Own it Ant. Better Alcoholics Have Done So.

3  2018-03-03 by DickAction


Knock it off, GG.

GG was a hopeless romantic, heartwarming stuff here.

I’ve watched Hated about a dozen times. It’s the one movie that never gets old for me. There’s something about watching a man eat a hotdog out of a woman’s asshole that awakens my soul.

Well hot damn sign me up. Got a link, good sir?

You’re unfamiliar of the stylings of GG? Boy are you in for a treat


I'm familiar with him in the same way I'm familiar with bestiality: I've heard a bunch and stumbled on a few videos, but I never really took the time to jack off to him.

Ant should seek to do what GG Allin wanted to do in front of a live audience before he od'd

Merle is a lot like Joe