idiot. Get a DNA test you might be one of those low IQ negroids.

What's wrong with niggers? you afraid of them?

That's right you lil bitch. Nothing.

You spend half your time being bitterly angry and the other half ranting about your race science that you think is obvious and has all the evidence in support of it.

What's obvious is your entire worldview is flimsy and collapses at the slightest bit of scrutiny, and you can't defend it against someone who's even remotely critical of your bigoted stupidity.

good. leave. go to Africa. later faggot.

Good what? If you drink less you'll be less incoherent.

I have a Canadian cheating hoe here. Worry about that,cuck.

It's called fucking around on reddit, on a sub full of degenrates having a few laughs. If you take any of this to heart, you're a big fucking baby. Calm down, sunshine, the world ain't ending. Have a good night, sweetie pie, and have a good weekend, dude.

Atleast Brown People Arent afraid to crack a scull if this happens to them or someone they know.

Neither are White people, they're afraid of the media circus and trumped up hate crime charges they'd get for defending themselves or ending up in prison for daring to speak the truth like they do in Europe, where there's no free speech. This shit is exactly how you get far right people voting in far right governments, and when SHTF, like it's about to do in South Africa, this is how you get average Joe's going on a homicidal war path, and hanging and butchering traitors in the streets like they did in post war Europe to Nazi collaborators and once the wall fell to Commies.

I like your take on this, let's be friends.

It's not even a take. It's good ole common sense. Remember that scene in Anaconda, where everyone is debating whether or not to stand back and wait for somebody who probably got killed, and that gay English dude, I think his name was Westbridge, says something along the lines of, " C,mon now, we all know he's dead, let's stop fooling ourselves." Well, that's all this is. Basic math and understanding reality. Unfortunately White people have been manipulated by 4 generations of rabid shaming tactics to accept this as part and parcel of doing the right thing. Anyone who dares even bringing this up is immediately villainized as a fervent Nazi, which makes people who were generally tolerant and genuinely concerned with actual social justice jaded, bitter, and eventually hardcore right wing types. Anybody, who as of 2018, who doesn't see what's happening here is beyond help.

I remember telling a black dude in Baltimore that nothing will change there until black stop killing each other every day. He was genuinely surprised, as if he had never thought of it that way before.

Violence is in their genes, they're like chimpanzees

I wouldn't even go that far. Much of what I type here is said for comic effect and to fuck around with people who disagree, and lurkers from places like Chapo, but I do feel bad for blacks. They're always gonna be somebody else's problem, and are always gonna get the shit end of the stick. This was there last chance, as the West is now in MASSIVE free fall to get things right, and they fucked it up beyond repair. I think they either consciously or subconsciously know they're fucked, whether the West goes on to live and become stronger, and we end up committing suicide, and letting the Chinese and Russians steam roll into Europe and do what we've become too weak to do. The hopeless and despair of this reality, mated with already low IQ, primitive culture, and unevolved feral nature is a recipe for catastrophe.

Black people hate white people and want to see it all burn down. Even after western civilization falls, they'll still be here digging through the trash. I think you give their mental capabilities too much credit, they're not thinking that deeply about these things.

Could be. South Africa will be the last straw for them. They covered up Rhodesia, and the catastrophe of post Apartheid S Africa, they won't be able to mask this. The internet is following this all very closely now, and we got Trump in the White House tweeting third world atrocities and spilling the beans on what's become of Europe, like he exposed Sweden's suicide for the whole world to see. All I know is this is not going to work out. They have failed. Period. Anyone who denies this is beyond hope and should be deported to Africa and the Middle east along with the other undesirables before they sink us all. This will only end at bloodshed as people are just now finally starting to concede defeat to the lunatic notion that this globalist melting pot is working.

Evolution is adaptation. Acting however you want and making it the fault of the victim is the ultimate in beating the rules. They are more evolved than whites

Yes and No. If Whites didn't have their massive superiority complexand arrogance, they woulda been dead centuries ago. But, now that I think about it, you're right. The Chinks and Ruskies are next in line. We were too weak to do what's necessary.


