Oh, the good days.

70  2018-03-04 by RBuddCumia


Love means never having to say you're sorry for biting someone and cracking their ribs.

There's a couple of gross people that belong together.

Reminder: this guy doesn't believe in love

Of course he doesn't belong in romantic love, fucking spook didn't even love his mother

The old bitch was quick with the pipe, tho

Despite that, he hands out 12 hour anniversary cards

That is truly stomach-turning

Yet somehow, not surprising.

What a bitch.

they found the Glock.

I hate interracial couples.

Back when a choker was just a choker

My goodness is he pock-marked.

They're like the Ross and Rachel of drunk, white trash psychotics.

F . I . E . N . D . S

Your job is done

You're broke

Your gun is MIA


Awwwww...young love is so sweet.

"Young love" and "loving the young" are two very different things...

C'mon baby! Wanna sing some karaoke!?

Back when he had his guns.

She will be found in a dumpster outside Gallup, NM.

My driveway has better complexion than him.

TRADITIONAL VALUES: Anthony Cumia buttfucked his friend Vinnie's daughter

...... I mean, I know he didn't mean it. It's just a tough situation. It's not like Vinny was mother fucking me by cancelling my shows last minute. It's just tough, man. But it would be funny if his daughter was getting fucked by someone thrice her age.... It'd be very naughty, especially if it were a friend of mine..... and if a certain friend were to do that, I'd NEVER say a word about that friend's doings with a certain Kurt Love, not to anyone.....

i would have totally believed if this photo was taken last night

After being exposed to months of tranny posts on this sub, I now find her boyish frame to be very sexy and am envious of Tranps.

And you knew who you where then. Girls were girls and men were men.


To sir, with zits.

How did he ever think that was going to turn out well?

I've spoken to Dani a few times on Twitter since the incident.

She doesn't even leave her apartment much anymore.

Ant completely destroyed Dani. Ruined her for life.

No, she is out in California living with some nerdy looking dude.

5 months ago she said "I barely leave my house anymore". Maybe just exaggerating and whining like all women do, but it didn't sound like she is living a good life with that settlement cash.

Anthony is one of those guys who's super lovey dovey when he's with his girlfriend and then acts like he's too cool and manly for that shit when He's single or with his buddies.

Little did we know where those chompers would eventually end up...

Anthony looks like a thumb that's been in a hot bath for too long.

Your job is done

You're broke

Your gun is MIA


No, she is out in California living with some nerdy looking dude.