REMINDER: Travis’ wife has delicious milkers

111  2018-03-02 by BrocialistFuckboi4U


I’d be smiling too if i got smothered by those things every night

Before I start to get aroused, is she Jewish or not?

Because of his history, he only puts it in her ass. Dry.

Probably not, dude. Travis famously despises Jews. He’s a notorious antisemite.

We all are antisemites here but I couldn't turn down a pair of delicious Khazar milkers like that

She’s French Canadian. I guess catholic.

How did we forget about her Jewliscious boobies?

Post his converted Khazar mother or GTFO.

Cannuck milkers

Those are specifically québécois.

There any other photos of her?

I’ve seen one pic of her with short blonde hair and she looks completely different.

Well... Do you have a link, or no?

Dem hootahs grew!

Those fat udders are still there though, I would suck her soul out of her salami nips

Tbh I like the blonde version more

Are those Jew tits? I hope she has nipples the size of dinner plates.

Those tits are worth fighting a Chinaman in an Ikea parking lot for.

Why would you capitalize chinaman?
It's not a name or place, cunt. You're no patriot. Coward.


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Asian is the preferred nomenclature.

I thought it was Gook

slope American

Opie Radio listener



It was some chinaman in korea!

But I went out and achieved anyway!

Those tits are worth going into crippling debt you cant climb out from under.

Travis doesn't need adoration... he's just a subtle alpha with a hot wife (rightly so).

And he's low key the funniest guy on Jim and Sam at this point. Granted, that's not saying much but still.

Jimmy knows all about that.

Does it bother you in any way that Travis is beloved my the 'fans' while you're a reviled shit stain?

Day Three.

And no.

Clearly it doesn’t.

Wait, jimmy fucked travis' wife?

People get so upset at the truth. At things they actually did. How's that MY fault in any way. Sorry I know stuff? Fuck that.

Why did you come back here and start posting again?

There's no secret password needed to visit the internet. You think this subreddit is off limits to me for some reason? Not allowed to read this nonsense?

By the way, why ever would you care about what I do or don't do.

As long as you keep repeating this pathetic mantra, someone is bound to believe it.

Oh hey! It's you again. Love having my attention eh?

Boners you right up.

LOL. I like that. "Boners me up" Sounds like something 2008 Danny would say in the background to minimal laughter.

HA, this guy got laughs on a national morning show! What a maroon!

"Got laughs" is a big stretch.

Everybody should check this guys post history and look how all he does is reply to everything in my post history for DAYS. DAYS.

That'll work out for you.

"Everyone, look at this guy's post history!! (Which is what I usually do like an autistic faggot anytime someone makes a comment toward me on this sub - but I'm so lost I need you guys to do the work for me!!) Look at the handful of comments he makes toward me every day because I'm a huge faggot! It's like, doesn't this guy know he needs a password to visit this place and IS NOT allowed to view this subreddit, like I am??"

Oh did you delete it all? Every single post for three days was TO or ABOUT me.

You're fucking crazy dude, seriously.

I gave Little Nicky is name and you know what was wrong with Patrice? Low self-esteem. He was fat and gappy toothed so he had to "collect" women like trophies. Also Diabeetus.

He's unraveling folks. Keep it up!

Me and you are the only two here, stupid. You love responding to EVERY post I make. I'm going to stop ok? You just don't quit.

LuL i Am YoUr sTalKeR

Danny, as long as you're here, let me quickly ask you. I know you won't say it outright, but at least can I ask this. The A-bomb you have on Anthony, is it sex related?

Let me inject a fun sidebar to this.

Anthony gave Dani Brand his iWatch and forgot to unsync his account.

She knows all SORTS of shit!!!


Oh boy, Anthony. Jeeze.

2008 Saturday night virus was legendary.

You can do as you please but isn’t it kinda weird that you keep coming back here and posting when you don’t like us and we all think you’re a whiny lil faggot? Are you that starved for attention?

Accuse me of wanting attention, so instead of ignoring me you and 100 people reply to every thing I post.

Yeah that's it.

That doesn’t really answer my question. You’re just deflecting. I’m genuinely curious.

Why do you treat me differently than anyone else here. I was a fan too. I'm not allowed to be here? You're the one elevating me to some better-than-you position. If you don't want me to act holier than thou, don't treat me like I'm holy.

