If you ever question if Ant really is a bad guy.

0  2018-03-04 by RBuddCumia

He never visited his mom for five years. Imagine the opportunity of getting to see a loved for five more years and never going, like you have better things to do.

What a piece of shit.


She wasnt his mom at that point. She was a husk of indignity and he didnt want memories of her saying, "Who is this berber in my house...do i know you?" and forgetting how to use a kitchen sink

You still visit them; even that piece of shit Joe did. Even when those dodos don't know who the visitor is it still brings them peace knowing someone is there. And on Ant's side of things if he would have visited from time to time maybe he would have some kind of closure, instead of going after autistics on a message board.

Good point

You still visit them


Knowing what a pussy Ant is, I'm sure he stopped visiting her the moment signs of dementia started showing.

She forgot where she put her car keys and this nigga was face deep in tranny ass

Do you think Ant liked to give Sue a reach around while he ate her ass? Or did he have her spread her legs so he could milk that cock?

How many twitter followers did she have? Back to obscurity ma! 😆

How does that affect me?