Ant is so upset because he knows this place will end up dictating his legacy(as a child groomer and feminine penis aficionado)

82  2018-03-03 by TinKnockinMoroccan

He's aware of the fact that the people he picked up from infowars and stormfront aren't going to be with him for the long haul. He has some ballwashers but when the money dries up they're going to scram faster than Vic Henley. There is only one group of people with the sheer force of will to give a shit about the irrelevant pederast, long after everybody else has abandoned him. When he's in the dirt or an old folks home petting a pillow he thinks is beavis, some autist is going to be embroiled in an editting war to keep Sue Lightning listed as one of the spouses on his wikipedia page.

Given his all consuming need block/silence anyone who mentions his darker faults, it must kill him to know that eventually he won't be able to stop them.


I think his mom’s death, however expected, threw him for an emotional loop and maybe reminded him that his time here on Long Island is limited too. Which may have caused him to briefly, between benders, reflect on what he’s become and the opportunities he’s squandered, even just in the last few years, which further caused him, as a 60 year old orphan, to reflect on his father and all the abuse of his childhood, and the nature of his impending legacy, as you note.

Or he is just a pissy eyed faggot

Of course, that’s a given.

Its not a doll!

And those WEREN’T mommy’s shoes.

He doesn't seem any different to me.

If he is remembered at all, it won't be fondly.

But it will be fondled.

Ba dum tish!

M. should write his epitaph.

I will just remember him as Tony Danza sex offender

The thing that's funny, is that the crowd who watches infowars will never have heard anything about those rumours. But after he revealed them (with absoulutely zero prompting) every single one of them will have pulled out their phone and googled 'Anthony Cumia tranny fucking", and probably laughed their balls off at it.

He can only be described as bewilderingly stupid.

Streisand effect. Makes sense because Ant'ny is a homo.

Ant will always be funny to me. He’s given me many laughs so it’s hard to hate him.

Hate? Nah. What, you think this is some kinda hate sub? No sir.

All we do here is lauff and lauff.

Those eight searches will really pull it waaaaay up

Alex Jones has way more listeners than Ant.

Yeah he’s got 8 and ant has four.

Luckily for him, the Alex Jones folks aren’t super into conspiracies and would hate all the pics and evidence collected to show that Ant is a tranny fucker. They hate that stuff over there.

This man has a brain like a diner dish rag and your pontificating about his sink like depth. There’s no karma chances is he won’t even notice.

maybe he should remove the paywall from his fucking videos so more people would see the image of him he wants to portray

Heresh da ting: They're ALL upset that this place will eventually dictate their legacy. Opie, Anthony and Jimmy were never ambitious enough to aim their show higher or work harder. We are the result of any hard work and effort they put into their show, and they've scorned each and every one of us, thinking that they were bigger than they actually were that they didn't need us, or that our opinion didn't matter. They've all paid for it in some way, and will continue to do so.
