Opie is monumentally stupid.

18  2018-03-04 by RBuddCumia


well, math really is where he showed the most promise.

Definitely is

I'll get killed for this, but I'm not sure where Opie was really stupid here. Annoying maybe, but he brought up a real point for once about what animal is second place. If anything, Louie didn't have good points... "I'm not sure there's a big problem with cancer among racoons." Well, actually animals get cancer just like humans, they just don't know to go to a doctor when they feel ill. When they are treated, guess what, it's because humans are doing it.

What? This is dumb pot talk like when he talked about what water is made of (tink abowt it!). Is there an intelligent conversation in there? Sure, but not with Opie steering the ship.

Schink about it.

Schinkle bout it

Yeah this is one of the examples of people thinking Louis was gonna be brilliant, but all he really had here was attitude. Tonally, he made it sound as if he was more thoughtful and knowledgeable than anyone in the room but in reality he sounded as dumb as anyone else about the topic.

If you think about how long it took humans to go from dumb apes to shooting rockets into space, the "second place" animal may only be 100,000-200,000 years behind us in development. That's nothing in evolutionary terms.

Louie had a great point about bugs dominating us in biomass, Gregg just ignored it and talked over him.

But if ALL other animals evolved from dinosaurs, they're still on the EXACT same level... Hell, what if they evolved from even smarter dinosaurs, into dumber animals, while we evolved from 'dumb' into 'intelligent'?

They're not on the exact same level, though. You think that because you're sufficiently removed from them that they all seem to be the same, but there's a huge variation in how intelligent and sophisticated animals are.

Of course there is. My point is that no one knows what intelligence WAS and now IS. I'm simply saying that humans have clearly advanced way beyond what animals have ALWAYS been, which is of much lesser intelligence.

You don't know that we're "way" beyond animals. It might appear that way because we use technology, but see my edit above.

That technology didn't fall from the fucking sky dude, it took an advanced human mind to create it. WTF are you talking about??????

If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of Giants.

Human intelligence hasn't changed in at least 100,000 years if not more. Technological progress has been exponential because every significant technological advancement makes future significant advancements 10x easier and quicker to discover. My point is that from a biological perspective the creature that sat around in caves fucking around with stone tools for a hundred thousand years is the exact same creature that went from writing to the iPad in less than ten thousand years. Progress takes time as well as "an advanced human mind", right?

Absolutely, it takes time, but evolution of the mind is different. We've gone from riding horses for thousands of years, to riding in cars within two hundred years, and ect ect. Millions of years VS 200 years is pretty goddamn impressive, no?

Gregg's voice is so fucking obnoxious.

After the first couple years working at XM tits decided that he was going to switch to having a ‘boss jock’ voice. It sounded like he would dig his chin into his chest and try to ‘growl’ his words. He also stopped doing the high pitched cackle and switched to a norton like ‘Hyuk hyuk’ trying to be endearing kinda laugh. He ruined so many good moments not just because of his lack of good contributions but because of a shitty fake fucking inflection.

This is the same man who can't figure out salt water

Opie does have a good point