I think Ant saw my video of his ticks and came up with the fantastic reasoning! (+Artie Spills Again)

9  2018-03-01 by NondenominationalBen


Here's the video of his ticks https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7eECP34tfEw

The ones at :39 and :54 are particularly bad/hilarious

Maybe he does have Parkinson's

Dave Landau would do well to lay off the band tees

How does he get off saying "I'm not fat" on worldwide radio

Nonsense. He's full of it.

Such a fake cough after that explanation. Did you hear the flem break up? No, dry and over exaggerated. Parkinson's.

I’ll never get over Artie spills it’s always funny.

Flahrentine looks disgusted


The Artie clip could be a muted gif with no context and it would work even to people who didn't know who he was. Yeah stupid, that's what happens when you wear sunglasses in a basement.

I would genuinely feel bad if that was a legitimate health concern, it's fucking sad to watch this mess lie and bury his problems and to see them come out all on video and him trying to hide them.



Nice video, stupid.