South Africa is about to sanction the genocide of whites and non-blacks...Is Wakanda coming?

21  2018-03-03 by WhippingHuskies



u/Bams_seed comment? We need your sincere delusion of your people here?

White people just cant stand the idea of blacks having equal rights and justice so they reminisce about the good old days when they controlled them through legislature. Change is coming and they can't cope with it. How hard does your white power boner get when you see the apartheid flag?

Monkeys not only have equal rights, they're now the supremacist people in white nations. Which is why we're failing. If by Change you mean third world savagery being the dominant force in the West, you're spot on. It's over querida milla, the bullshit has crashed against reality. We tried our best, you have failed us and you know it. Why can't you just admit it?

White people continue to hold a disproportionate share of wealth and power. I dont know what world you're living in

No, Jews do. We have given you degenerates everything, and you animals have destroyed it. Can you stop with this bullshit already. My people are killing themselves helping yours. We have given all we have and killed ourselves in the process. And for what baby? What have you monkeys gained? Nothing. That's what. And you know it. Are we better off without you? Or you better off without us? Answer that with your fine mocha ass.

How generous of you to give is what is rightfully ours.

South Africa was never yours. The white settlers lived peacefully with the native tribes in the cape, and they were happy to live in luxury. It was the monkeys who immigrated from the North who started genociding the southern tribes and causing trouble. We are gonna grant refugee status to the whites in S Africa, and let you monkeys do what you do best, and destroy everything. Shame on you. Move there. You and the rest of the ungrateful parasites. You wouldn't dare.

Oh i absolutely would. Repatriation is a must. We don't want your neocolonial institutions. Africa for the africans.

Then leave. You wouldn't dare sweety. You know it , I know it, and everyone with any Corazon knows it. Get the fuck outta here, already, If you're not happy, why don't you chamisos just leave? You have bitten the only hand that feeds you long enough. But don't worry, repent now, and I'll take you as a war bride. We'll have almejas en salsa verde and pulpo a la Gallega year round. Join me Bams_seed, and I'll give you a mulatto or two.

I'll be on the black star liner soon enough.

I demand satisfaction from you after you insulted me several times. I ask for fellatio thrice a day and I'll pay you back with my favorite past time, cunnilingus and analingus on the homo sapien sapien female. You're gonna have to take a backseat to my fat Latina women though.

Only black men can satisfy me. I saw black panther last night and they snuck in a reference to my people, the bobo shanti. Im on a black supremacy high right now

Black people are a joke, especially black men who can't provide for their joke of a women, who are still better people than my women. If I can make Latinas love me, I cold satisfy your ungrateful ass. Otherwise I'll slap you, although you've chastised me for this admission of mine. But that's why you like me in the first place. This is why I've lost all respect for women, mina filla. I'm the biggest asshole, jerk off, loser I know, and openly admit I hit women who disrespect, yet I still get laid. Why is that muneca? What's wrong with women?

I don't know what it is but i love picking fights with men and take pride in the fact that im crazy enough to provoke any man into hitting me. You're right, thats why i like you. Can't get enough of the arguing

I know. I'm a predator, I see weakness. Losers like me prey on vulnerable people. I like you for the same reason you both hate and love me. I'm incapable of love, and you can only love. It's a shame nena, but I can't help myself. How did this happen to me Bams_seed?

You people are savages and can't help yourselves. It's in your inferior small dicked dna

The White man is light years more evolved than everyone else and you know it. My dick is a mediocre Spaniard dick, which is still bigger than your avg cock on the planet, but I'm an exceptional lover. I have 3 bastard children, whose mothers refuse my presence , but I must make more. My baby mama's are two Latinas, one of the being a dark Dominican, and a chink. I demand you make a bastard of mine. You've insulted me enough, which both makes me hate and love you. What you need is my child you ungrateful redbone. Defend my honor.

I abort my pregnancies now, sorry. You hate black people but can't help acting like one. Typical.

