How Long Before Opie Gets His Ass Kicked On His Live Stream?

62  2018-02-28 by DustyChonChon

I'd say about 3 weeks. He's walking around shoving his phone in everybody's face. Only a matter of time before the Anthony incident arises.


He doesn't have any goons to look out for him this time, I'm surprised it hasn't happened already.

I hope whoever does this yells out how does this feel fuckface?

and it actually be that guy.

he said he won't go into the neighborhoods where that can happen. He's on the upper west side the worst that they do is throw a Tolstoy novel at him.

One day he is going to run into the wrong IPA-drunk art student

Intern Matt from Occupy Wall Street

He might be in for a rough fingering in a tent, then.

Lil' taste

Why did Opie call Chuck Zitto a fake toughguy faggot?

Chuck's no fag and he's tough as nails. He'd smash Opie.

That fucking kid was the absolute worst. I did enjoy Jim pretending like he was a cool, reasonable guy and nothing he did was wrong when everyone else was enraged

Or get hit in the head when someone throws an electronic organizer out of a limo.

A lot quicker if this sub was more pro bloody active...


I'm not from eng..... oh nevermind

We're all at work when he's roaming the streets to speak with his fellow homeless


fuck their dental hygiene too

Prince Andrew gave me herpes.

He's been doing this type of shit his whole life. These dudes are really good at finding people that are "safe" to fuck with.

If someone does stand up to him he will act like a worm "can't you take a joke" "I'm just fucking around"

people tend not to fuck with mentally ill people. they say if youre getting jumped act as if youre mentally ill and there's a good chance you'll get left alone. if this is true opie is safe as... as your imagination, right?

I've been outta the loop, is this live stream a daily thing now?

He needs to hire Master Poe again, so when he does the dirty work he can get in their faces like he is a badass.

opie has a livestream?

I was thinking about this yesterday... if you ran into him while streaming and shouted "Bam Margera fucked Lynsi Hughes" do you think he'd have the balls to punch you in the face?

Opie would do is "Hey have a good one!" fake, rolling with the punches thing that he does to prove that the fawwwkin haters don't bother him in the least.

ME: HA HA HAAA!!! W-What does that even mean asssshole? (walks away briskly while deleting the video on his phone)

I watched the entire video yesterday, and it was pointless.

Nah. He only harasses quad amputee little girls.

Not soon enough

Where's the drunk cabbie when you need one.

Serious question, are Opie's livesteams worth watching? I know the easy answer here is "no" but even ironically? What the fuck even goes on them anymore? This sub is starved for content, but people can't even bring themselves to talk about these streams of garbage.

I'm not being an internet tough guy when I say if someone who looked and acted like Opie was recording me in public and getting in my face I'd fight him on the spot.

I'd love nothing more than to see a homeless man punching Opie in the face as he asks him if he's serious right now then tells him it's just a bit.

He might be in for a rough fingering in a tent, then.

fuck their dental hygiene too

That fucking kid was the absolute worst. I did enjoy Jim pretending like he was a cool, reasonable guy and nothing he did was wrong when everyone else was enraged