Audio: Anthony banned from Sirius

141  2018-03-01 by beavvv


so wait why is he banned? they didnt really explain it. ill just assume its sue lightning related

Still listening, they haven't elaborated.

I bet Ant has Sue jizz on him while Ant playfully screams “I’m being struck by lightning!”

That's half a fruit also. But god damn is he good.


He's in love with one of the most badass kickboxers to ever live.

Just a couple of fellas playin grab ass, joshin around. What's the big deal?

We're two guys

Really? Badass?

That's what ment. That businessman was killed later. NOT by him. Badr doesn't has a great reputation over here.

The guy who's carrying him is Badr Hari

Ok, then Badr Hari is gay too, we don't care.

Didn't he adopt a kid as a "solo" guy or some crazy shit?

He has a son with an 'unknown' woman. That's his firstborne (4/5y.). Yes I am a fag for knowing.

That's tremendous.


2:22 min. Jim; " maybe cos of another high profile ex employee". The greasy arm of the Opester?

"Hi, I'm Jim Norton. Instead of being introspective or contemplating the plethora of reasons a company would ban Anthony; I immediately blame Opie."

Oh, Tony... won't see him no more.

No need to ever listen to this shit again

If Anthony was your reason to listen, Jesus, I just feel sorry

To be fair the only listenable Jim and Sam eps were when he was on

Its more of a listening to anything Anthony has to say at all thing, than a he makes Jim and Sam Tolerable thing.

..said most of us years ago.

lot of fukin problems in that studio.

Fuck, even their drama is boring

Interesting they implied it was due to if the bosses would take his side after they find out he is economically useless to them. You think Opie built any goodwill with his bosses? We have seen what his co-workers have to say

Didn't Ant say he was having his lawyers go after the money in his contract because he was let go "without cause"? It could be something stupid like that...

Im not surprised to find Opie Jr and Jim Nordon wouldn't be able to critically think or examine an issue with any depth whatsoever.

Maybe they have a blanket "no fired employees" policy in place so Opie won't hang around the building, annoying people.

”GooOoOoOOd Morning!”

ME: I never FAWKIN said that. Jimmy made that up

Sitting in the lobby next to Joe Piscopo and his gold baseballs

Ya I think it’s more likely that between his appearance on the show and now someone there realized he shouldn’t have been allowed on previously (according to these idiots “steering the ship”) than something happened.

Zero logic behind anyone at Sirius doing anything to appease Opie. If anything, Anthony being allowed to return was probably authorized primarily just to spite Opie. Opie's going to have a hard enough time floating the credibility of the wrongful termination aspect of his lawsuit without throwing in some bizarre Anthony banning clause. Surely, Opie has privately whined to the higher-ups he's still text-friendly with over there about the unfairness of Anthony returning and promoting his terrible platform, but again, what incentive would there be for anyone to crusade for Opie justice?

Surely, Opie has privately whined to the higher-ups he's still text-friendly with over there

I cannot imagine anyone communicating with Opie unless they're being paid to do so.

ME: Vic Henley and Sherrod Small are both KILLING IT for us today!!!!

Lawyers though. If Opie is in fact suing the company I could totally see someone from SXM's legal department writing a memo about this.

Yeah, I hate Opie, but that was pretty cheap alluding that he's the reason with no evidence. It would be one thing if it was ERock, but there's certainly drama to get Anthony banned. They probably don't want him ranting and raving about guns and David Hogg and the spic dyke right now. And being associated with Infowars doesn't help.

Who the fuck even cares anymore

ME: me

Never understood the excitement on this sub for getting ant on there. Complaining about inter racial couples doesn’t suddenly make that pile listenable.

Because Ant is funny when he's with Jimmy and Jommy is funny when he's with Ant. Without eachother they're just crotchety old women.

If this was 2013 I'd agree.

It's basically like a Who reunion at this point. Flashes of old greatest but mostly only interesting for the nostalgia. Otherwise no one would give a shit if it didn't happen and it's probably better if they focused on new shit, instead of pretending the old shit can be recreated while half-assing it with minimal effort.

