Has Lady Di returned to shore??

77  2018-03-04 by RBuddCumia



the face she makes after she hits is just fucking great

Frozen Buffeller

not her stop playing

No, no no. I didn't just smack my face into the window.

I laughed at this very hard. Thank you, lover

I think the window was rolled down and she through she would break the ice

More like lady trucker

She makes me proud to be an American! Support the troops!

That's such a Marion move.

You're a marion move, buddy I been on cruises

I've lost weight, buddy.

Watch it tough guy.

Why is she throwing her face against the window?

Probably iced over and rolled the window down thinking she would break through the ice. She didn’t break through the ice.

I thought she was doing that horror movie cliche for a jump scare since she noticed she was being filmed.

She thought it was "Natty" Ice.

That sort of ice is a pain in the ass. Especially scraping the window.