122  2018-03-04 by TangerineReam

The best and only decent Cumia, by far (as u/Alansmithee22 pointed out).

  • Graduated college

  • Visited her mom

  • Took care of her mom

  • Started her own business, and works hard at it

  • Never had her hand out

  • Doesn't get an allowance of 60k a year, like her idiot brother

  • Probably a good mother

  • great big guinea tits and ass


The exception to the rule. The rule being that Cumias are cunts.

You either have one or are one it seems.

Anthony is one and has one

He has a man pussy. Ask Sue.

Just imagine how much perverted panty sniffing and lecherous looks of lust she had to endure growing up around Joe and Anthony.

Anthony admitted to making her and her friend do handstands when they were little so he could watch their shirts go up and see their nips.

She secretly hates her two useless brothers.

She should be a mod here

Fuck off, Erock!

"She's solid. She's a fuckin marine."

Look....why take a chance?...

least thats how I feel about it...

In the case of these 2 Sicilian mutts, it's always darkest before Dawn.

Line of the day chippah

yea Dawn is the only CLEAN one or sumtin tss...

Wouldn't miss a beat in life if all social media platforms ended tomorrow. Meanwhile her brothers would curl into a fetal position and never recover.

I question her bloodline. I need her on a media outlet denouncing some sick perversion she is into.

Does Joe REALLY get 60k a year from Ant??? If so, WHY!!!???

Because of a "childhood pact" that if one them made it they would take care of the other. Except only a true loser would try to make his more successful brother honor that pact in their late 50s.

I totally get wanting to take care of your family, but WTF!

Any isn't known to have good decision making skills. Brother Joe knew how much of a dope he was, but Ant looked up to his big brother and didn't know any better. So Joe played him.

Probably brought up the arrangement repeatedly throughout the years while doing nothing to become wealthy himself.

Instead he spent all of his spare time playing half-assed guitar for shitty covers songs,

It's also totally not like welfare or anything. The Cumias earn their keep. Unlike the coloureds.

Does anybody have a screenshot of when he said this? I don't doubt it... I just want to read it.

Plus Joe created the Opie and Anthony Show by introducing them. He deserves it!

to be fair, Ant was the useless bum while Joe was the successful one up until Ant met Opie. so Joe was probably giving an allowance to Ant during the first 30 years of their lives.

What I wouldn't give to know how it came about... I mean I know the whole childhood pact thing, but once Ant started making money, did Joe at one point seriously approach him and remind him of the silly little fantasy pact they made? Ant is one of the most spineless people in the universe.

is 60,000 considered a lot? sorry, I'm from California where that doesn't even get you middle class anymore.

Yes, out here in reality, 60K is what most make in a few years.

Tax free and for doing nothing? Yes, I’d say that’s a lot

I'm not sure where that amount came from, but it could be accurate.

As I recall, it wasn't from childhood; it was from their 20s, when they both were working blue-collar jobs that they hated and were both trying to break into show business somehow: if one got rich and the other didn't, the one who made it would take care of the other one.

It's actually kind of sweet, and I would definitely be pissed off if a close relative of mine started making $2 million a year or whatever Ant was making and didn't kick a little my way, because they could easily afford it and I would do the same for them if the roles were reversed.

I think what rubs people the wrong way about Joe is that, rather than being discreet about it (not mentioning it unless asked, and even then just coyly saying that "Ant is generous with his family" or something), he has openly posted pics of himself with thousands of dollars in hundred dollar bills, bragging about how much money Ant gives him and that he doesn't have to work for it. Instead of displaying discreet old money sensibilities, it's total white trash guys who won the lottery.

While I would be pissed if a close relative didn't share that kind of good fortune with me, unlike Joe I also wouldn't talk about it and wouldn't want anyone outside the family to know that I'm being supported by another person.

Has Joe ever worked a day in his life?

Karma will bite him in the ass hard! I had a dude rip me off on some weed a few weeks back, and yesterday I learned he got busted for possession! KARMA ALWAYS WINS!

That's when I realized Ant was black. Followed that fine Puerto Rican on twitter.

Can someone post the guinea tits and ass?

If Fez loved her, and he's afraid to love anyone, then she's gotta be good!

Dawn Cumia, ANTHONY'S sister.


How do you know Ant doesn't at least gift her a chunk of money every year or hasn't bought her big purchases like a house, car, or the money needed to start her own businesses?

Don't ruin the narrative.

She's married to that oaf who has the same size tits as Opie and the same haircut as Randy Quaid in Kingpin. Might not be the best decision maker

She would have been far better off with Fez. Plus the added fun of seeing Anthony and Joe have to be nice to Fez. Fez at all the Cumia family holiday bashes at the compound, Fez coming to the pool parties and poker nights. It would have been grand.

Let's not rewrite histiry, Fez liked Ant and Ant liked Fez. He even callef into the show after he left Ron.

Opie hated Fez like a visceral deep hatred that he couod barely conceal and was different than the usual paranoia/fear induced hatred he has for all his coworkers and former friends like Ant,Sam,Jim,Vis etc

I just didn't see Fez being a long term, regular visitor to the compound sort of guy. I think he was a radio friend to Anthony but I don't know if Anthony and his crew would have been cool having a gay guy constantly over.

Fez lives a private life in Florida.

  • Only Cumia without acne craters

I met her once. She was really nice.



you know what i've always wondered about dawn: during all of Ant's insane childhood stories (madness with his dad in CA, getting shipped back to NY on the bus, etc.) he never mentions dawn in them. so, where was she during all this shit? back in NY with mom? maybe so since she was younger.

Ro knew enough about the Cumia men to not leave her daughter alone with them on the other side of the country.

is 60,000 considered a lot? sorry, I'm from California where that doesn't even get you middle class anymore.

great big guinea tits and ass

And not a single fucking pic was seen that day

Goddamn that ass is awesome.

Bless you.

she looks like rosie aprile

But without the Marlboro vocal fry.

wonder who the jar of candy is for

  • Blew the Big Cat
  • VERY close talker

Those teeth are frightening.

Is this why nobody has every trolled her accounts that are linked to a bunch of schools and community boards?


Brother Joe and Dawn's "Fez Loves Dawn" song parody is pretty good. Hate to give Joe some credit, but there it is.



Was in a relationship with Fez Marie Whatley

Is married to a known gay man (Patrick aka Fat Opie)

Can we stop calling Italian people "guinea"

We are not working class teenagers from 1970s Long Island, we are British, Australian and European people from the suburbs born in the early 90s

You are not about that life

Look at the /u/RapistWithAIDS being an SJW. Probably a guinea.

What's a seventh-continent-nigger doing lecturing anyone else?

What if both my grandfathers (rightfully) only referred to Italians as such? It makes me feel nostalgic and respectful to my ancestors.

Does it

What’s her business

She could also beat Joe and Anthony in a fist fight.

Dawn is the best. Great person who survived the lions den

Fuck that bitch. She's guilty by association

One of the rare 4% of dago females to look presentable past 35.

Apparently she's also a Van Halen fan

Also she had condoms in her drawer at a very young age according to Ant. An A+ gal to me.

Why are we doing this? This is creepy.

You either have one or are one it seems.

Just imagine how much perverted panty sniffing and lecherous looks of lust she had to endure growing up around Joe and Anthony.

But without the Marlboro vocal fry.