I actually don't hate the Negroid, I just seem them as hopeless subhumans, no different than I see all non white males, save the Koreans and Japs. My baby mommas demanded I get them pregnant despite me "not wanting to act like a nigger." The best part is I don't pay child support, and all of them already had a man, to raise my mulatto/hybrids. This ain't on me, but on the degeneracy of the modern woman. I demand you fly here for a week, so we can fornicate, and you raise our mulatto in my dying civilization. Get that sand nigger to pat your fare, and I'll provide you with everything else, save the presence of my fat ungrateful g/f, who despite being a good person, is another white trash ingrate.

I don't get child support either, which makes me ineligible for government assistance. Maybe i should give up this strong independent woman thing and move to your socialist paradise since you want to provide for me so badly. I'll consider it but i don't think it would be fair to my kids to have another one. We'll see

There is no socialist paradise here, or anywhere in the world. But I respect your insanity, or lack there of. Big white daddy takes care of everyone, despite your futile protestations to the contrary. You turn me on because you disrespected me, and vice versa. It's in our pathology to mate with eachother. I'm actually a good looking guy, and from your pics, you're ok looking, even for a Negroid woman. I must fornicate with you and impregnate you with a beautiful Gallego hybrid mulatto, and you'll raise it with love and hope. Your sons will accept this and still love you. Unless I start m own family here, our mulatto offspring will be entitled to my ancestral rights and land. There's a reason why White men and other women relationships are far more successful than the other way around.

I'm afraid to breed with a white man because I'm so light skinned to begin with the baby would just be pale and awful looking. I'll come to Spain, find an african to fill me up with sperm and tell you the child is yours - you can neglect it as if it were your own flesh and blood.

I'm, and my fellow Spaniard men, so far better looking than all other men, especially African dudes, that you're suggestion is laughable. Plus you could never cuck me. You already love me too much. And I never neglected my children. My babys mamas used me for their seed, cucking their own men, and left me out in the lurch. You miserable cunts have no idea what you've done to your men. If your loser nigger men, can't help and provide for you, what makes your stank asses think we're gonna love you forever?

Id love to continue this conversation with you but there are police wandering around my fine people's apartment complex so im taking the kids to the mall until its safe to return home. God bless

Besos muneca. mwah.

From your lips to God’s ears

People don't "own land", they temporarily occupy it. For more info, research how countries were formed throughout the centuries

Didn't really wanted to jump into this conversation but that is a highly ignorant statement. For starters, where does the statement that there are more white people on welfare fit in there? Second, it's generally pointed out that less than 1% of people in America overall have an enormous amount of wealth. That wealth is not distributed among white people like it's some kind of weird team effort thing. Third, statistically there are likely to be more richer white people than of other races in America because most of the population is white, just like how in the NBA you'd bet that a black person will win the mvp every year because they statistically make up 90% of the league(great amount of diversity btw... interesting side note - I've heard talk of programs that attempt to get more black people into baseball but none of getting more whites into basketball)

Whippinghuskies said savages are the dominant force in the west because he feels thteatened by being unable to oppress them and i pointed out that white people are doing just fine. No one said anything about america. Keep quiet when grown people are talking

Change is coming

You should travel the country. The entire country. Evaluate your numbers.

This is really true. I don’t advocate violence of any kind, but the media has given blacks, and minorities in general, the illusion they are at least 50% of the population if not more through their over representation on TV etc. Fact is they are still a fraction, 13-18% maybe at most. If some conflict broke out and white people banded together, it would be over in a week. Not to mention those white folk are heavily armed, especially in the “fly over” states.

I work in live media production, so we do a lot of traveling across the country for different gigs.

One our camera guys is black and we nicknamed him "the celebrity" in certain parts of the country. It became a running joke, because when we would go out to local places to eat, little kids would just stare at him. Like would not eat their food or break their gaze stare at him.

About the third time it happened in Wyoming, a kid's mom came over and apologized. She said, "We're so sorry, he's uh-- never actually seen a um, African American in person."

