This street cheetah isn't funny and has pulled the "mmmmm hmmmmm/what had happin' was" card too far

8  2018-03-05 by crookedmile


And in this episode of Love Boat, the part of Sassy Tryna-be-Funny Black Woman joins Generic Obnoxious Black Woman on the Ledo deck for more laughs and more fun.

Dats racis!

Anyone know anybody who watches this shit? Is it women?

Who has the Patrice clip where he exposes how black women always have to be portrayed as some crazy loud black mamma type to be accepted by white society.

Is this that? Or is this unfunny niglet covering for her massive insecurity at the ridicule she's receiving from other women for wearing the same piece of clothing? #edgy

Black women have to act like this or they get accused of being uncle Toms or "not black enough." It must be frustrating if you're just like a regular person and not an obnoxious cartoon character.

Once Ant asked Patrice why black folks mispronounced simple one syllable words like beer and hair, which would come out as bur and hur.

Patrice offered a simple answer: Niggas deliberately mispronounce words just to piss off white folks.