Dude, if I wanted to hear this shit all day I'd subscribe to compound media.

Oh well, I can at least comfort myself with the fact that me and my family managed to resist our genetic disposition and behave like white people, even though we have Ethiopian blood in our veins. But hey, I was born in Sweden so what would I know about people from around the world? I'll probably flourish into a full-blown cuck in the near future anyways. I'm just glad Patrice didn't have to experience what this fanbase is slowly but surely distorting into. RIP

Patrice was an actual cuck. He's even a bigger joke than Burr.

What's Bill Burr ever done apart from marrying a black woman? Would you prefer it if he goes down Nortons or Ants path instead?

What he did was far worse than the other two fags. He became the epitome of a hypocrite b/c of his white guilt.

Personally I prefer a white guilter who is still funny than an unhinged alcoholic racist and a spineless appeaser.

Personally it doesn't matter. You savages will have destroyed yourlast chance at redemption, and will be at the mercy of people far worse than me. It's over, pal. Enjoy your revenge fantasy while it lasts. Guys like me killed Nazi's and Commie's for fun. You're an after thought.

Oh but wait, I thought you were fucking around by mentioning you were a nigger living in Sweden. Now I understand you're not. You third world monkeys have destroyed that country. When we invade, you will not be spared.

You work on your invasion and I'll stay here enjoying life. I pay my taxes and I'm kind to people around me. If that makes me a third world monkey, then so be it. Also, just to make things clear, I absolutely despise white guilt and PC-tardness, but I also despise ignorant hicks such as yourself. If you weren't so prejudiced against people from other ethnicities you'd find a lot more allies to fight beside you against these ubiquitous PC-tards.

I was raised in NYC. I'm an immigrant to America. I come from a long line of Conquistadors. I know exactly what everyone is about. Leave if you're not happy. Our civilization is a privilege, not a right. Either way, you're too stupid to realize how fucked you are. The white guilt is over. We'll send you monkeys back home and butcher the degenerates who allowed you monkeys here in the first place.

I'm perfectly happy so I'd prefer to stay here in Stockholm where I was born and raised (thanks for the offer though). You, on the other hand, seem awfully unhappy. I wish I could share some of my black genes with you so you'd be more at ease in life.

Sweden will be the first Western country to fall to Third world savagery. I'm in Spain, now. You people are fucked. Enjoy our generosity while it lasts bro. The Russians will make short work of that once glorious country which now has the worst standard of living in Europe from being the top. Gee, I wonder why.

I don't know what "statistics" you've been reading, but according to the World Economic Forum we are number 6 in the world when it comes to standard of living. All it takes is 10 seconds on google, but beware, there is a risk that it will cause slight dissonance in your echochamber.

Sweden is finished. Stop the charade dude. Are we better off with you or without you people? Answer that.

Yes, I do believe we are better off with "those people". Truth of the matter is that we need people to do the shitty jobs us Swedes don't wanna come near. We outlawed slavery in the fourteenth century, plus that Sweden was a really shitty country to live in before the early twentieth century so no one wanted to immigrate here. This meant that when we saw our rapid advance in education and technology together with our neighbours, we started running a deficit of unskilled labour. Therefore immigration has been economically beneficial for us. And sure, lately we've been taking in more refugees than we'd optimally like to, but that is because we care apart from a lot of other countries (especially the oil-rich arab states). Americans are perfectly fine shooting and bombing people all around the world, but when people flee from those territories the US shuts the door on them. And that's especially ironic considering that it's the american invasion of Iraq 2003 that set in motion the spiral of events that led us to the situation we are currently in. And honestly, hearing some of the stories of many of my closest friends and coworkers and the hazardous lives they've fled from really strikes a chord in me (as it should in any human being). And yeah, we have to pay a lot of taxes in Sweden, but I'm perfectly fine with that. I have free education, healthcare and five weeks of paid leave just to mention a few. And if we can help people fleeing from the horrors of war while we're at it that is a very, very small sacrifice for me to make, to the great benefit of others. I'm not saying Sweden is some perfect utopian society, but I'm so immeasurably thankful I was born here and live the life that I live. And I find it utterly repulsive to blame all people of color for something certain individuals do, just as I'm utterly repulsed by feminists blaming all men for the acts of a few.

