"In 6000 you'll be able to go through wormholes and other places in the galaxy." - Jim Norton

91  2018-02-28 by JimNortonUnfunnyFag

Jim Norton is an idiot who deserves to be slapped in the mouth.

Thank you for your time and attention regarding this matter.


You forgot to add pseudo intellectual to your username.

Pontificating Jimmy... yick.

Pontificating/Future Jimmy was always the worst.

The other day I heard the show with his "one world bank / unified peoples" argument with Bill and Ant. Bill's yelling about the Amero, which will replace the dollar, Ant's amused at it all, and lil Wormy Norden is getting drastically, severely bent out of shape because no one is taking him serious.

It turns into a decent real argument against bill, who's dumb in his own right, but no match for Jim. Back when I first listened I assumed Jim was kind of the smart one. I was young

For all the amazing knowledge and insight Norton thinks he has, he can't even explain how a Transistor works.


well, actually ..

He actually doesn't know how to find the area of a square.

The faggot can't even recite pi to a hundred digits

how a Transistor works.

They don't work, they steal sunglasses.

As much as I fucking hate 'Future Jimmy', I still prefer it over the character he does every morning, 'Out of touch 50 year old douche'.

They're one in the same

This is the same asshole who's head nearly exploded because he couldn't understand the concept of Google Street View.


What a fucking idiot.

I can't even tell if Jimmy is doing a bit anymore. How in the fuck does he not know what dropbox is?

Da Chippa knows what it is, it's what I did to Lauren Kubera tsss

The most infuriating part of the clip is Sam's snort and witch cackle combo at the end

Let's not forget, about how he didn't know if you could bring podcast equipment into the city.

Or hear it in a car.

Hey - if there's one guy who knows about wormholes (in fact anything whatsoever to do with worms), it's Jimmy.

Barely got a GED.

I get the impression that Jimmy never really pays attention to technical things while it’s being explained to him.

I’m sure he did watch a documentary about wormholes narrated by Mike Rowe last night, but he only caught every tenth word because his mind just kept going, “gotta have my next orgasm and autograph. gotta have my next orgasm and autograph. gotta have my next orgasm and autograph."

Honestly, put the obsessive creep down already. Next to Artie Lange and Opie, he’s the person most deserving of euthanasia in the O&A universe.

Can I suggest a Joe Derosa be added on there? Did you see the on-camera four-pronged titty/flab tshirt hitch attempt the other day? That alone should get him considered, even without the voice and the things he somehow uses it to say

I always forget that Joe Derosa exists

Jim will literally repeat a question to a guest they just answered

I remember him saying something like porn won’t exist in the future because they’ll find out how to make you cum via electrical impulses as “they” discover more information about the brain. you’ll just push a button and your brain will make you have an intense orgasm then you go about your day.

to me it sounded like the fantasy of a man who knows he wastes too much of his life on porn. he wishes he could just flip a switch to cum and not fall into the 9 hour edging rabbit hole every night.

anytime jim shares an honest thought or opinion and steps slightly out of the boundaries of comedy, he reveals himself to be a massive fucking retard.

I feel this thread deserved more.

And he had the nerve to bash Erock’s idea for a sci-fi movie.

What idea? All I remember are allusions and vagueries.

It was a remake of Sliders

"who cares about a black hole coming, I can get to LA in an hour" - Sam 'Opie' Roberts

It is about time someone slapped that fag right in his cocksucker.

Hey man. It's like Kurtzwell wrote about, one day there won't be individual thoughts, just the collective intelligence.

Once we figure out a way to get past the commonality of language, we'll all be able to communicate with a simple thought and we'll be able to upload our memories to some... memory bank in The Cloud or something. We'll also be able to just download experiences like a Sabbath album on iTunes.

Let's take a quick break. I'm about to shit my pants and Frankie Edgar from the UFC is coming in to promote a fight this weekend.

Is that what he calls his butthole?

Jimmy has the wide-eyed wonderment and careless curiosity of an 8yr old. One can only hope that curiosity leads him to a metal object and a 240 outlet.

Jimmy shut up for god sake.

Just wanted to remind you all that gravity exists on Earth because it spins.

Meanwhile in the 21st century, Jimmy cant drive a car in GTA

I love the confident declarations about the future based on zero evidence or rationale. 50 years ago Jimmy would have said we would be living on the moon driving around in flying cars by 2018.

Its always "one day we will have this or that" its like he thinks black mirror is a documentary series

In the year 6000 wormholes will be as big as your imagination.

I like to get all my astrophysics info from Dr. Michio Cocksucker

He thought meth was grown in the bottom of the ocean. He thought the Unabomber wrote the first manifesto. On two separate occasions he thought we were still on the gold standard. He doesn't believe in the big bang. He thinks Baby Driver is bad.

in 60 minutes you can call your D-list celeb private tyranny escort service have a tranny worm in your hole

DLS pls cum back

We need you

fuck you

If anyone knows about holes for worms its Jim Norton

The only science questions Jim should be answering are about trannies and AIDS medication.

he sounds so smart when he's regurgitating Ray Kurzweil's bullshit upon the airwaves.

I wish Keith the Cop would pull Jim's chair out from under him!

Einstein-Rosen bridges don’t violate relativity but they would be tiny, microscopic. No one is traveling through them, Jim.

Yeah man, Ozzy sang about it in fucking 82 and Hawking ripped him off