Give it time; eventually, the BLM/SJW's of the world will go after Black comics en masse too...

0  2018-02-28 by TangerineReam


Look at the goofy fuckin jew to the left.

The guy with the wacky hair is awful too.

Sam in twenty.

There is no fucking way Sam's hairline will be in that good of shape in twenty.

Now I'm going to paint some happy trees and some smiling clouds

Why are they at this together? They both have a relatively equal amount of A list fame, but what do they have in common? Are we to believe Chris Rock and Amy Schumer hang out together, more than with the other NYC comedians? Would Chris not prefer to be here with one of his own buddies? Who goes to a sports game with some fat woman they've seen around at work. Are they the only two Nicks fans in all of comedy?

Conclusion: They were both paid to be here together to promote her shitty movie and his shitty special.

I really have failed to notice this in the past. Once it's spelled out like that it doesn't even seem nuanced. They are breathing billboards, scary shit.

"Like I don't necessarily condone white guilt but as a..."

I really wanted to know the ending of this thought.

Hilarious since Chris Rock's entire act for 20 years has been "white people be racist. "