Newly discovered Andrew Dice Clay first draft.

87  2018-02-28 by JayRitalin


Then he must have put the (((Silverstein))) touch on it

Andrew, the rubes just aren't going to go in for this technical jargon. You need to appeal to the flyover states, the ticket grosses will triple if you add a bit of vulgarity. We really need all the funding we can get this quarter to send back to (((the Motherland))).

The first time my father saw Dice perform, he said “There goes a Jew with an identity crisis.”

"That guy's entire schtick is a Jew wanting to be Italian" - Pat Cooper

I don't know if I'm in the minority here but I never could stand dice. Maybe it's his accent, or the too cool for the room leather, or that every "joke" has similar sounding/constructed punchline.

The Day the Laughter Died is the biggest comedic masterpiece of our generation, civilian. Show some God damn respect, stupid.

Comedy isn't a lasting medium and can be very nostalgic. As someone born after the Kinison/Dice era, it seemed very hacky. I've since become interested in the story of the character vs performer that appears pretty Shakespearean in hindsight now and enjoy the old stories they tell of him and of course the goldmine of audio featuring Dice's demise on Stern. It's rare too see documentation of a star burning out so those years are very entertaining too me now. With age, you hate much less as the painting grows into a mural.

our generation

It's 28 years old, you fossil.

Jeepers fellas I was only joshin!

Well gee willickers

The Dice character is basically the "cool" version of the professor in "The Nutty Professor." Pretty much an exact copy, but dirty.

He's funny for five minutes. Like Yakov Smirnoff.

How dare you civilian.

this is his out of character writing

Thank God, at least one person got the joke. Good on you.

"Did you learn how to talk that way in Hebrew school, Dice?" Jackie the Jokeman