The kid was in 8 years old...

I saw a picture of a beautiful little white baby that had a smile carved into her face while the tied up parents were forced to watch. I seened it

Yea the images of the silent genocide that the media refuses to cover should be seen by every White person. Those who justify it as Karma, should be eradicated at best, at worst rounded up and deported to live amongst the animals.

Have south Africans learned nothing from Rhodesia? They took the farms from whites and the result was famine.

Check out this documentary about chinks taking over Africa, they have nothing but contempt for the stupidity and laziness of Africans.

Yea I've seen it. My only consolation of the Western White man's suicide is the fact that the Eastern White man and the Yellow man will inherit the earth, and do what we shoulda done a long time ago. Let nature and evolution run it's course. The Western White man's weakness is pathological altruism and natural cuckoldry, bending over backwards for our degenerate women, who have proven themselves even more toxic and self destructive than the niggers sand niggers and menorah niggers. The truth, no matter how uncomfortable, is always beautiful.

I blame Hitler.

Me too. He shoulda never invade the East.

His whole mission was based off of invading the East and exterminating Bolshevism.

Don’t forget doing mad drugs and fucking himself in the throat. Fuck was he thinking declaring war on the US?

If you look closely into the origins and motivations of Bolshevism, it really makes you extremely nervous about the current political climate and everything being "pushed".


Not me. It's always been the Jews and their innate self destruction. They just can't help themselves. This time, they're finished, they just don't see it yet.

E. Europe and E. Asia both have below replacement birth rates, the globalist agenda is too flood the planet with the lowest IQ races. The Asians will be temporary managers before being forced to have their borders opened.


"It's all so tiresome"

God bless those Chinks. I hope they devour the entire fucking continent.

Sir, please! This is an anti-white sub and you are not going to change that! With the majority of members being either of color ( bams_seed, killakuhn, etc) or white allies that are all for raising the offspring of another (iWhoreSchortSchorts for example), it's time for you to change your mentality on these matters. Sure, wypipo are getting genocided - and that's a good thing!

Hey pal, gimme a container of coffee, the genocide of our people, and a buttered roll and I'm ready to go. But honestly, I brought this up here b/c I was stunned no one else here had brought it up.

Haha a shout out, hell yeah! Just so you know keeping my name is haters’ mouths is what keeps me famous sniff

Shut up cuck.

cut off all aid to this shithole continent and watch them literally eat each other alive, problem solved.

Yes. Abolish all foreign aid. Puhriod. The White man is the only people on this planet who actually help out others. It must stop. We have committed suicide and wasted trillions helping actual animals. Our death is gonna be worth the destruction that's coming. The Russians and Chinese killing billions of people to help evolution go along is gonna be wonderful.

The problem is that they don't stay there. They are coming to Europe by the millions and our retard governments are letting them in. They are going to keep coming here until we reach some sort of equilibrium where life is just as bad here as it is there.


The "far-right" is making rapid gains all over Europe, so there is still hope. And even if Western Europe goes full-Africa, Central and Eastern Europe will never submit, they give 0 fucks about appearing "intolerant."

You literally can't, Africa can only exist because of the West. In essence Africa has recolonized itself. There isn't one major oil field there that isn't operated by ExxonMobil, Shell, BP, or some other major Western corporation. They nationalized their resources "for the people" but all they can do is lease out the land for American and West European countries. Chinese state oil enterprises are also getting involved in the Sudan.

These days the Chinese are also getting involved. The Congo leased out all their mineral rights to the Chinese in exchange for developmental aid, investment, and infrastructure. Botswana is one of the richest countries in Africa, its only because they are diamond rich and let the De Beers diamond cartel run the government for them.

The entire Cold War was the same. Post colonial leaders picked economic and military aid from one of two camps and built massive debts to pay for failed investments and consumption because they could not create on their own. Either the Soviets, Chinese, and Cubans on one side or the U.S, U.K and Nato allies on the other gave them everything and they squandered and embezzled it.

are you pitching a screenplay? if you can get Cheadle or Idris, you may have something here.