OMG. Dude, just stop. The feminists are the only reason you enjoy our civilization. You won't be spared. Understand this.


starts squealing while making gibberish negro click-noises

BTW, you being a good nigger, will still get you time on the Donald. Sweden is finished.

I'm just glad that we don't elect narcissistic celebrity retards over here so I don't have to deal with that shit.

No you voted in feminists who have destroyed that country. You're finished, just too stupid to realize it yet. America and the Russians will take care of that in one generations from now, again. You don't deserve us, nigger.

Oh, I can't live in Russia or the United States? What a loss.....

No, you can't. And we're gonna liberate Europe yet again. You go back to your monkey country. Cool?

Can you help me learn the language and integrate to the society of this new country I'm getting deported to?

Back to your monkey country that failed.

You are not European. You are not white. You are a monkey who got lucky. You will die when SHTF. Good riddance.

Oh well, keep fantasizing about your racially pure future. I'm gonna go to bed now. Gotta pay dem taxes boi! Fingers crossed I don't get gang raped or mowed down by a truck tomorrow! :)

I almos feel bad for you. But you seem like a nigger who's not self aware yet. Good luck and good night, man.

You are not Swedish. You never will be. You are cancer that has infested people dumb enough to help you. The faggot Swedes cannot help you and you will be deported once civilization retroes itself.

No one has helped us. My mother was adopted and she fought tooth and nail to provide me with the right circumstances to live a prosperous life to the detriment of her own. And I think it's only fair of me to consider myself as a Swede, since it's my sole mother tongue and it's the only country I've ever known.

Leave if you're not happy monkey.

I'm happy. It's you that want me to leave. I think your tranponian dementia is starting to kick in.

Keep telling yourself that bro. Sad thing is I'm sure youre a good guy trying todo right by big white daddy. But it's too late. You don't belong here.


Sweden is now the rape and crime capital of the civilized world. Tell me again, how you animals are a benefit to their society that was once, along with Japan virtually crime free? The nerve of you fucking degenerates. 90 % of all Africans and Muslims in Europe are completely funded by the state, and you have the audacity to claim you people are somehow a credit to the work force. I'm sure you're a good dude, and your nigger mother probably had the best intentions for you, but we must get rid of you all. You're a cancer, and I hope the Russians level that shithole of a once beautiful country. I can't wait for the Swedes to turn on you one you animals completely destroy Stockholm and Malmo, sanctimonious cocksuckers. Fuck all you subhuman monkeys.

The reason Sweden is the "rape capital" of the world is because we persecute sexual offenses wildly different than all other countries. First of all, if you get raped multiple times it counts as multiple rapes. If a woman gets raped by her boyfriend every day for a year, in Sweden that counts as 365 rapes offences. In other countries it counts as one offence. This is the absolute biggest reason there are so many reported rapes in Sweden. In Sweden we also have a lot wider definition of what counts as rape compared in other countries. For example, what merely counts as sexual misconduct in the US, constitutes rape in Sweden. That's the other big reason.

And the "fact" that 90 percent of Africans and Muslims are completely funded by state welfare is just laughable. In Sweden immigrants even start more small business endeavours than Swedes do.

It's a shame you don't make use of your superior aryan intuition and brain capacity to find out what the actual facts are before you open our mouth and start spewing nonsensical shitvomits all over the internet.

Also, kek at getting told by a bot tier spaniard that I'm not Swedish. Ohhh that hurts. sadface But if that makes your miserable life on this earth feel a little more meaningful, then keep it up. I can handle a couple more insults before I go fetal in my shower and shove ice cream in my mouth between waves of intense crying.