I definitely agree they're both too lost and past their prime for a proper recovery but it would at least be nice to see how it could've turned out.

Why would the year a difference?

Y'all losers be damned any of u who could give a care to up vote or down vote on this abortion of code have lost your way. Freedom of spreech is dead in you but that will not be the case for everyone


I bet Jim knows. Even that or he doesn't care to find out. He couldn't find out yesterday cause someone was on a call? Did he not ask who told him? Did they reply "I'm not telling?" Why not find out today?

Jim knows

10000% chance it came from the same place as all those youtube deletions yesterday.

Wow. That's fucking depressing, but probably true.


(Our struggle)

My Struggle, dummy.


I was waiting for the Vos plug.

I'll be shocked if Opie's suing them and it was a demand included in the settlement so Sirius could either pay out less, or so the suit would be dropped.

Not because it wouldn't make sense. Only because it's Opie. It's not like him to be smart enough to not even hint at it all these months.

I guess if his lawyer knows him well enough to know what an impulsive retard he is, he could have sat him down from the beginning and drilled it into him over and over like a sledgehammer.

ayye nayye



This has to have something to do with Opies lawsuits against siriusxm?

I completely missed out that there even was one. Is this the only source?

Not surprising I missed it. I stopped having the ability to even hate-watch "pop ups", even for a few seconds, months and months ago.

It's so funny hearing Opie be so confident in that video about "rebuilding" and getting back on the air. And Carl totally bought into it thinking he can cling onto Opie's coattails and actually make something of himself in the media world.

And now it's half a year later and he's done absolutely nothing. He doesn't even make popup shows hardly anymore and when he does he doesn't even pretend he's trying to get back into the radio world.

Not to mention there's been zero update regarding his lawsuit. Because any lawyer he hired has probably told him it's a terrible idea that he'll lose...after taking thousands of dollars in consultation fees. If he does do it it won't help his career or public image at all, Sirius' team of lawyers will destroy him.

Are you implying that other companies wouldn't want to hire an old DJ who sues former employers and takes pics of fat guys shitting while at work?

(((They))) give you a lil' taste, then take it all away. Fawking brutal.

Probably in this #metoo environment they find it ridiculous to have a guest in their building who they fired for violent and racist tweets targeting a woman, who then was arrested and pled guilty to domestic violence for beating up a woman and then he had his verified twitter account banned for life for harrassing and threatening another woman.

Just a hunch.

How hilarious is it that there is a lawyer being paid to decide which guests are too toxic for satellite radio.

Your favorite music, commercial-free, plus uncensored talk and entertainment, sports and Howard Stern.

They really need to change 'uncensored' to something a bit more politically correct.

That lawyer? M.

I wonder what religion they practice...

What do you expect from a publicly traded company?

Then when they finally did let him back in the building he went right back to whining about the mooncrickets on air.

Exactly. They wanted him to stop when he worked there and he wouldn't. Now they could keep him on a tighter leash. And he still went right back to race.

Well that #meetoo White Knight shit needs to end. 2 out of your 3 examples are mean words on a screen. Oh no, he said a mean thing on Twitter. Who gives a shit? Anybody who cares about anything said on Twitter ever is such a huge faggot, and needs to kill themselves immediately

You white knight Anthony constantly and he cares VERY much about what is said on Twitter.

Being a white knight means you're being overly protective of women you don't know. The guys who act morally outraged by Anthony calling a prostitute a savage are white knights. Secondly, yeah, Twitter is stupid, and Anthony is stupid for using it.

Your aren't a smart

I don't use Twitter. So by default, I am

Your are a faggot


I assume you don’t think Reddit is stupid being that you have an account on here. My question is why is twitter so retarded while Reddit is perfectly fine? You do realize Reddit is a social media platform right? There basically almost no difference between the two except that twitter has a character limit & a much larger user base.

Reddit is stupid, too.

Anthony Cumia is a massive fucking faggot and was never funny or cool.

Naw, he was pretty funny

He was always banned.

I remember in 2015, Joe Rogan and Jamie were filling in for Opie one day.

They tried to get Anthony in the studio but were notified on-air that he's not allowed. I have no clue how he has been getting through security this whole time.

