Is anyone going to tune into the oscars? I dont know about you but I AM STOKED about getting lectured by our cultural high priests. Tonight, the stars come out not to shine but to scold you and bring down commandments from the mount!

6  2018-03-05 by CONCHOPETEghostcock



I’m avoiding it but I walked by a TV and heard some black actor standing on the red carpet say “ a black kid from the south side of Chicago, I...”

Oh for the love of god, even when I randomly sample 2 seconds of the Oscars, it’s identity politics and leftist moralizing.




Im watching it right now but only so human voices play as I get progressively drunker.

Guess my prayers for a massive gas fire that killed everyone of those blowhard fucks went unanswered for another year.

I hear they're planning a tribute to Fatty Arbuckle.

And the winners are niggers, spics fags and mentally ill what evers.