What's the deal with speedrunning?

15  2018-03-04 by TinKnockinMoroccan

As far as I can tell, it's a community of people devoted to giving themselves autism induced scream strokes by imperfectly playing 20+ year old video games. When did this start?


The autism came first.

Some of it is incredibly impressive. Obviously the more familiar you are w/ the game the more impressive it is. I love the videos of the Mario 64 speedruns. I think the current record is something like all 120 stars in like one hour and thirty nine minutes. Another one that’s kind of crazy is the Ocarina of Time speedruns. Using glitches it can be beaten in like 14 mins or something like that.

There’s a charity thing every year or so called GDQ. Games Done Quickly. They do some pretty cool shit. They had a dude that can beat Mike Tyson’s Punch Out blindfolded. Silly and pointless but still cool IMO. And the autism level is off the fucking charts. This year I think they raised 2.5 million dollars for a cancer charity.

PewDiePie just put out a video on the silliness of speed running a few day ago. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=WOSBRWdITN8

This video that went viral is a hilarious example of how cringy those people can be. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=H50nqenYMDM


There's one guy on Youtube who does this shit with The Phantom Pain, and in one of the missions he finished with no alerts in like 3 minutes and I'm sitting there like, "...this one took me half an hour, the fuck is wrong with me?"

Souls speed runs always make me feel like a pile of garbage.

Why are autistics drawn to speed running in particular?

Repetition and having complete knowledge of a thing is comforting I imagine.

Learning something to the point of doing everything frame perfect is kind of similar to having a schedule in that it's familiar and there won't be any deviation

That makes sense but it sounds like a waking nightmare.

Can you stop bragging to people how autistic you aren't? No one buys it!

It's familiar, and self-competitive (so you don't have to deal with other people).

Jesus, man. You really like video games. That's pretty cool I guess, and far superior a hobby than drinking and other self destructive bullshit.

That’s the odd thing because I’m not a gamer by any stretch. The only games I really play are GTA, Arkham and Zelda. It’s just that I literally never watch tv, like cable tv, and some of that stuff is nostalgic and some is quality entertainment like AVGN. I’m just weird I guess.

Nah, that's cool dude. Nothing wrong with your hobbies/interests.

Remember that lil Jimmy was in the papers for being an obsessive Space Invaders player, or something. That's the same autism induced behavior.


I've actually found it to be an excellent form of sleep aid. I prefer watching speedrun races, where you get to watch four different screens at once. The familiarity of four different people playing the same game in the same way but at different times, I watch like 10-15 minutes of it and I'm out like a blanket over a birdcage.

Search "AGDQ race" and look for one of the old SNES games like Castlevania or Mega Man next time you get insomnia.

That sounds like terminal autism.

Same. Familiar games being played has the proper amount of boredom and nostalgia to do the trick. Ive used speedruns but usually will watch James Rolfe’s stuff. Whether it be a full AVGN season(I’ve seen them all so many times) or a long ass James & Mike Monday’s like Super Ghouls and Ghosts, Batman NES, Toejam and Earl, Friday the 13th etc. After 15-20 minutes I’m out like Norton in a closet. (Boooo)

To this day it still kinda catches me off guard in James’ early videos when I see the WOW sticker on his old ass tv.


I see you are thinking about friday the 13th. /r/isTodayFridayThe13th might be a nice subreddit for you to check out

It's always been something people did, but I think speedrunning events started maybe 7-8 years ago. Probably only entertaining if you were a similarly autistic video game player from a young age and can therefore actually be impressed by what they pull off. Watching someone blow through Sonic the Hedgehog in 30 minutes when I tried for months to beat the game is both exciting and shame-inducing for me.

Videogames? What are you people, 5? But honestly why the fuck do people watch other people play video games? What do you get out of it.

I do it somewhat often so I’ll answer. Some of it can be very impressive ie. speedruns and other trick gaming. I very seldom watch that stuff. A lot of it is very funny ie. AVGN/PewDiePie. I watch that stuff pretty often. And as another guy pointed out it can be good background noise for relaxing or falling asleep. Like there’s this one girl that plays Zelda games. It’s so familiar and boring that I find it very relaxing. I watch/listen to that stuff from time to time.

I know it seems lame but that’s the answer.

Each their own dude. At first I thought this was some trend for nerds and other assorted losers, but when I think about it, it's not much diff than a car enthusiast watching Jay Leno's garage or Petrolicious.

That’s the longest coming out of the closet ever.

I find Mario maker videos to be great for falling asleep. Carlsagan42 is one of the better ones I think. He has a good mix of level commentary and answering some science questions from commenters (he's a college professor I believe).

But it's like watching sports. Yeah, I can go play basketball, but not as well as the guys on tv so it's fun to watch someone be so good at something that familiar to you. Especially when the run has tons of glitches and you get to learn about the programming flaws and see something you enjoy broken down in that fashion.