Don Cheadle is awesome.

If u/whippinghuskies turns out to be Colin Flahtery I'd never forget to laugh.

No, my gripe if with Leftist cucks, white women, and kikes. I'd kill them all if I had any power. Niggers are just an afterthought here, and I actually do feel bad for them, as they know they're subhuman animals without hope or promise. Colin Flaherty and Anthony type guys are cowards who don't have the balls to take it to the actual (((problem))).

You are my new favorite poster here. I agree with everything you said. The left are mentally ill and need to be stopped. The narrative they're always trying to paint up is nothing but damaging to society. How is it that no one is going after the rap industry for their misogyny and sexism? Oh no but those awful white men. It's the white guilt cucks that enable these fuckers that really need to be killed. Kikes and white cucks fuck em all.

You are your average White male. Bless you. Sit back and let them destroy themselves, they'll beg us to save them.


Can you imagine whites completely displacing the inhabitants of the entire African continent? Domesticated lions, who are like cats but can actually defend you? Socialized elephants who hang around at water parks and let you ride them for peanuts? Gorilla butlers who are actually smarter than the slaves we used to have?

Import the Europeans into Africa NOW.

Did you see those clips of Afrikaans Whites with defend Lions? It's hysterical. They went from being potential nuclear power to having domesticated Lions to protect themselves.

Gimme a link because I haven't heard of this really happening.

It's funny that you get two dueling thoughts on soavery. That either the smart Africans avoided capture and American blacks are shitty because their ancestors were the bottom level of Africans. But then you get those who say black Americans succeed more because the smart ones were actually the ones captured for slavery, so that's why Africa is so awful.

It turns out they're just useless human beings in general.

You can say it will be fun to sit back and laugh at how bad they will fail when they take over. But guess who will be paying for it in foreign aid?

Nobody will finance this after the collapse happens. Short of Chinese and Russian death squads. Both of whom make me happy.

Nah, America will give them money, and EU damn sure will since they're already denying the killings are race related in reports. Because if you don't we're Literally Hitler, etc.

Nah. This time, it's different. We're gonna be faces with reality for the first time. They covered up Rhodesia pre internet, but this time it's gonna be impossible.

America gives Zimbabwe $150 million every year. And that was with a dictator everybody knew was an evil piece of shit. The SA congress is democratically elected, so will get more money. I guarantee it. Especially when Democrats inevitably get back to power.

the whites need to tear down the infrastructure and burn the farmlands. They don't want that dirty white technology invading their lands, after all.

The niggers will do that on their own. It's astonishing that people don't know what happened in Rhodesia. They salted and petrolled the land. T hey did the same in Haiti. They're incapable of progress. Even the higher IQ Yellow man and kikes need White men to guide them.

Yes. Zimbabwe is an absolute disaster. They're ending the disaster by paying back the white farmers to make nice with them, when it would have been way cheaper just to give them a payout and tell them to leave in the first place. IIRC they're paying out $11 billion right now. And I doubt the money is coming from them.

This looks like some nigger wakanda shit to me, fuck em. Let them fail and have another famine as they try to feast on the flys.

I agree.

If the world made a pact to tell them to fuck off when they start crying out their economy being ruined and asking for money I would. But they will be paid by the west. The bleeding hearts always get fuck up shit holes their money.

The bleeding hearts, aka kikes are finished, they're just to arrogant to see it.

2020 will be the test. If they had 4 years to tear apart Trump in every way imaginable and he still gets re-elected that would be a changer for sure.

“Salt those niggers earth.” %100, sir. Absolutely.

Niggers are savages, but white people refuse to acknowledge it. I'm sure the U.S. will be happy to bomb any white Afrikaner who stand up for themselves to not get brutally killed as things escalate over there.

Watch Africa, Addio. White men built sanctuaries for exotic animals, mapped and discovered the physical geography of Africa, built universities, developed agriculture, extracted natural resources for the global market, even gave dignity to the niggers by covering them with people clothes. They gave a continent of savages value it wouldn't ever have if left to the nigs own devices.


