Seriously, why don't Ant & Artie get Beetlejuice on the show??

25  2018-02-28 by SickLikeAidz

I mean, it can't be that hard to get him there?? With Artie having a history with Beet on the Howard Stern show. Plus that shit would be gold compared to the "celebrities" they're getting since moving their studio.


Who!? ME??!?!?

No.. you

Uhhh, bout 6' 5", 400 lbs

I’m black but I’m not Puerto Rican I’m not stupid

Might could be

I didn't bash Opie, Anthony or Jim in my thread.. A cracker feeling good about himself.. but fuck Sam.

That's black on black insulting

i think Beet lives in Georgia or some shit now.

If Ant won’t fly to LA to do Rogan, no way he’s flying in retarded black pinheads to do his show.

they really should. idk if that would fuck up what beet has going on with howard tho

one of the more recent Beet sightings

Daaaamn with that grey beard on the bottom he looks old as fuck.

Beet is living in Atlanta, and his diabetes makes traveling difficult nowadays. He hasn't been in studio in over a year. Also, his manager Bobby is a hardcore Stern fan and probably wouldn't want to piss off the show.

Yeah but its not like his making many appearances on the show like he used to. It sucks though, Beets the best.

Beetlejuice once angrily called Artie a "shit pizza" which I've always thought of Artie as since.

That's pretty accurate.

Bobo meets Beetlejuice is my wet dream

Beet would beat him

I would not be surprised if Howard has the Wack Pack sign some sort of exclusivity contract for radio appearances. After listening to Jocktober and unfortunately working in the broadcast industry for awhile, I realized very few radio people have new ideas...some rock station in a midsize market would’ve snapped up one or two of them and rehashed old bits if the opportunity arose.

He may be able to do a one-off show or if he’s promoting some sort of material Howard may let him do it.

Artie would miss the show and then it'd just be Ant talking to Beetlejuice for 2 hours

That would be even better

Anthony trying to engage Beetlejuice in 2nd Amendment rants and longings for movies from the 70s would be fascinating.

You're suggesting the Anthony and Artie Lange show get Beetlejuice in the year 2018.

Let that sink in.


goo for you.

The King off all Fakery won't allow it.

fuck beetle, they need the gangster ELLEGANT ELLIOT OFFEN,Riiiiight..And if PC Howie still has any fans that give them shit over it, he was on Ron and Fez way before stern

Maybe they can get whatever Jesus twin is still alive.