Whatever gets you through the day friend. Like I said, I'm sure you're a fantastic dude, but you're delusional. I grew up in NYC. I'm in Spain, now, and it's no different. You people have destroyed everything. We are far better off without, and you know it. Sweden is done, but you people have lost your minds and don't see it. My cousin is a lawyer here and works for the prison system. 75% of the inmates are niggers and sand niggers despite being a very small minority of the population. I can't even imagine what it's like over there. But like Donny T said " Sweeedddeeeen, in Swedddeeeennn for God's sakes. Your adopted homeland is now ground zero for the Kalergi plan and the laughing stock of the West. When Stockholm falls the way Malmo is lost, do not look for help and shelter. You people have done this to yourselves.

It's actually pretty hilarious; I used to live in Malmö before I got a job up in Stockholm so I was so stoked to see the unbridled race war going on. But when I got to Rosengård, which is the worst area, it was the lamest fucking place I've ever been in. It's literally like 12 apartment complexes covering the tiniest area imaginable, and every couple of weeks some gangbangers shoot at each other.

And yeah, in Sweden about 70 percent of the prison population are immigrants, of which 35 percent don't have Swedish citizenship. But even though that is the case, crime levels in Sweden haven't moved at all during the 21st century, whether it be before or after the influx of immigrants, so it's not fair to say that immigration has caused a massive increase in crime.

But I'm sure your a nice dude as well. Even though we have wildly different viewpoints and opinions, I'm glad we can at least have a civilized discussion about this. You think I'm delusional and I think that you're delusional. Fair and square, you can't expect everyone to have the same opinions as yourself.

Goodbye subreddit. Lol

I HATE TO SAY IT BUT: if this was a pack of white kids beating up a black kid this shit would be on every fucking news outlet.

Except this never happens. Meanwhile this is the daily reality of anyone who has had the misfortune of being around third worlders. Again, EVERYONE, knows exactly what's happening, they just don't want Big Uncle Shekelstein and the nanny state to come along and destroy their life for wrong think. When the collapse happens, have absolutely no mercy on the wicked and weak. The White man's compassion, mercy, and altruism, along with our degenerate women, are our biggest weakness. Our enemies have exploited this for millennia. But not anymore.

I guess you forgot to laugh.

I saw his show once. It's literally him playing clips like the above for 2 hours and rattling off crime statistics. It was even too depressing and bizarre for me. I can't believe people actually spend their days like this. When I bring up race, it's almost exclusively here, and especially after I'm summoned y another user looking for a cheap laugh. Even my few comments here and watching that video once have already sapped and exhausted all my energy. There's being honest about race, and then there's obsession. Mr. forgets to laugh is the latter.

It’s not raining inside, come in brother.

I'm afraid. I heard there's some bad people in there.

But it's cold out there...


They’re the biggest pussies ever, they can NEVER fight one on one.

plays Candy Crush in the background

To be honest, I was already on his side with regards to this. I absolutely fucking hate these animals. I only ever want to live somewhere where their numbers are sparse.

Go shoot one. Nobody cares. Nobody investigates. Clean the gene pool.

THIS is the one that convinced you? Not the video of the sheboon punching a four year old white boy in the face when he tried to protect his sister, who was getting getting pummeled on the pavement while screaming “I’m sorry...I don’t know what I did- please stop”?


Silver lining, the video pretty much is proof of crime. Thanks bystander, ya boyz are going to prison and or paying hefty damages.

Anarox, for some reason I thought you were one of the few hardcore Left members here. Believe it or not, I'm actually fairly apolitical, and just waiting for the collapse to happen in the West to enjoy the fireworks. Are you in the same boat?

I used to be left leaning and still am in some regards, this video doesn't make me hate all black people but there is definitely an issue where not one of these assholes stepped up and stopped the fight and instead jumped in with kicks. That can't be unseen. But will I do something about it or rant on Twitter for days? No.

I'm in the same exact boat as you, pal. It's astonishing what we've been reduced to as a civilization, where we all almost agree with eachother, but are too chickenshit or afraid to unite and move forward. BTW, I'm assuming you didn't lie when you said your were on medico? I have a quick question. Permiso to PM? If not that's cool, too.