Isn't that what got Anthony in trouble the Sue Kalergis plan?

Why isn't there a goddamn Vos plug at the bottom?

B/c this is both more tragic and funnier than the mush mouth will ever be.

It sounds like he's chewing raw fish.

North America and Europe will have to plan an evacuation of the whites of SA, the alternative is letting them be slaughtered.

Yes, we'll have to take our own refugees. If this fails, then we need a civil war are die trying. We must defend our own, the bullshit has crashed against reality.

In my country (Norway) the concept of "our own" has been muddled to the point where a Somalian is considered no different than a white South African.. To give one ethnic group preferential treatment would be considered very controversial.

The solution is simple, the strong needs to rip power out of the hands of the weak and the crazy, white men will have to relearn to protect their flock.

The funny thing is, when the time comes, the scum will beg us for our tyranny.

Boy, this place sure gets weird on the weekends.

Tell me bout it, babe.

It's a Shithole now.

blah blah blah anthony cumia. blah blah blah samcro joe. blah blah blah racist blah blah blah tranthony.

The Black Americans in the US -although you people may disagree- have contributed more to culture (from 1920-1982), then most other ethnic groups. Post-Modern idiocy has essentially ruined their potential future contributions, as it's created a lot of stupid black people (and people in general), who parrot broken radical ideology. Lot of great world music came out of Africa (S.E. Rogie, Prince Nico Mbarga, Gasper Nali), plus they have the precious metal mines that smart phones utilize. So its not like the US can just up and brush itself off from the continent completely, plus the north-most parts of Africa are Islamic states that we'll eventually have to beef with. I would want nothing more than to sever foreign aid ("You think you can do better? Fine. Good Luck."), but by giving up our stake in Africa; we'd give China and Russia more ground.

Ending Apartheid was the moral and ethical (even Christian) thing to do. We thought the White/Black integration thing that was starting to work here in the US, would work over in a wacky place like Africa. It didn't, but it doesn't mean that we're done over there.

Ok. Then leave here and make it work. Listen to Bojangles music while they rape and murder you. I grew up in the hood in NYC, it's hopeless, but apparently you know better.

I'm just saying that A: You're not dealing with savages; just irrational non-westerners and B: The organic and inorganic resources that the continent produces can't just be ignored, especially these days (the very laptop I'm typing this from is based around metal from that area). The diamond trade alone is enough to keep us engaged with that place for a long time. You can't just be a bunch of identity, alt-right faggots and pull out because white farmers are getting creamed (which I'm just as opposed to, btw). Cutting off all foreign aid would learn 'em a thing or two, but it would also help to take us out of the conversation of utilizing African resources, that don't belong to its country or people; it just happens to be what the people are walking around on, that they don't know how to utilize, but that the other super powers do. We're constantly in competition with China and Russia, so why give them the leg-up by pulling out? We at least have a more personal relationship with the continent because of our residents in this country; they DON'T have that. They'd eventually just roll in by force. We would at least negotiate something beneficial.

Yes, we'd have a personal relationship while they behead, rape, and murder us. Our major cities are prove positive of our intra personal relationships. You've lot your mind, son.

Think about the bigger picture for a second instead of being a faggot, champ. The continent is still a fruitful place full of organic and inorganic material that we need to utilize. We need to have skin in the game over there, still. You don't have to like it, but we still need their shit. Instead of getting it by force -which is ugly for everyone involved to being with- we can get it though negotiation and compromise. Having personal investment in the country that transcends business, gets us a personal stake. A personal stake can translate to a financial stake, no matter how many socialist/anti-capitalist fags protest it. I'm not saying letting white people be beheaded and murdered should be ignored; theres a price to pay for doing that or ignoring it. But we gotta be realistic here about what we'd be giving up by pulling out of the continent entirely.