Everyone else that posts here, that's fine. ME, for some reason, I'm the loser that can't let it go.

Because everyone else is here for entertainment, you're here to bash your former Coworkers and start drama like a little kid, that's what makes you a loser. Because you actually can't let it go! It's been years and you haven't moved on.

STFU son, you're here to shit on Nia Burr, get gossip about Sam's wife and leave bad Amazon reviews for Joe Derosa.

Show hasn't been on the air for years and you're matching me post for post. If I'm a loser what does that make you? I did these things. I worked there. You listen to things I ACTUALLY DID!


STFU son, you're here to shit on Nia Burr,

Never done that

get gossip about Sam's wife

Never done that

and leave bad Amazon reviews for Joe Derosa.

Never done that either. So now you're lying, do you think that helps you?

Show hasn't been on the air for years and you're matching me post for post. If I'm a loser what does that make you? I did these things. I worked there.

You're the loser, I've only known about the show for about a year, it's been way longer than that since you worked there yet you're still obsessed with it. Pointing out that the shows been over for years doesn't really mean much in my case cause I didn't know about it til after it had ended, you however haven't stopped thinking about it for half a decade.

You listen to things I ACTUALLY DID!

No, I really don't. But, whatever helps you sleep at night.


Laughing at yourself like everyone else is? Do you honeslty not see how pathetic it is that you're still jealous?

I've only known about the show for about a year

Neat. It's been a part of my life for ALMOST 20 years. I WORKED there for 9 of those years. You keep following me into threads to talk shit and give me attention so I won't be replying to you anymore. You and TonyFromLI really get your dicks hard for me.

You haven't worked there in half a decade! Move on with your life you delusional bore!

"Move on with your life"

  • The guy on an O&A subreddit, a show which hit it's peak in 2001 and hasn't existed since 2014.

Not even 10K karma??? BACK TO OBSCURITY WITH YOU!

You're bashing your former coworkers from half a decade ago all because you're jealous. You honestly thought you made important contributions to the show and when you left you saw otherwise and haven't been able to move on since. You keep saying you worked there for 9 years but aren't acknowledging that you haven't work there for years! It's in the past, those people don't care about you, they never did. Why are you so obsessed?

Not even 10K karma??? BACK TO OBSCURITY WITH YOU!

Awwww, how sweet. You want to be just like Anthony when you grow up, don't you?

When or how did I evevate you to a holier than thou position?

Anyone who asks why I'm here puts me above themselves.

You're here. Why can't I be here too? If you're weirded out by that, perhaps you feel like we aren't on the same level? Fair to say? Hmm?

The amount of strawman’s you have built up is staggering.

Not one of you can respond to anything I say. Just change the subject, ignore it completely, prove my point entirely, or call me a Jew.

Good one.

Go back and read our convo and be honest with yourself on who is the one that is changing the subject

You and the 5 others who won't leave me alone are on the pay no mind list now. Type away. I'll be ignoring it. You're just trying to get a rise from me. That's OK. Keep typing tho.


Im not upset at all. I just didnt know jimmy fucked her.

Oh I know. Not you. Somebody already called me all upset. So they lurk and read every little thing I post.

Was it Travis that called you. And, did Jimmy have sex with his wife before or after she was with Travis?

Jimmy came into her mouth and she snowballed it into Travis's.

She likes it ruff ruff

That makes more sense than you know.

Yes it does, admit it. Why couldn't Danny ever win the audience over?

Because Danny was never trying to.

Got him speaking in the third person now.

Danny's back?

Yea he got eXXXposed and is kiking it up.

a reviled shit stain?

Fawkin buried.

Danny never said anything wrong about nobody

Fawkin brutal.

You know, after Travis kicked Stevie in the balls, I had to talk to HR about it.

He begged me to cover his ass for him, and I did.

Then the next day he crumbles and cops to the whole thing, making me look like a fucking asshole in the process. All the fucking shit he talked about Sam and now he has to rely on the guy for a paycheck. Fantastic.

Unrelated question, but how come you don’t work in radio anymore? You were a producer for a pretty big show for like 7 years. That didn’t help you land a job elsewhere?

