Stand-Up Comics Have to Censor Their Jokes on College Campuses

3  2018-03-03 by Every1ShouldBKilled


article is from 2015, and even then it was about a decade late

You know who would still work now? Mitch Hedburg. He's what every feminist comedian wants to be, but just aren't brilliant enough.

that cis gendered straight whit male? not likely

most if not all american campuses have gotten so pro socialism/censorship its sickening. its going to set up back for generations to come

Bad article art. Shoulda been a land whale with blurle hair.

Why the fuck would comedians do college shows then? If they don't accept what you're doing then why do it? It's like saying "I'm having such a hard time performing my music at the deaf school"

Zoltan, Chinedu and Feraz?