I understand the diplomacy and commercial aspects of this all. But occupation cannot be attained without savagery here. IMO wipe them all out and take all their shit. Or get the fuck out if we don't have the balls for it. It's that simple, friend. I'm in the camp of the former.

Is anyone else in voluntarily rolling there eyes to this post? People here are ridiculous

No, I've cucked black guys regularly growing up though. But I'm happy this is what you got from your people being genocided though. I'm sure your ancestors are proud of you.

Whites killing blacks: crown jewels of the dark continent

Blacks killing whites: WHITE GENOCIDE! I'm in tears right now, please stop this inhumanity.

Whites didn't butcher the Negroid in South Africa. But don't worry faggot, when the time comes you're gonna be sent to the third world.

No they took control of the entirety of Rhodesia and South Africa peacefully, then fought a decades-long war to keep black people from voting without murdering anybody.

White people killed Nazis before, we'll do it again you little bitch.

Oh god. You're a Leftist. My Grandpa was a Nazi killer. And I'll continue the family tradition and send you socialist faggots over there to die.

Sorry your grandpa killed your heroes, faggot.

My Grandpa was a man of honor. I'd gladly wipe out your whole faggot line cocksucker. We're not even gonna genocide you degenerates. When the time comes, we're gonna deport you with the animals you protect, but secretly despise. You're dead, just to arrogant to see it.

"Yeah Nazis like me were hanged like dogs, b-b-but this time we'll win."

If your grandpa was a man of honor, he'd rip your Nazi fetus out of your moms pussy and bash you against a rock.

No, he'd kill you genocidal cocksuckers deader than you already are. As will I. We're gonna send you degenerate ingrates to Africa when the time comes. Have fun.

It was men like me who ended up defeating the Nazis. Not lil suburban self hating bitches like you. You're too busy sitting back watching old out of shape proud boys knocking your women out, while you outnumber them, and are armed, screaming for the cops to help you out. You idiots have woken up the sleeping giant in the West, and when the time comes, after the Civil wars break out in Europe again, we're gonna round you all up and butcher deport you to live with the third world savages you cleaim to support, but secretly despise. The dirtbag Left, BRAHAHAHAHA, fuck out here, son. You faggots pre banned everyone on this sub b/c we said some mean things. The look on your bitch ass faces when actually KKK supporting rednecks show up to your door to deal with you is gonna be hysterical. Guys like me are gonna sit around and allow it to happen, shrugging our shoulders and telling you we told you this would happen. Now go back to being Soros' lil bitch you degenerate goy. Useful idiot. Front running faggot. You lil mainstream groupie. You people are a joke.

LMAO how long did it take you to write that retard rant? And lol if you think I'm stupid enough to read the ramblings of a mouth-breathing imbecile.

You are a Nazi, you fucking retard.

IMO wipe them all out and take all their shit.

It's always been the Jews and their innate self destruction.

The Western White man must forge an alliance with the Eastern White man, Yellow man, and Hindu, and wipe the Jew , and muslim , and communist from the planet.

kikes are finished

I know you have holes in your brain, but who the fuck do you think you're fooling? You can get started defeating the Nazis by putting a bullet through your skull.

No you’re not. You sound like a unreasonable faggot. You’re incredibly unimpressive

What’s with the generalization? Ethnicity wise I’m as much as a mutt as you can get. Plus I don’t care what my “ancestors” would think.

I'll be on the black star liner soon enough.

In my country (Norway) the concept of "our own" has been muddled to the point where a Somalian is considered no different than a white South African.. To give one ethnic group preferential treatment would be considered very controversial.

The solution is simple, the strong needs to rip power out of the hands of the weak and the crazy, white men will have to relearn to protect their flock.

His whole mission was based off of invading the East and exterminating Bolshevism.

No, I've cucked black guys regularly growing up though. But I'm happy this is what you got from your people being genocided though. I'm sure your ancestors are proud of you.


Not me. It's always been the Jews and their innate self destruction. They just can't help themselves. This time, they're finished, they just don't see it yet.