NOBODY works in radio anymore.

IHeartRadio is about to file for BANKRUPTCY. CBS Radio was just bought out by Entercom. Bottom line is, if you don't work for SiriusXM, you don't work in radio. Go see Death Wish. It's a 90 minute commercial for Shade45 and Sway.

Did smartphones kill radio?

Poscasts, Spotify, YouTube...

How come he didn’t like Sam? Was it an active beef, or more shit talking behind his back?

I like behind the scenes drama danny and i mean that in a completely un ironic non joking way.

Whatever happened to the A bomb you were gonna drop on ant? Did it rhyme with schmedophilia?

Did they say anything about it on air?

Oh no, they've tried to erase that from history.


Why would you go online and impersonate a staff member of a radio show that ended years ago? Pretty pathetic

Why do you put a staff member on such a pedestal that you believe somebody would go through the trouble to impersonate him.

I don't put the staff members on a pedestal you moron, you're impersonating a member of the staff that's why I mentioned it. As for why someone would do that, I'm not really sure. Maybe you're lonely, maybe you're just bored, maybe this makes you feel important, I really don't know

you're impersonating a member of the staff

Am I, you rube?

Yeah you are. Of course you could easily post proof and make me look stupid but I guarantee you'll make up excuses instead. So are you gonna prove me wrong or keep impersonating a nobody from a radio show that ended years ago like a pathetic loser?

All I see here is an attempt to get me to post a selfie which will then get reposted ad nauseam and mocked. That's OK. I don't need to prove anything to you.

Excuses just like I predicted. Pathetic.

ok cool.

So are you gonna prove me wrong or admit that you're just a lonely redditor pretending to be part of the O&A staff for attention?

I unlocked my Twitter just for you ;)

I'll be honest with you, it's even more pathetic now. This is what you do with your life?


You're here complaining about a job you haven't worked at or heard from in years... That's pretty sad, you know it.

And you didn't believe that guy was who he said.


And you didn't believe that guy was who he said.


Is that supposed to be an insult? It doesn't even make sense in response to what I said. No wonder you weren't an on air talent.

TBH he ain't wrong tho fam

why the fuck would she sleep with that worm?

I dunno, guess she's just a SillyGooseOnCam.

“You should really consider your motives and work through WHY you're asking for dirt on a non celebrity's WIFE. Do you think that simply being Sam's wife opens her up for viciousness and attacks? Sam was never my favorite person but I would never scumbag his wife like that.

“ Danny when I asked him if he knew anything about Sam’s marriage being in the shitter. You wouldn’t “scumbag” Sam’s wife, but Travis’ wife is fair game? The one guy who we can all agree is loved by this sub… not only are you a hypocrite, you’re just a fucking piece of jew shit.

Sam didn't scumbag me.

Clearly you are jealous

Oh hey it's you again. Look at all these fools who can't stop replying to me even when I'm not even talking to them.

Get fucked, herb. Now you're pathetically following me around. But I'm here for attention right? Ignore me bitch. You can't.

If you aren't here for attention what are you here for? You seem upset that the show moved on without you. You're a delusional moron, you claimed to have made Opie and Anthony millions of dollars, do you honestly think that anyone not related to you bought a surius subscription so that they could hear Danny ross???... you were background noise and now you're nothing, that's it.


They subbed to hear Chocoate Rain, 8 Bit Porn, Jimmy Dean sausages, Merrill Howard Kamin's cooking show, Big A news, MILLUHHHH, the Sex Offender game, and countless other bits and pieces from 2004 to 2013.

Also, Uninformed, Black Phillip and the Secret Shows.

What a dumb fuck. You think I showed up everyday at 5am for 9 years and JUST SAT THERE??? And continued to get promotions and pay raises?

Let me explain to you. You don't go from unpaid intern to Senior Producer by being background noise.

Now, keep replying over and over again to background noise.

You didn't produce anything note worthy, you're truly delusional if you think you made them millions of dollars. Not a single listener gave a fuck, you've never had even a quarter of the talent that Sam has. You're obsessed with your former coworkers, that makes you a psycho.

Now, keep replying over and over again to background noise.

At least you're finally starting to acknowledge what you are

You don't even KNOW what I did and didn't produce.

