Kevin Brennan is a boring one trick pony

0  2018-03-01 by lolercakesmcgee

What exactly is his talent? He’s not quick or informed about anything and just talks at high volume occasionally.


He's definitely a one-trick pony but he's pretty funny. Should be more famous than his faggot brother.

His only gimmick is being a cunt, and honestly, he's not even good at that. None of his insults are witty or clever, someone actually quick like Fezzy would rip him to shreds. The only reason anyone talks to him is because he kicks up dust with everyone just for the word-of-mouth, which isn't ballsy when you've gotten nowhere and you're in the twilight of your career.

He must realize that he’s only useful once in a while and that’s why he can’t keep a consistent show going. I can’t believe he can afford a family given his track record.

His use is more as being a backroom attack dog to bring out at opportune moments when the clever is done, & it's time to just lambast someone

Confident sassy bitch Fez beats Vaguely gay Kevin any day.

It’s funny when he gets amped but only for a while. No one wants to consistently listen to that for more than a half hour. Switch up the fucking tone once in a while.