Ant prefers his underage girls with hair and makeup

59  2018-02-28 by 2hawt2sexxxi


Anthony is a child-fucking nigger.

Does he still have his license? Serious question, if not why the fuck would he care? What an old lonely faggot.

You can get a license allowing you to do that?

Guns? Concealed carry and all of that?

overhead plane noises

Dude prolly had his drone taken away by authorities too just for good measure.

Tell us how you really feel!

A child fucking a nigger is Ant's nightmare.

He sees that regularly from his ceiling mounted mirror.

It’s just a meaningless post. We all know the one girl is better looking than the other. What a horny old faggot.

I think it's the same chick

Ew, really? Did that gun grabbing bitch shave her head to "make a statement" or something?

Ew, ew, ew, ew.

She said she shaved because it's "hot in Florida"

Nah she was raped in the butt.

No, Sue fully consented.

It was actually because he conservative parents didn't pay enough attention to her.

Or maybe not I'm a dolt

To be fair that girl on the right looks like she just left a concentration camp.

A concentration camp called high school? Because she does not appear to be emaciated.


Relevant username roflmao 🤣


I didn’t realize this was 2005. How old are you? Shit is cringe to the max bro.


I'd love to take the one on the left on a date and tell her how smart she is and how she's got everything figured out, then send her out emboldened to annoy everybody.

I think it's too late for that, someone already did.

Jeez, what a creepy mincing pedophile.

the butch one would fight back, the pretty one would just take the beating

Stop being such a misogynist all the time.

The one on the left is how Ant saw Dani Golightly.

They're both mousey and gross

How can you equate them?

Dani was hot before the anorexia and heroin.

So when she was 12?

I like Anthony's new macho man "I likes my women like I likes my" routine here. It's really throwing people off the trail that he was in a gay relationship with a transvestite.

Good for him, living the dream!

This is a high schooler, right? This dumb fuck doesn't realize he can just stop following the news.

The last thing he wants is mental health checks.

Is that 13 yr old Tomi Lahren?

He's not wrong though.

One on the left is kinda a bad example of ants creepiness...she looks like a 25 year old super model. Jesus.

You said it, man.

Nobody fucks with the Jesus

That's the best pic of herself she has, hair done, full makeup, filter, there are pics of her without makeup and her natural hair color, she is average.

Jesus... Is this seriously a new old white people thing; bitching about girls with shaved heads?

Only niggers like bald bitches.

Regardless, white people bitch over the dumbest shit sometimes.

they let you have internet access in jail?


Amber Rose is hot, and I am 100% Caucasoid.


I am only one-quarter ((())), sir.

According to my charts you're a Mischling of the second degree.

was someone with one Jewish grandparent

That's me! This is welcome news.

That's bad news for me.... I have 3 Jewish grandparents...


A quarter too much you filthy heb.

Dang. I didn’t expect that treatment here, of all places.

Nobody likes girls with shaved heads. You might be able to find one or two who don't look disgusting, but that's rare. That's why people use they phrase "she pulls off short hair". When you "pull something off" it implies that you weren't supposed to succeed, but did. You "pull off" a risky stunt, or you "pull off" a bank heist. Ordinarily, you aren't supposed to be able to rob a bank and succeed. Ordinarily, you aren't supposed to shave your head as a woman, and still expect to be seen as attractive

Even if a woman is ugly with a shaved head why should it bother people so much? It's a stupid thing to be annoyed with. This is like when I was six year old and I was forced to listen to old people talk about how back in their day kids used to say "yes ma'am and no sir." Seriously, who gives a fuck? If you're not rude that should be just fine. It's just a dumb thing to be annoyed with. Also, I know this is tied with that fake caring of traditional family values shit people like Cumia won't shut the fuck up about.

Its because these college girls are shaving their heads out of a feeling of self loathing. They know men are attracted to long hair, we have been since the beginning of time. These girls hate the fact that they're attractive, because "we are FIERCE! Sisters!", so they shave their heads and stop bathing so they can be more like dudes.

You convinced me. That annoys me.

It annoys me visually.

I like girls with shaved heads. fite me IRL

Well then, you're a fag

na bro im like super into puss bro

Do you tolerate shaved heads, or do you prefer them?

I prefer then on certain persons. e.g. rose namajunas is much hotter without hair

same with lupita nyong'o , Natalie Portman, Kristen Stewart,

lupita nyong'o

Fag. Total fag. Especially the first example. Rose Namajunas looks like a man. The only feminine thing about her was her long hair. You're gay, and by that I mean you think dudes are hot

yeh yeh the trans is a lot cuter i get it you projecting homo

"The trans"? Which trans is this? I'm saying you're a queer if you think a girl with a buzz cut is more attractive than that same girl with long hair. Even Rachel Maddow was marginally fuckable back before she adopted the Jon Stewart haircut.

and i say all that calling someone gay is you projecting your supressed homosexuality on other people.

And you immediately trying the "I know you are, but what am I?" defense proves that you are indeed gay, and are just trying to throw everyone else off the scent.

nigger i can proudly say i got pegged by my 2 last girlfriends and it was great. there is no need for me to deny anything, i wouldnt careq

And you told her to not shave her legs or underarms, because you love the roughness of it. Then you bought her some HGH and got her a gym membership, because you like your women nice and buff. Shaved head, hairy lip, arms, legs, no tits, 6 pack, 18" biceps, plus a big fat cock swinging. Totally not gay in the least.

the roleplay is that a slender, weak woman fucks a man that could kill her any second. you really are a dope

Don't go trying to be macho, now.

stop harassing me or i will notify the mods :(

Go sit on a butt plug, cheer yourself up

i already did that earlier today. njoy plug 2.0

What's this new obsession with women shavi be their heads?

It's the most mentally stable move a young woman can do!

If they aren't in violent, soul-crushing pornography, I don't care.

This is eggsactly what I’m talking about. He used to be so eggscellent and now he’s just a bad egg. Not a good egg.

Correction: Any prefers underage boys with hair and makeup.

Doesnt PTSD usually get him harder than a diamond in an ice storm?

Don't we all?

El Goblina

Ant looks like bath salts cannibal victim as has the nerve to tell people that their opinion is worth less based on their looks.

Also, I support any girl who shaves her head, simply because of the retarded backlash against it.

Okay, weird pedo. Thanks for the bizarre comment.

I can actually agree on this point, if only because that troll looking dyke on the right makes me weep for the future.

Didn't the government do the right thing and take firearms away from an unbalanced addict prone to outbreaks of anger.

Bald chicks are fun once in a while.

Keep in mind the one on the left is 13 years old.

Ant prefers them bald for a different reason other than cancer


Fuck him, and that dykey looking puppet cunt.

Does Ant know he's grotesque?

According to my charts you're a Mischling of the second degree.

A quarter too much you filthy heb.