Sicilian Chicks (Basically just an island off Africa)

23  2018-03-03 by helenbergeron1


They don’t look like niggers to me. Blue eyes and all that. Maybe the European gene is making a comeback. 3rd one looks like a tranny though. A masculine jawline she has.

But would you still?

Once I confirmed that a penis did not reside in her undergarments, I'd allow intercourse to take place, yes.

A lot of middle easterners have blue/gray eyes. That's probably where it came from.

Got us a real historian over here. Still getting your facts from (((Tarantino))) movies?

As long as it continues to irk you island arabs.

Oy vey Goyim. Not buying what you are selling Shlomo.

Your people do prefer to steal.

Oh is that so? I was under the impression that it was the Jews that can't resist stealing. Don't you believe deep down that all money belongs to you Rabbi Shekelstein?

Never forget Goys: Italians aren't really white, the white race doesn't exist so you may as well just let the shitskins and towelheads in already.

Finding a few chicks with blue eyes who bleach their hair doesn't stop the rest of Sicily from looking like Ant. I guess it's a jewish conspiracy that Sicilians could fit in anywhere from Tunis to Mumbai.

Traveled extensively through the region have you Steinbergowitz? Watch out for your shekels. The Cosa Nostra doesn't take kindly to your types. Best leave the kippah at home.

Traveled extensively through the region

Shouldn't you have spent that money on your mom's hip replacement?

If you are referring to us having the highest life expectancy outside of Japan and how we take care of and revere our elders....then yes?

That because there was nothing good to eat so you had to forage on mountain weeds like animals. The second Sicilians are exposed to tasty food, their savage instinct kick in, causing them to gorge until they die of heart attacks at 45.

You guys have to take care of your elders or they wont divulge the sacred spaghetti sauce recipe on their deathbed.

More lies. To be expected.

Your clip may be true, but you're still not white.

More white than you will ever be heeb. I have a foreskin - you don’t. I am Italian. Not Sicilian. I am also a nationalist and a patriot. Was just sticking up for my southern brethren. Everyone in my family has blonde or red hair and light eyes. No one could ever mistake me for a piece of shit like you.

I'm not Jewish as far as I know. I'm half Italian and actually a quarter Sicilian. The other half is English and various Slavic countries.

I just like teasing you uptight nationalist fucks. Have fun with your gabagoo though, spaghetti nigger.

Prefer filled pasta like Tortellini or Ravioli. If you have any Slavic relatives make sure to send them over here - they are very popular as prostitutes.

You don’t forget to have fun too you mongrel. Keep striving to find a place where you belong.

I like good ravioli but also a carbonara. Usually mushroom since I've stopped eating meat. I barely have any contact with the slavic side of my family, so I can't recommend their services.

I've never given too much thought to "finding a place where I belong." I consider myself Floridian though. That's where I grew up and it's the environment that shaped me.

If only we Island Arabs were like the master race, Norton, Quinn, opie, some real studs

Who considers irish and polish to be the master race?

Whos Polish?

Opie, I believe.


White Northern Europeans? Poles have a lot of German in them too. Norton also ingests Viking protein shakes

The Irish are potato niggers.

That first one. Christ

She's fucking gorgeous.

please, you take that dress off and some mother fucker will shoot her thinking she's a Sasquatch.


That last one. I'd be really polite to her and stuff. I would compliment her and be nice

She'd ask you to leave.

She was my favorite. I bet she pees cute.

thank you, i've really glad thats on youtube.

It would be cute if she did it into my mouth.

Lol it'd be like a mouthful of shame or somethin

Hey,whatsa matter wich ussa,day gotta no peckas.

I'd smooch every single one of them.

I would love to blanda upp

Sicilian girls are gorgeous

Those sure are are some physically attractive ladies, I tell you what.

Elena Grimaldi google that shit, your peckahs are welcome

eww Northerners 👎

Northerners dont even consider you to be Italian

We are the original Italians.

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Name of Italy

The name of Italy is at least 3000 years old and has a history that goes back to pre-Roman Italy. It initially referred to the tip of the Italian peninsula, now called Calabria; during the Roman Empire, it was extended to refer to the whole Italian geographical region (including the islands of Sicily, Sardinia and Corsica).

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GDP does not tell the whole story. Southern Italians live well. My grandmother is 93. She wakes up early in the morning on her estate and only eats food from her own land.