It was Rogan and Ari Shaffir, and when he did finally come in to do Jim and Sam, Jim made a big deal about how he asked the bosses and they agreed that enough time had passed.

ohhhhh, crap i just made a post about this.

ive never seen the first anthony reunion episode, thank you for the info


This landed at least 2 subscribers

I hope it's a fawkin' metal band and shiznit!

Maybe they saw his Twitter and figured he's still a liability. Gun rants, racism, Xanax and alcohol abuse, doxxing his own subscribers, pedophilia, neglect.... Why would any company want that?

Jim & Sam talking about what hurts and is not fair to the fans is fucking laughable.

Their show hurts the fans.

Meanwhile Colin is sitting at home next to the phone with a diet coke in one hand and a bottle of aspirin in the other

When will the "Show we can't talk about" come back to finish off the Worm?

That kind of stuff only affects fanous people.

Someone needs to get that girl to Allred, stat.

Could it have something to do with basically shitting on teenage shooting survivors for the past two weeks?

That's what I'm thinking. And the Infowars association, since they're pretty controversial right now with the youtube strikes.

Nice editing, stupid.

So here’s what we do gang: Head on over to the ol’ OpieRadio Twitter, and harass and harangue Opie about why he’s making Sirius ban Anthony from the building again. He probably has nothing to do with it, but enough people yelling at him will make him crack if he actually DID have something to do with it.

So, let's get this straight. Opie is fired for filming a SiriusXM employee shitting. Spends next few months calling out that employee and the company, even says he has a lawsuit against the company...BUT for some reason the company does him a solid and bans his old radio partner anyway months after Opie left?

This has nothing to do with Opie and everything to do with Anthony.

Jim Norton is just a Cumia fag and he can't ever call his hero out for anything so he blames Opie.

But this doesn't make sense: The only big public things that has happened with Ant lately is shit with us, and why would Sirius care about that? I do know Ant was trying to get the rest of his money from his contract, but I think he mentioned that his lawyer said that wasn't going to happen, so the whole thing was dropped. They don't care about his gun ramblings, because he's been doing that for years since he's been fired, and they let him back on anyway (eventually). But considering its a sensitive time for that; maybe they DON'T want Ant to come on and shoot his mouth off about it?

I cant fathom that Opie would be THAT insecure, as to demand Ant be banned as part of his possible settlement with Sirius, because that would imply that Opie had a case to begin with. But if we're humoring that: Why would Ant coming on the show matter to him?

I agree. It's probably twofold for Opie. One Anthony got and that all of his "gigs" (real estate investing, Celebrity Big Brother, radio consultant) have all fallen through so his last card to play is a lawsuit.

Thus, rather than be viewed as still having a business relationship with Anthony they're now saying they can't have a relationship legally.

Wait wait, WHAT his mouth off? Tss

Use your brain, Opie has wrangled this into his settlement with Sirius. Dont mess with him okay.


I haven't seen any discussions here about it but what is it with the Erock thing? Three times previously Sam has said he blocks Erock from coming on the show, and it's always ambiguous whether he's kidding or not. The default assumption would be that he's joking, but there was never any, like, bits about it that were run with in the seconds following these presumptive "jokes". Not even like a "besides he's too fat to fit through the door". Just nothing.

Now Travis says "I always block him from coming in". Same ambiguity I guess, but Jim's response to all four instances is weird. "We'd love to have Erock in". "No I've blocked that every time". Jim: "......"

Maybe Sam does want to push Jimmy out so he can go back to his horrendously unfunny solo show, with Travis. Or maybe some wrestler he has in mind. In a way I hope that's the case and I hope it all happens just so Sam can eventually learn how terrible his shows are without Jim.

Sam is making fun of you.

That's the (terrible, unfunny) bit!

Wicklund seems like such an irritating little company boy.

Here comes a new "Stand With Ant" protest.

If we can get 4 fat guys outside SiriusXM tomorrow, we would have record numbers.

Unlikely. Bobo is meeting with the pope after he gets back from Tuscany.

"El papa, mi nombre de mi perro es Señor Maloonigans."

