The Sex Bagel Eric Nagel’s Twitter Account is private. Why is this?

7  2018-03-01 by thedude831



Anything you say can and will be held against you at SIRIUSXM

What could you possibly say on Twitter that’s bad enough to get yourself fired from SiriusXM?

He was dismissed for angrily tweeting, your honor.

Sounds like a Quanspiracy if you ask me.

Cuz he’s a fat piece of shit lol

The Sex-Man is all about the mystery, my friend.

Someone said his wife was cheating on him.... maybe?

OP is someone & I agree. I think he talked about it on his Bennington appearance

Anyone have a video of erock on rons show? About an hour in. I'm a lazy cunt and not in the humor of searching to when he comes in. Sorry.

You are a trully objectionable human being

I know. What's objectionable mean?




cunt who wont google words he doesnt know.

"I find his laziness objectionable in its cunty undertones"

Thanks pal!


His tweets bring nothing to the table.

I'm sure he's applying for new jobs. Best to lock you social media shit down.

He’s fat.

SLOBO piece of monkey shit.

OP is someone & I agree. I think he talked about it on his Bennington appearance