Anthony is persona non grata at SiriusXM once again.

56  2018-03-01 by srb9586

He was booked for todays J&S. No specific reasons why. Something to do with the lawyers.


Jim trying to blame Tits. Guess that shoots the whole Tits kept him away thing.


If Opie hired M to sue Sirius and wrecked Jim and Sam's careers, it would be great for this sub.

Sue everyone! Sue lightning even!

Yep. Those are references.

It would make me actually like opie a little bit. Then again I'd like ed gein if he buried Sam

Who doesn’t like good ol’ Ed Gein?

Sam is the one preventing Ant from coming in. He is just like Opie. He wont allow Jim to do Chip or Paul on the show either.

What are you basing that on?

Severe retardation.

Steady diet of paint chips with a side of the 'tism



Sirius's new Whites only policy

(((Sirius XM)))

That’s what he gets for doxxxing like a cum eater.

Wait - is this real? That’s actually terrible news. The Jim and Sam shows with Anthony have actually been pretty funny.

When they dont spend it re-telling O&A stories or ant's saying how good CpM is doing or how great it is with artie or its them playing catch up, yes its okay.

no. They are not.

I can’t see how Opie’s lawsuit could have anything to do with Ant being banned. I think it’s Ants nonstop twitter diatribes. If a higher up at SXM just scrolled through it, knowing the charged climate we are in, it would make perfect sense to ban him from the building. Why would they take a chance of being associated with that?

Doesn't hold up. Thousands of Sirius youtubes were wiped yesterday. For the first time in a couple years. There's no way that's a coincidence, and Ant's tweets obviously wouldn't lead to videos being taken down.

Ant could have been banned before we're now finding out. Bet Don was putting off telling Jimmy until he absolutely had to...which was now because they wanted to have Ant in studio.

If I was a betting man I'd say they someone, after searching through all the youtube shows for copyright claims, noticed how disgusting of a person he is and made sure to make note of it to her boss in their report.

Yesterday, Sirius settled all family business. Youtube. Cumia. Stracce.

Doesn't Steve Bannon have a show on Sirius? I highly doubt they care about Ant's dumb tweets.

Yeah totally, it's not like his tweets ever got him in hot water with Sirius before.

Bannon got banned like a week after he got his show.

Oh. Didn't know that.

They fired him over his dumb tweets. Nice post, stupid

But Ant was constantly on J&S the past year and he hasn't changed his tweeting habits, why would they care now? There's gotta be another reason.

No, I agree. Just pointing out the wrongness.
Frankly this is the worst timeline. I was hoping eventually Ant gets resigned to do J&S. All we can hope is that Jim felt the same way and the fact that they're not letting up on this means Jim will eventually walk and do a REAL show with Ant (not Chip).

All we can hope is that Jim felt the same way and the fact that they're not letting up on this means Jim will eventually walk and do a REAL show with Ant (not Chip).

You are delusional. Unless XM boots him that will never happen, because they pay better than Ant.

He get too REAL for 'em?!

yasss queen

Maybe he should offer his tens of fans $5k to get Sirius shut down.

Only libtard Anti-Fa socialist snowflakes try to get people in trouble for using their unlimited right to freedom of speech! Nice try wi da bounty, tho.

Well, he doesn’t have his guns so that can’t be it.

Maybe it’s cause he acts like 13 year old cheerleader on Twitter

Dates them, too.

Good. Now I’m happy.

It's incredible how he just keeps fucking up.

Prisons aren't filled with blacks soley because of a racist justice system, the truth is that those people just don't know how to behave.

I think it's funny that if his ass was still a tin knocker those charges would have gotten him 20 years in upstate NY.

They probably don’t want to be responsible for the old man with dementia wondering around the halls

They have a policy against drunken, racist pedophiles who misplace guns in their stupor. It's weird.

Probably for putting 5 thousand dollar bounties out on people. The man just can't behave.

Hopefully this is one step closer to Sam being unemployed

Sam will never be fired, because he won't even say faggot on his own YT show. He's a company man 'til the end, and costs nothing.

How will this affect the fan fiction of him being hired back to do the mornings full time?

lol, fuck him.

Why can't he just behave himself?

Bowling for behave!

I love that Ant's suggestion to Michael Moore is that he should make a movie about how horrible black people are.

No wonder he loves Colin /*chomp

Well that's something to look into. Chomp Chimpin .

It's revenge for Cumia stealing all the O&A subscribers. Him and Jimmy have to sit there and take it. It's among the Jews, real greaseball shit.

Producers probably decided to book someone funny for a comedy show.

so much for the dream of him co hosting.

Sirius sure showed him. Now he can't work for free there

Was he on recently or did this just happen because of Twitter rants and his show?


Maybe Sirius XM is scared of the competitor Compound Media and don’t want them on the air. You know - sort of like when terrestrial radio didn’t want mentions of Sirius or XM when they started out.

J/K There are AM radio stations with more listeners than CM.

Top brass found out Ant is a Tunisian knife fighter.

No specific reasons why?

He's a Nazi alcoholic convicted of domestic violence, grooming underage girls for sex, beating a retarded man, scamming and doxxing his subscribers, openly has hatred for all black people, has admitted to lusting over 13 year old girls, abuses various medications...shall I continue?

Ant could have been banned before we're now finding out. Bet Don was putting off telling Jimmy until he absolutely had to...which was now because they wanted to have Ant in studio.

If I was a betting man I'd say they someone, after searching through all the youtube shows for copyright claims, noticed how disgusting of a person he is and made sure to make note of it to her boss in their report.

Yesterday, Sirius settled all family business. Youtube. Cumia. Stracce.