So does your dad know your a fag?

I mean he should. He’s the one that made me this way.

Don't go too far dude, this thread is inspired by pewdiepie. That branch of watching people playing videogames is cool and tough, it's just the other that is autistic!

Not gonna lie, I enjoy it a bit. Mostly for older games that I played when I was younger.

Yeah, I just can't be fawkin bothered to find an old console and copies of games that aren't expensive, to be completely honest witcha.

I used to think it was gay as fuck I normally just check out clips on /r/livestreamfail

Now game streaming is turning into streaming doing normal stuff during the day.

Apparently bubba the love sponge is getting into it now ahhhhh turd??


It's kinda fun to watch the first Mario game like that. Once. But these guys are sad messes

I fucking love when people catch themself being made fun of and try to move the line of what the group of people are calling pathetic. "Yeah, I enjoy this a little bit but others are worse". And you didn't enjoy it once and now hate it, Just stop man...

No, I said it's fun in a casual way once. But most of the people that make and watch this are autistic

No one believes you. Not only are you an autist that probably have watched every "top 10 speedrunning (something)" video on the net, You're also a spineless fag that sells out people that are equally as bad as you are for favour with people you don't even know (unconvincingly). Kill yourself.

It's called backtracking you deviant

It is more than that. That is like saying “I watched a baseball game once so I don’t need to again.” There are different categories of runs for each game and some enjoy the runners or the evolving meta and strategies and the back and forth of trading records.

I have seen them and find some very impressive. Mario being finished in 5 minutes shocked me. The thing I hate about watching video gamers playing is that they all have YouTube comedy. Nothing they say is entertaining or funny, but they try making stupid jokes over and over.

Yes, Youtube comedy stinks!

Stupid civilians need to get on a stage to understand what it means to be funny.

I get the sarcasm, but what do you find funny from the trending page on YouTube? Do you like the late night show interviews and the top ten lists. Try Not To Laugh #221!!! Why don't you look up kiddie porn and then hang yourself.

You're too paranoid. I honestly think youtube comedy is horrible. It's either bland selfdepricated humour, goofy editing or just pointing out obvious inconsistancies or missrepresenting arguments in commentaries of other videos.

While I agree with everything you said, why am I paranoid? I said nothing that makes me seem worried.

I wasn't being sarcastic.

Here you go, champ


Are you jogging on meth or somthin?

Speed running is just autism, but faster.

You are asking questions with long answers but I will sum it up best I can:

Speedrunning started in the early days of the internet with games like Quake and Doom. In one of those you could save files of your runs through levels in a way that it was easy to post on pcs back then and sites went up where people competed for the best times. Eventually these sites build up to bigger communities and more games and rules and standards are created. It really blows up again when Twitch comes out and the Games Done Quick marathons start up.

There are a big number of reasons people speedrun from enjoying certain games growing up, liking the competition, enjoying the community and finding it a fun hobby, and the rush and high of getting new personal best times.

The reasons you see a lot of autists especially at the top is that it is a video game community where people play the same games over and over for a large number of hours a day almost every day. For you to be that dedicated to put in the time, practice, and obsession, something with you is probably off.

I hope all of this helps.

Mario 64 120 stars in 1:48:57

This guy gets all 120 stars in Mario in 1hour 48mins. If you're not impressed cool.

That isn’t even the record. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=AgnwRLkhYBY

I know but Siglemics just seemed better to post

Siglemic is irrelevant now. cheese05 is much more entertaining and is better.

It's now infested with trannys so I'm guessing Anthony is a fan.

I saw some post somewhere else about how many of the world's best speedrunners are now trans. There was this photo where they were out at dinner and the majority of the table was trans. Makes sense

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SGDQ 2014 Super Mario 64 120 Stars Speed Run in 1:48:57 by Siglemic #SGDQ2014 +4 - Mario 64 120 stars in 1:48:57 This guy gets all 120 stars in Mario in 1hour 48mins. If you're not impressed cool.
New Sm64 120 star WR in 1hr 39m 20s +3 - That isn’t even the record.
(1) S P E E D R U N N E R S (2) "I would really prefer if you'd be quiet" - SGDQ 2014 +3 - Some of it is incredibly impressive. Obviously the more familiar you are w/ the game the more impressive it is. I love the videos of the Mario 64 speedruns. I think the current record is something like all 120 stars in like one hour and thirty nine m...
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Nah, that's cool dude. Nothing wrong with your hobbies/interests.

I fucking love when people catch themself being made fun of and try to move the line of what the group of people are calling pathetic. "Yeah, I enjoy this a little bit but others are worse". And you didn't enjoy it once and now hate it, Just stop man...

It is more than that. That is like saying “I watched a baseball game once so I don’t need to again.” There are different categories of runs for each game and some enjoy the runners or the evolving meta and strategies and the back and forth of trading records.

That isn’t even the record. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=AgnwRLkhYBY