"Él es a... a... a... a schnoodle."

Get a flatbed truck filled with trannies brandishing pro-Anthony signs to circle the block of the Sirius complex until his admittance is restored. Turn this into a trans-tolerance issue and they'll give him the keys to the goddamn building. He's clearly being barred because this company hates ex-employees who fraternize with the transsexual.

Isn't that why Danny got fired?

God that reminds of the greatest O And A bit was the Sex bus they had driving around city hall!!!If I remember correctly Jim got arrested and spent the nite in the tombs.Lol.

Jimmy + Lewis Black (and surely others). 11/30/2000. "Teen Voyeur Bus."

LOL what shocking jocks! Back when Opie was one of the boys. You can hear it in his confidence in his voice.

His edgy frat boy humour was killing it!

let's not forget they coy LFTC swastika shirt - who wouldn't want to be on their team

You know they're badasses because TAPOUT and Sons Of Anarchy are being rep'd

Thanks for reminding me how pathetic those 3 individuals were. It makes my Panera job less of a grind

Anthony should borrow a page from the Gregg Hughes playbook and allege that Howard himself gave the order in a conference room filled with all the top bosses and shareholders.

Weird since Tranth has been so level-headed and sober on twitter lately. You know, the platform that got him fired in the first place.

What???? No he hasn't....

Oh literal jim

Opie lawsuit related.

work for big 4 firm in manhattan. My group is currently working on the financials for compound media. 2 days in and we are focusing on investment returns being properly taxed blah blah blah. 1 of the 5 major investors is an llc owned by none other than Greg Hughes- you can’t make this shit up. Turns out Tits is a good egg after all.

This is illegal nigger.

sweet tats brah

Opie spells his name with two g's at the end.

and I just realized that 3 out of the 5 letters in dummy's name are G's.


Nice use of consonants, stupid.

Damn it. Good catch from a good egg.


Are you implying that I don't have a lot of Twitter followers, so therefore my input is invalid and I'm not worthy?

Go back to your League of Losers and redditards.

People like you make it too easy.


"Gregg...for all intents and good."

This might have been believable if said you were a bookkeeper in Long Island strip mall between a laundrymat and an auto parts store.

This has to be a result of his tweets. Everything bad that happens to him is because of his tweets.

It has something to do with Opies lawsuit

I'm thinking that too, not sure what Anthony has to do with it, it's also odd that all those YouTube videos were deleted yesterday and now this.

I am gonna guess that Sirius doesn't want to take the chance of Anthony and Jimmy saying anything about Opie on Sirius.

I agree with this. Probably due to the fact opie is banned for committing a sexual crime in sirus. And he might be arguing they have let ant back into the building and he's had a recent run in with domestic violence and of course his many twitter fuelled ban rants that got him fired.

Opie could be arguing unfair dismissal or Sirius lawyers expecting it to be part of his case. I don't believe jimmy hasn't heard Opie is suing Sirius. Double standards etc...

He will loose thou. You don't film people in toilets in a corporate environment. More so in a public toilet. He still too dumb to accept this. Roland should have pressed charges. The dumb cunt

Teased to death to give it a grandiose air of mystique. Never materializes or goes nowhere. Just like everything else with Opie. We of all people should see through this from miles away.

Jimmy really oversells every one of his reactions. Really, it's "incomprehensible" that Anthony would be prevented from doing the show? Just go find out the reason you ineffectual little worm.

(something mildly impressive happens)

Jim “Top Shelf Language” Norton: ‘its PHENOMENAL’

He's not in a position to demand an answer. He's lucky to have a job, he just does as he's told.

That's his problem, he doesn't need to demand anything he could just ask. Jimmy doesn't have to pretend this is some massive him against management issue, but I guess he needs something to self-righteously pontificate about.

I'm a little bummed. When Anthony was in studio, it was probably the closest to his old funny self he can be. If this is bad for anybody, it's Anthony. Nothing but black crime statistics and feigned laughing at a dying junkie from here on out.

His first show back was funny. His second show was right back to race shit.

I don't get why he can't Skype in or something. It was a show where 3 guys hardly looked up at each other because they were on their phones during the show. So it's not like great physical chemistry is needed.

