Ant is shilling for Jones; a man he mad fun of.

0  2018-02-28 by RBuddCumia


He's pretty much admitted that he knows Alex is crazy yet works for him now. Seems like people will always defend those whose politics are similar to theirs no matter how insane they are

“Mad fun of”, good one.

Anthony does infowarz as a host to give Alex time to buy more Rolex watches. Put that in your pipe and smoke it.

Angry, ranting Alex is equivalent to a WWE character

All involved are cunts but it is hilarious how that kid instantly chickened out of going anywhere near Jones' show once offered.

That kid does seem like he would suck a dick just to have a camera pointing at him with the record light on

there is no way his handlers would allow that

That David Hogg fuck needs to be curb stomped

Anthony right now is like a fighter on his last legs, just swinging wildly and hoping to land some strikes. Join Inforwars and pretend to believe their bullshit? Sure, why not! Third wave feminism? I just learned what it was but I'm told they're literally ruining my life as a cisgender male! FUCK 'EM! Hire obese junkies and former Fox News reporters? Fuck it, something's gotta work, right???

I wonder if it has ever dawned on Anthony that if he had just kept his mouth shut on Twitter for one night then he could still have the easiest job on the planet and wouldn't have to be doing all this bullshit in hopes of gaining relevancy.