If O&A didn't have a support staff feeding them content, they'd have been finished after the first contract. Deny that all you want. Look now. They have no staff. One is in his basement. The other walks around Central park. Yup, the staff had NOTHING to do with their success. lol.'

Keep replying to me. You keep proving my point how you LOVE talking to me, and you LOVE having my attention. Or else, youd just ignore me.

Speaking of Saturday night virus and particularly the lazlow show anything crazy happen behind the scenes? Why was that dude reed so fuckin weird? Fuck the haters brothaman.

The craziest thing that happened bhs on the Lazlow show was that Lazlow would take the beers that weren't drank home with him. On the LIRR. He would travel to the city with a 12 pack of glass, and instead of just leaving them in the fucking fridge, he's take them back on the train home.

That shit was fucking crazy.

Sure, you just went to his parties, drankhis beers, bought him gifts, and kept his dirty secrets until he couldn’t benefit you anymore. Don’t act all high and mighty like you wern’t right there on his dick enabling his behavior.

Sure, you just went to his parties, drankhis beers, bought him gifts

What you've just described is a friend. Yes. We were friends.

Don’t act all high and mighty like you wern’t right there on his dick enabling his behavior.

And then he had a child rapist over with a couple of 16 year olds. That was enough. Why don't you direct your hatred at the people who STILL ride his dick, enabling him? There's quite the list there. I got off this train in 2012. What's their excuses? What's yours?

Danny, if you think for one second that I believe that that’s the reason you and Anthony aren’t friends anymore, you’re as delusional as Opie.

Really? Ok. Go. Why do you think a stranger you never met and don't know severed a relationship with his best friend.

And, GO.

First of all, stop running to that “ stranger you’ve never met” excuse. This is the Internet; we are all trolling you, stupid.

It’s like the plausible deny ability bit that Patrice O’Neal used to do about racism. I can’t prove it, but I know in my gut that you are lying. Why do I have that gut feeling? Your track record. Anthony, as much of a piece of shit as he is, is still in good standing with most of his former coworkers. You on the other hand, not unlike Opie, are so deluded, you take the fact that you have had a falling out with most of your coworkers, and still can’t see that you are the common factor in all of them. It’s never your fault, Danny, it’s always them. They are the ones who have repeatedly proven to be a toxic cunt Time and time again.

What fault. What are you talking about.

These people are pieces of shit. You act like I'm upset we're not a big happy family. Everyone associated is a fucking scumbag.

No I'm not a toxic cunt. The pedophile and his Soprano esqe clique of enablers are toxic. I don't tolerate child rapists for a paycheck. I don't pine to be friendly with corrupt ex cops and racists.

Lmao wow Danny; you need help fr nigga


I can’t imagine Travis cares. I’d think it would be a weird experience she laughs about bc Norton’s a sexual weirdo

Still man, his boss fucked his wife... kinda fucked up.

Before or after they were married? If you're in the same social circles these things happen, some people honestly don't give a shit.

Before. I guess you're right, but idk, that would bother me.

I don't know if any of this is true anyway, "Danny" is saying all of this.

Her duvet cover of a dress cant hide those milkers

From the Hillary Clinton collection at Macy's and other fine apparel outlets.

Curtains from the 70s.

REMINDER: Travis got Morton's sloppy seconds.

Not true. Are you really that desperate for online points?

Ask him how they met OK? Please do it.

How'd they meet?

Why don't you ask him and then post his response? The person you're impersonating knows him so he'd be more likely to respond and also you clearly have no problem claiming Jim fucked travis's wife so you shouldn't have a problem posting his response since you don't respect his privacy anyway

Shut the fuck up you /r/squaredcircle regular.

The highlight of your life is pretending to be a nobody from a show that hasn't been on the air in years, and you aren't even impersonating a star of the show, just a loser that was in the background and you don't even have a cover story for when you get called out. You spend all day doing this yet you can't come up with a good insult or excuse?

Go find an old email address of mine and email me ok? Let me know when you have.

Nah, either prove it or dont, which basically acknowledges that you're a fraud. I'm not going searching for the email address of a past producer of a past radio show, that would be pathetic. If you don't want the proof public than message it to me but I'm not tracking down some nobody's email address

Lol what a douchebag. Its probably so easy to find and for me to prove but you wont do the work. Go check my twitter you gargantuan maroon.