Yeah sure pm away

thanks, bro.

It's beyond fucked how warped the politics in the US are when you would expect every Leftie to defend the behavior in this video somehow. I am pretty fucking left leaning on most social issues but would have no issue about executing every single nigger participating in this video including the one yelling "WORLDSTAR".

They all look alike tho

They are violent, stupid and cowardly, shouldn't be a surprise to anyone.

What the fuck? These are always infuriating...you’re right...animals.

Wait till you see the video of the black nanny throwing the baby and stomping on the kid. Your blood will boil.

Link? I’m in a good mood today, lets change that.

That sucked

Yeah white kids never jump in... (giggles)

So you guys think is worse than kid shot up a school last weel, lol.

He was a Hispanic. And you're gonna trade places with this kid soon enough when you get deported you degenerate faggot.

White kid shoots up a school for the umpteenth time none of you fuckers bats an eye lid.

He was Hispanic. And that death count is a weekend in any black neighborhood in the country. But you'll be deported to Liberia soon enough.

Incorrect. He was caucasian, adopted by parents with a hispanic last name.

ITT: a bunch of guys who don't know any black people.

Exactly. I grew up in a school system that was basically half black half white and there were very few black people like this. I like making race jokes as much as anyone but every race has their shitty ass people. Hell most of these mass shooters end up being angry white dudes.

Sigh.... this is why I just stay at home these days.... polishing

Polishing your peckah?


they turn into rabid chimps whenever a fight breaks out. even if they don’t jump in, there they are in the background jumping and jolting around barely able to contain their excitement.

I’m sure you people will make it a race argument, but let’s just accept the fact that it’s FAGGOT SHIT to jump in to a fight when your boy is losing, fair and square. Every fight should be one-on-one, that’s how REAL FUCKING MEN do it. Unless the fight starts with three people or a different group; the gang-up shit in this video is wrong. Your crew beating up the guy doesn’t help your crew. It’s animal nonsense. I used to watch the WSHH fights at work with Black co-workers, and even they’d agree that every fight should (realistically) be one on one, and that the gang-up shit bothers them.

Reasons to own and carry a gun #5,029

Have fun ! It's what Anthony would read if he wasn't so lazy.

I'm surprised this still hasn't been outlawed. If you want a real hoot, read Japanese genetics studies. Bless their wacky hearts and complete disregard for PC politics.

I'm in the same exact boat as you, pal. It's astonishing what we've been reduced to as a civilization, where we all almost agree with eachother, but are too chickenshit or afraid to unite and move forward. BTW, I'm assuming you didn't lie when you said your were on medico? I have a quick question. Permiso to PM? If not that's cool, too.


Exactly. I grew up in a school system that was basically half black half white and there were very few black people like this. I like making race jokes as much as anyone but every race has their shitty ass people. Hell most of these mass shooters end up being angry white dudes.

The reason Sweden is the "rape capital" of the world is because we persecute sexual offenses wildly different than all other countries. First of all, if you get raped multiple times it counts as multiple rapes. If a woman gets raped by her boyfriend every day for a year, in Sweden that counts as 365 rapes offences. In other countries it counts as one offence. This is the absolute biggest reason there are so many reported rapes in Sweden. In Sweden we also have a lot wider definition of what counts as rape compared in other countries. For example, what merely counts as sexual misconduct in the US, constitutes rape in Sweden. That's the other big reason.

And the "fact" that 90 percent of Africans and Muslims are completely funded by state welfare is just laughable. In Sweden immigrants even start more small business endeavours than Swedes do.

It's a shame you don't make use of your superior aryan intuition and brain capacity to find out what the actual facts are before you open our mouth and start spewing nonsensical shitvomits all over the internet.

Also, kek at getting told by a bot tier spaniard that I'm not Swedish. Ohhh that hurts. sadface But if that makes your miserable life on this earth feel a little more meaningful, then keep it up. I can handle a couple more insults before I go fetal in my shower and shove ice cream in my mouth between waves of intense crying.