Reminder: Jim actually believes he's an activist for trans people because, "Everbody in hollywood talks about trans rights but won't admit they date trans women."

14  2018-03-02 by TinKnockinMoroccan

Most trans women who don't exchange sexual favors for money would consider Jim a chaser and probably a threat.

And paying foreign sex workers isn't "dating."


Yeah, I think he would be viewed more as a predator than an advocate of trans people. You don’t hear people praise the guys who fuck prostitutes as advocates of woman’s rights. They’re just seen as perverts or pathetic.

Yeah? Well fuck you too.

Come on man , we’re just having fun here. We mean no harm to you or your people. Everyone is special.

What are you implying friend?

He tried that in a Time magazine piece called something like “in defense of Johns” and got a lot of shit for it, from crazy feminists but also some rational people. That’s why he always says a disclaimer about sex trafficking when he talks about his ‘tuting, and why he hasn’t written anything for Time since.

Thanks , I’ve actually been looking for info on that for the last hour. Would you happen to have a link?

Remember when he lost that little side gig writing op-eds for after he wrote one about how prostitution should be legal and his reasoning was “I’ve personally never beaten, tortured, raped, and/or murdered a prostitute up to this point, so I deserve to not fear arrest when I’m soliciting.”

This is not a man with well thought out or even hypothetically justifiable opinions.

I will never understand how Jim gets so many opportunities.

its just being on the radio for many years, its a platform and he's well known and to some extent he admits his gross tendencies which do appears to be higher among entertainment scum. just my two cents, what do i know?

No, he actually said the title nearly word for word in an interview.

he's gross

Other than Norton and that one month everyone pretended to support Bruce Jenner 3 years ago, when the fuck have you ever heard about trannies, nevermind interact with one?

If you are a fan of video games it seems they have infiltrated that hobby.

brianna wu is courageous and brave

More like Brianna WHO tsss

Not the best thread to ask that question in.

How do you mean? We enjoy beautiful Jewish beefers in this sub.

We certainly do.

Is that an actual quote from that worm? He’s never admitted to dating one either. He’ll joke about his edgy fetish for trannies but wouldn’t ever admit to dating one even when we got a pic of him with his girlfriend. Jim is a piece of shit.

It's almost time for some semblance of normalcy to return so all of these freakish weirdos can be shoved back into their big old closets. Enough already.