I'm a douche bag for not searching for your old email? Be honest with yourself, you know you aren't worth the time. Pretty pretentious for someone who's biggest accomplishment is being background noise on a radio show.

You kept saying PROVE IT so I did, and now you look like the herb that you are.

I think you mean Senior Producer of a national morning talk show. Thanks.

You kept saying PROVE IT so I did, and now you look like the herb that you are.

I'm a herb? Ohhhh everyone better watch out for you slick, tough talking, new yorkers! I can't possibly match wits with a big city fella like yourself!

I think you mean Senior Producer of a national morning talk show. Thanks.

You haven't worked there in years and you're still trying to brag about it? Is that how you pick up chicks? Do you try to tell them before or after they reach for their mace?

You're the one here talking about it. As a listener. You're the one engaging me in conversation.

If you simply didn't reply to me, I wouldn't be posting much of anything. Everybody has something to say though. Yourself included.

You're the one here talking about it. As a listener.

That's exactly what you are, a listener. You don't work there dude. You're a nobody who spends his time trying to feel important.

You're the one engaging me in conversation.

I called you out on something and you responded and even replied to comments that I made to other people so clearly you wanted to get my attention

If you simply didn't reply to me, I wouldn't be posting much of anything. Everybody has something to say though. Yourself included.

Yeah I do have something to say, you're a pathetic loser and a phony. I know and you know it. This is what you do, that's sad and you know it, just admit it.

If posting on Reddit makes you a pathetic loser there literally DOZENS of us.

Posting on reddit obsessing over a job you lost years ago makes you a pathetic loser.

A shoe that's been dead for years and here you are too you fucking dunce. Don't you see that?

I'm here because I just found out about the show like a year ago so I go and listen to old bits as well as checking out Jim and Sam. You're here to relive your "glory days" because your life's been on a decline since you left the show. I'm here to laugh. You're here to try and feel important. That's the major difference. I'm here to read about chip and see what Opie ends up doing, you're here to spread lies because you're envious of your former Coworkers. You're just hoping that eventually you'll say something that will gain traction in this sub and you'll feel wanted, but it's not gonna happen.

Whatever you jerk off too.

I was talking about pot with some dude and he decides to "announce" that I'm here.

Look at all the shit you just made up. For real.

Whatever you jerk off too.

Once again, this makes absolutely no sense in response to what I said...

I was talking about pot with some dude and he decides to "announce" that I'm here.

You came here for attention and you know it

Then minutes later there's three threads on the front page about how irrelevant I am.

Are they wrong? Do you really think you're relevant?

Look at all the shit you just made up. For real.

What shit did I make up? Be specific because I think I was pretty accurate.

I'm posting pics of "Beefers" you fucking dunce? That was me?

I have no idea what the fuck you're trying to say but it sure doesn't make you look intelligent.

k bb.

This shows how desperate you are for attention

I was talking about pot with some dude and he decides to "announce" that I'm here.

Dude you're a pathetic liar, you had already made it known that this was your account before that post was made which proves my point that you came here for attention. You're a sad unemployed loser who's stuck living in the past.

"Made it known"

you mean never denied.

I don't fall for your doxxing tricks. You'll get zero personal info from me pally.

"Made it known"

you mean never denied.

No that's not what I mean. You went into a thread about Anthony and Danny and started referring to yourself in first person, that is you letting it be known. Nobody accused you, you brought it up yourself and thats a fact. You wanted to be famous on this sub because you crave attention. Unfortunately for you, even on this sub, nobody cares.

I don't fall for your doxxing tricks. You'll get zero personal info from me pally.

I'm not nor have I ever attempted to dox you, there's literally no point, I would have nothing to gain. You're a loser who obsesses over the past because you haven't done anything noteworthy in at least a decade why would someone want to dox you?

BTW look how much attention you're giving me. If I'm here for the attention, STOP GIVING IT TO ME. So you're shitting on me saying i'm here for attention yet you and like ONE other guy are the only two fucks who can't STFU already.

So you go around begging for attention and now you want to play coy as if you want to be left alone? I think you're just upset because you aren't getting praised for trashing the other members of the show like you expected

i just want you to know im not reading any of this. thanks for the effort.