Norton: "I don't know why they did it"

Well, shit, Jim; lets run through the reasons Ant's been fired from radio previously, and see if there's any clues:

Did he declare the Mayor of Boston was dead, again? Nope.

Did he encourage people to have sex in a Catholic Church, again? Nope.

Did he tweet anything really racist.... uh-oh.

I wonder if Malcolm LaVergne's got any friends at Sirius?

Here's another theory - part of the reason they banned him from the building was because he had a concealed carry licence, and a short temper; as an impulsive, angry ex-employee he might be seen as a risk to the staff. That changed once he lost his guns. that he's claiming to be a gun-owner again, maybe their risk assessment has changed.

Hahah please God, let the reason he's banned be because he lied about still having his guns.

What a fucking stupid, ball-less company. Sirius is awful.

I wonder what you'd have to offer Norton to get him to turn his back on Anthony. I bet it wouldn't be much.

$60K maybe...?

I'm surprised he was ever let back on in the first place to be honest. The bosses probably just finally remembered who he is.

If his head wasnt on a swivel, he cant say he wasnt warned.

/r/opieandanthony always win in the end. Period.

Maybe he was banned for sucking too many tranny peckaz or sumptin

FAWK yeah Chippa!

"It hurts our fans!". Shut up, go eat some low carb strawberries.

ME: Blueburries are vurry good tho

Constant pontificating and ufc, porn Star and wrestler interviews hurt the show a lot more than some black guy being prevented from coming in

Sirius is taking an anti SJW stance by banned tranny advocate and lover Anthony Cumia because of his love of trannies.

Anthony should consider making this a BLM issue.


Why do Jews have to ruin everything

Oh, did Anthony convert to Judaism? Because surely you couldn't think anyone else deserves the blame for his lot in life.

I once saw The Opester kill three jews in a bar with a pencil. A fucking pencil....Seriously, though, three jews and a guy with tits walk into a bar...

I'm guessing what happened is Opie is threatening to sue, and the company still sees "Opie and Anthony" as a unit.

Like like so like so so like so

1 minute I lasted

I don't fucking care

Watch out for these badasses:

So it's safe to say Opie is off the hook on this one?

well I guess the whole "ants joining jim at Sirius" theory is kaput

Miss riding it 😘

HAHAHA Cancer Research UK replied to her with logic and reasoning and she's arguing with them.

Why are people saying this is Opie's lawsuit? He's been lying about that for 8 months. I think this is because Anthony is going bonkers on Twitter and TACS about guns again in a really heated political climate.

I think this is because Anthony is going bonkers on Twitter and TACS about guns again in a really heated political climate.

Winner, winner, chicken dinner!


Damn, I thought this was just another shitpost.

Why doesn't this have more traction? Pretty crazy shit imo. The largest audience that Ant has ever had or will ever have is permanently no longer available to him.

Is there any actual reason to listen to J&S now? I only listened to the few eps Ant was on, otherwise it's completely insufferable...not just as an O&A product, it genuinely is terrible radio.

God damn Jim just bounce from Sirius and start something REAL with Ant, without half-dead junkie Artie, before nobody remembers who any of you are because that day is rapidly approaching.

LGBT discrimination!

I wonder if Malcolm LaVergne's got any friends at Sirius?

Here's another theory - part of the reason they banned him from the building was because he had a concealed carry licence, and a short temper; as an impulsive, angry ex-employee he might be seen as a risk to the staff. That changed once he lost his guns. that he's claiming to be a gun-owner again, maybe their risk assessment has changed.

To be fair the only listenable Jim and Sam eps were when he was on

Being a white knight means you're being overly protective of women you don't know. The guys who act morally outraged by Anthony calling a prostitute a savage are white knights. Secondly, yeah, Twitter is stupid, and Anthony is stupid for using it.

Their show hurts the fans.

Meanwhile Colin is sitting at home next to the phone with a diet coke in one hand and a bottle of aspirin in the other

I once saw The Opester kill three jews in a bar with a pencil. A fucking pencil....Seriously, though, three jews and a guy with tits walk into a bar...