Bob Kelly tore the house down yesterday, what a set

58  2018-03-01 by soopermewtent


YKWD clearing out studio space to make room for the 14th & 15th mic’s

Dummy is trying to be like old O&A, but with more people. His show and diet clearly doesn't work.

His show works fine

8 people talking at once is not fine

That’s how the host does you mutha fucker

That should be a wake up call to lose some pounds for that fellow.

Did Fat Bob eat skinny Bob?

Jesus Christ man, get a handle on your fucking diet.

Of gams

This GIF makes me unnaturally angry. There's literally nothing but tape holding that up.

You're the type of guy who gets mad when a wrestler stomps the mat when he throws a kick.





Black is definitely a slimming color.

Very glad to see he's losing weight. Looking svelte.

I like how his shitty croc gets stuck in the wall. Too bad his diabetic foot wasn't still attached to it.

Why isn't he dressed in red? This is supposed to be the kool-aid man busting through the wall right?

Red-face too.

The fat to end all fats.

Usually when I see Bobby it's shoulders up. I really had no clue it was this bad :/. Ralphie May has some competition.

Blobby wishes he had that much muscle mass.

Stav Kelly

what a set of beefers

I think it's funny his birckenstocks got caught in the drywall.

Bobby is out of control, he looks like King Kong Bundy at his fattest

Hopefully he gets the part in the George "The Animal" Steele biopic.

You're the type of guy who gets mad when a wrestler stomps the mat when he throws a kick.