We both know you're too narcissistic to not read it, why even bother lying to yourself?

On the J&S episode where they talk about Erocks' firing. They (Jim, Travis, Sam, Troy & Denny) talk about the behind the scenes. How toxic it was. Could you speak of this?


What an electrifying argument. Will you both shut up and go away.

Danny, NO JOKING, why don't you write an O & A tell-all book? Stuttering John is, about the Stern show, no Tonight Show stuff.

Who says I don't have a a few chapters. Was never my intent, but then I heard 'Ol Trejo Cheeks was penning one.

Yes, he's writing one too. But it's more of a "Opie & Anthony Memoirs" thing. Sorry to sound like a hen, but I think a dirty laundry book would be more of a bettef seller instead. And there's so much material, it seems, to go through.

Mine isn't either. It can be though. I'll leave that up to him.

OK. And thank you for answering honestly.

No sorry, I'm not one of those faggots that thinks a high karma count somehow can get me pussy or cock, which you prefer like yourself, sir.

No sorry, I'm not one of those faggots that thinks a high karma count somehow can get me pussy or cock, which you prefer like yourself, sir.

What's that? Your phone cut out, dude.

Wow, there's still faggots that still steal that line from Gay Morton?

Are you gonna cry about it all night?

Actually no. I'm not most faggots like yourself, that think dumb fucking karma around here means anything, or it's going to lead to some internet puss/cock. Whichever you prefer.

She's a cunt but I'd suck the fuckin tits right off of her

By golly, that is the worst phrase I've heard in days! REPENT, I_DONT_GIVE_A_CARE!

What is this gay horseshit?

Jim Mortin as a pedophile priest.

can we ban this faggot kike cunt nigger bot

Unfortunately she a pigish cow now

she's been a pigish cow for years.

Well it depends she went from a chubby broad you bang after couple of beers to a any Schumer blimp

Bitch has been 250+ lbs for years

Pics or GTFO.

This was her when they first started dating a slutty 7 bleach bottle blonde:

Now she packing the lbs:

God damn she went full chipmunk. Those beefers must be saggers now

These beefers, OF COURSE!

He should demand that she let us all have a suck on them.

I love how we get a a post like this every 2 months or so.

Travis, your wife has a terrific set of cans. Congrats. It couldn't have happened to a nicer guy.

Shut up, faggot.

k love u

Why is that huge 1970s couch wearing glasses?

Home run!

is this the one that gets into brawls in ikea?

Much like the listeners, she has never thought 'I'd like to hear what Travis thinks about [insert topic here]'

Ant would probably say "yucky".

I'm happy for the man but don't those things seem lopsided or something? We really need another picture to study. I think that Chinese smock she's wearing is to down play or cover up the beasts underneath.

what a fat bitch.

3/10, bitch makes my penis soft.

Somebody didn't get breastfed...

What do you think her ass is like?

Reminder: she fucked Norton

god for the travdog.

arf arf arf

Dem some big ol' tatters!!

God Damn I would cum in her mouth

She's a very attractive woman and they make a good couple.

I like Travis so will be nice about him. Even on this subreddit.


Whose the mexican quinceanera and the kike?

Am I the only one that knows this is Ant and Joe vs. Danny conversation?

She looks good in this pic, and I like Trav, but seems like he married a "chuckle fucker." In case you civilians dont know, it's like a comedy groupie. They're even lower than female comics, at least female comics have the balls to get on stage.

"A black Mandingo trader is even lower than the head house nigger; and buddy? That's pretty fuckin low."

Travis deserves those.

You looks like an orthodontist

One fuckable quality

The last pair of milkers Travis suckled on left and never came back.

She lookslike a camgirl

goddaaammmnn that bitch got some nice buuubbaas


Got him speaking in the third person now.

Asian is the preferred nomenclature.

slope American

Still man, his boss fucked his wife... kinda fucked up.

He's unraveling folks. Keep it up!

Me and you are the only two here, stupid. You love responding to EVERY post I make. I'm going to stop ok? You just don't quit.

And you didn't believe that guy was who he said.


Those are specifically québécois.


Lmao wow Danny; you need help fr nigga