Jim & Sam Show - Kevin Brennan Vs Dave Landau (03/01/2018)

62  2018-03-01 by Johnniebutters


This was pleasant.

I wonder if bringing up Neal Brennan’s success bothered Kevin?

Dave being told to wear a "Team Neal" shirt. LOL

I like both those guys. I hope they can make up and be friends. BTW doesn't Dave look like the guy in SLC Punks?

Heroin Boob

Is this remotely worthwhile for someone who doesn't follow either of these people in any way?

If you sincerely enjoy a good arguement, yes.

I bet Sam is so sarcastic throughout. His mommy told him that was funny.

Sam plays his cliche "stir the pot" guy and Jim tries to play good cop "you both crossed the line a little bit, but lets not take it to far guys!".

Basically they contributed nothing of value. Much like their show without guests.

Seems like the thing you're describing is..... a hole? JIM IS A HOLE

i hate kevin's little ventriloquist dummy face

He's got grandma chin

Get in the caaaah-fin

That date format is engaging

Jesus Kevin looks like Irish propaganda

They aren’t people.

Evangelical minister

Brennan got his ass kicked

I didn't realize you won any argument if you just tell the other guy you're going to have sex with his 10 year old daughter.

Brennan said he was still gonna beat up Dave. Dave wanted no parts.

Are you kidding? Landeau backed down and apologized like a bitch

Holy shit!! That was totally fucking awesome!!

I have no idea who Dave Landau is.

allegedly he's a comedian, but he has that same mega cunty smug tone of voice Erock has

At least he’s got a cool haircut

That may not be an accurate statement, sir

His twitter background is a picture of him on Ant's show, and his information section reads:

Detroiter seen on Last Comic Standing, Comedy Central, Regular On Artie & Anthony...but most importantly a father.

So he’s a young joe curry

Dave Landau is bad

Landau is great. Both Landau and Brennan are funnier than 2018 Norton.

That's not saying much.

Fake news

Brennan did start the family attacks 1st. Fuck him, Landau RULES!!

No way Landau reacts like that unless his wife is a BIG girl.

Dave is that you?

Dave Landau will block you if you point out how fat his wife is in this picture https://twitter.com/LandauDave/status/639263341307953152

And you’re surprised?

I'm more surprised that he would pretend not to have a fat wife while also tweeting out pictures of his fat wife.

Why wouldn’t he block you?

Damn you’re dumb.

That link isn't working for me. Got an imgur?

Imager is easily manipulated..... also I'm not a pedophile....

Lol he deleted the picture of his fat wife

This is fucking brilliant. Dave Landau is terrible.

Dave Landau reeks of the Joe DeRosa curse where it's just some faggot fan who happens to be trying to be a comic, coming on the show and trying to fit in with his heroes stealing their vernacular and imitating their material. Call him a "nothing" again you doughy mohawk having queer.

I hated Kevin Brennan when I first heard of him on this sub, thought he sounded like a total fag and never made me laugh. But as time goes on, he just proves to be a careless shit talker which I can't hate. He reminds me of East Side Dave if his mother hadn't consumed alcohol and drugs while in utero.

Kevin has grown on me. I enjoy him now, even if he overly whines about everything.

Had to cut it off early. Was 5 minutes of fighting and 20 minutes of hugbox apologising, great show you got there jim.

Landau stinks and I don't like him.

Kevin is a delight.

I love Kevin and this was generally fun to listen to, but god almighty that fucking cackle of Sam's is unbearable. It is so unpleasant to listen to, guy wants a career talking in radio and has one of the worst voices Ive ever heard. Even worse, he interjects it when he's nervous or as a defense mechanism or when he's uncomfortable and wants to 'lighten the mood,' I guess. It's so distracting, he cant just let a tense moment exist or hang there. Fuckin asshole.

Seriously, someone should make a compliation of his cackles. I've heard people complain about it before here and it was blatantly obvious in this show (although that might be because I avoid their show like I avoid interracial porn).

Jim, do you think he has a problem letting a tense moment exist or hang there? * dolphin/goat cackle *

His voice and arrogant tone are so irritating - granted, I haven't listened to much of his show but he is either egging Jim on or cackling like a dolphin

It was okay to hate sam back in the day but dude, it's 2018 and sam has absolutely proven himself. If you're still listening and complaining, that sounds like a "you" problem. Not a "him" problem. Cuz everyone else is fine with it.

You probably thought Zima was a good beer, too.

Lol the comic that starts to threaten physical violence like Brennan did is always the one who lost the fight.

Exactly. He can't stand getting publicly humiliated by that black guy on his podcast so now he has to prove he's not a bitch, which he clearly is.

I'm not gonna lie. This was very good. This was like classic O&A shit.

All Kevin does is whine like a bitch. Dave Landau is fucking funny.

Love a good argument, that was a great clip, but Landau seemed to take it too personally. He doesn't seem to get Kevin's schtick which is to take things way out of proportion to comedic effect. Kevin was also being kind of a fag too.

Yeah, Landau would have come off a lot better in this if he had just kept it light.

He didn’t want to do this on air, which defeats the whole purpose of him being there. How would he not get that.

Dave Landau has the faggiest pompous tone

Dave Landau is a faggot. Kevin is consistently the best guest on jim and sam and ants show

This is delightful.

I see a lot of wifeless childless people talking about what they'd do in this situation lol.

I like how Brennan is still shitting on compound. And he called michael malice a little gay leprechaun

I like Landau working with Ant. Ant just has to stop with the goodfellas/honeymooners references. Also Artie needs to od.

That's all he has.

I like that Kevin guy, I've never heard of him before. I know he's not particularly well known, but the fact he just comes out and says that girl from Red Eye should not talk and just do the show topless because she's a woman....can't help but admire that

The only time this fat little faggot stepped foot in Detroit was for concerts and Tigers games.

But you live there, right tough guy?

I wish I could have seen how scared Jim looked when they "almost got physical" I can only imagine how sad he looked.

"Hit me, go to prison!"

Dave Landau is a supreme pussy.

Have you seen Kevin bitch out to that black guy? It's probably the most bitch shit thats ever happened on a podcast ever.

Who was that?

I love Kevin but his "half joking half crybaby" routine sometimes is missing the comedy part.
It's like the friend you have that says angry fucked up things and when people get he just uses the "I'm joking, you're too sensitive" excuse.
Kevin forgot to mark the line where it's a routine and got lost in it. Now that's who he is

Never heard of Dave Landau. Seems lame

Seriously, someone should make a compliation of his cackles. I've heard people complain about it before here and it was blatantly obvious in this show (although that might be because I avoid their show like I avoid interracial porn).

Jim, do you think he has a problem letting a tense moment exist or hang there? * dolphin/goat cackle *

His voice and arrogant tone are so irritating - granted, I haven't listened to much of his show but he is either egging Jim on or cackling like a dolphin

At least he’s got a cool haircut

It was okay to hate sam back in the day but dude, it's 2018 and sam has absolutely proven himself. If you're still listening and complaining, that sounds like a "you" problem. Not a "him" problem. Cuz everyone else is fine with it.