Question: Both Opie and Anthony are lazy fags. However...why was Anthony able to start a whole network from scratch, while Opie isn't able to get a job or do anything?

36  2018-02-28 by Every1ShouldBKilled


Anthony didn't do shit. He asked his lackeys to take care of her for him, and they did

Sure: I'll agree to that. That's why I'm saying they're both lazy fags. But if they're both lazy and have lackeys (like when Opie says he has his "guys"); why was Ant able to turn it around (for better or worse), and Opie wasn't?

Does Opie even really have lackeys? He's burned every bridge at this point, even fucking Kenny has nothing to do with him anymore

Well the lackeys he has either their own business, or need to find the next gig and cant wait around. So he'd have to be the one to rally everyone together and get things moving. But he isn't doing that for some reason.

Hopefully because he's too busy preparing to get divorce rate

Opie has only has whatever Prep-Burger service he uses to make his "hilarious" Youtube videos. I can only imagine how much he pays for those gems.

Opie interprets the cross guard waving him across the street as managements sign of approval for the direction of the show.

Why would he mess with it? Don’t fix it if it ain’t broken, stupid.

Opie doesn't want to fail so he won't even step up to the plate.

thats probably more realistic

I think this is pretty accurate. Deep down he knows way more people hate him than like him, and that his solo show was a disaster (or at least didnt have the chemustree or demand of O&A). However his total narcisist exterior persona would never let him admit this publicly, or even alone in the mirror.

It's spelled chemistry.

he's been posting for 18years. he's a rockstar at spelling brotherman

Fair enough.

Opie has fuck you money out the wazoo and his homeless lifestyle ensures he will keep it

Ant will bleed out within 5 years, then old blue berry tits will come out with a scathing beatdown

Hi Opie.

if i was opie i'd abandon my family and use my ofd shire accounts to fund my cross country homeless mockery extravaganza

Anthony still has "friends." (leeches)

Opie's a viral sensation who's pop-up shows are the talk of the town. He also has big things in the works, big things.



They look at their situations very differently. Anthony saw his firing as an excuse for him to finally create a show without restrictions where he can talk about guns and blacks and taxes and whatever else he wants without fear of repercussions. I guess he forgot that he did that on O&A every single morning anyway. Either way, Anthony wanted to create some right wing talk outlet to get shit off his chest.

Opie feels entitled to be in Stern's position. He feels that everyone should come to him and not the other way around. Opie thinks that he can just throw out his ramblings and random bullshit that he films and that it will eventually take off and land him into another high-paying position. And even if someone does offer Opie a job, he isn't going to take it unless its the best job with the best pay imaginable. He still thinks it is 2001 and his name holds some value.

Opie is more mentally ill but Ant is a bigger narcissist. Ant NEEDED to heard. He couldn't live in a world where people didn't know his feelings on guns an blacks.


  1. No one of any interest or talent will work with Opie.
  2. Opie would never get an independent thing going because he refuses to accept that major broadcasting entities are no longer an option for him. That's why he acts as if his little social media shows are just fun bullshit he's doing to pass time until the "major announcement" is made.
  3. Anthony is a piece of shit in many ways but Opie is genuinely mentally ill.

Danny is a balding kile

Opie has deluded himself into thinking that he was the real talent behind O&A and that offers would just start falling in his lap.

Keith The Cop is a more effective manservant than Club Soda Kenny?

Opie never had a real job to begin with so he doesn’t know how to do what he’d need to...yeah yeah..he caddied for mob bosses and knows comedy.

Pretty simply because Anthony had the extreme right wing following that opinion-less Opie didn't.

Bob Eatman got Opie most of his gigs. He got him the gig in Boston, then the WNEW gig, and then he put him on XM radio when Opie and Anthony were radio kryptonite.

And Bob Eatman is dead now.

Talent. Opie has none. Never did,never will.

Because Anthony is talented and enjoys talking to people..That's why he built a studio and did free weekend shows at his house while on OnA..Opie couldn't carry a conversation if his life depended on it,,He couldn't do a podcast let alone launch a network

Short answer: everyone hates Opie, and Lynsi's divorce settlement won't leave him enough money to buy more friends.