Rural does not = dumb. Also if you know anything about the history before the Risorgimento Naples was the third wealthiest city in Europe behind London and Paris. After 1860 everyone left and went to places like Argentina and Brazil then again after WW2.

Less commies and illegal immigrants in the South too. They have the snow we have the beaches. No envy here.

Calm down, you're running around this sub defending southern Italy like a fucking tour guide.

Perfectly calm watching UFC. Shithole now? Maybe you should calm down?

Where did your ancestors move to by chance? Not defending anything - just the facts.

I'm not even being 100% serious, I just find it funny that you've taken offense to Southern Italians being made fun so you found the whitest Sicilian girls with dyed hair to prove your point that Southern Italians have fair skin and light hair, even though you know these girls are the exception.

To America and Australia from Calabria like a hundred years ago. Ive been there and while its beautiful and the foods great, some of its borderline third world to where I live now.

No offense taken. If someone calls me a wop, or a greaseball or dago or whatever I take zero offense because I am proud of my ancestors which I can trace back on both sides of my family hundreds of years.

Third world compared to where you live now? Which is where? You didn't answer the question. Natural blonde hair and blue eyes aren't as rare in parts of the South as you think.

Anyway in the multicultural hell hole that you live in when the war between the right and left erupts or the niggers chimp out, or the Muslims declare Jihad against the west you would do well to move back to your country of origin....and I am being 100% serious 😉 I will put in a good word for you.



Anyway in the multicultural hell hole that you live in when the war between the right and left erupts or the niggers chimp out, or the Muslims declare Jihad against the west you would do well to move back to your country of origin....and I am being 100% serious 😉 I will put in a good word for you.

None of this applies to Australia.


So why is it that Italians move here and not the other way around? Anyway I was born in America, so now compare the US to Italy.

Australia population 25,000,000 - $56,135 Italy population 60,000,000 - $31,618


You have a point too?

So what island did the Cumia's come from then? They don't look anything like that.

He came from Dr. Moreau's Island.

Tunisia is not an island, dude.

Inbreeding and 50 years worth of drinking can do wonders.

I know this sub loathes him, but Brother Joe was a good looking dude back in the Rotgut days. Their mom was a looker. Joe Sr. was basically normal looking. All three could pass for white people.

I think it’s just Ant who has that unfortunate Muhammad Atta genes.

Man, those girls are rough. Thems some nappy headed hoes.

Could I have one of those Chesterfields now?

I'm not sure that these girls are Sicilian. Italian sure but Sicilians usually look like dirty Mexicans.

Google is your friend. They are all 100% Sicilian. I didn't include Eva Riccobono coz her mother is German - ewww.

In all honesty if they were all that "pure" they would look more like each other. Somewhere along the line something else was mixed in and hence the great/unique looks.

the Normans kicked out that dirty blood hundreds of years ago.

They're darling but I need an Italian girl with olive skin, oily black curls, and a hairy faaaawkin' PUSS

I will say that I am particular to the raven haired lasses, myself

Northern Italians are the dark skinned ones.

They all look like long island skanks

Not one butthole picture.

Here you go (first chick):

Holy fuckaroni

If I were married to a chick named Constanta I would just spend all day laughing at her name.

Italy was always the real MVP

here is a group of people I would be fine with urinating on me.

How about some REAL Sicilian girls, with the dark skin and nappy hair?

I’m half Sicilian got DNA test, 0 African 20% northern European. The Normans kicked the moors out after like 80 years of rule, and then dominated for centuries. Everyone let’s fucking Spike Lee be their history teacher.

You forgot Sawseeja Extracheezano.

Little known fact, not only did "the moors" do a lot of fucking in Sicily, but the Normans did as well, (once they kicked out the muslims and ruled the island for a while). So sicilians may be part niggers, but some are also part Scandinavian.

Yes. Not only Normans from Normansy but actual Norsemen too and Germanics/Swabian.

I love how white they are

No offense taken. If someone calls me a wop, or a greaseball or dago or whatever I take zero offense because I am proud of my ancestors which I can trace back on both sides of my family hundreds of years.

Third world compared to where you live now? Which is where? You didn't answer the question. Natural blonde hair and blue eyes aren't as rare in parts of the South as you think.

Anyway in the multicultural hell hole that you live in when the war between the right and left erupts or the niggers chimp out, or the Muslims declare Jihad against the west you would do well to move back to your country of origin....and I am being 100% serious 😉 I will put in a good word for you.
