Reminder: Bro Joe wanted $10k to paint a room of his house green, so he could make a shitty version of PFG TV.

30  2018-02-28 by TinKnockinMoroccan


remember when he had that awful show on Ant's network? I'm cracking up right now remembering it

I don't but I was perusing his youtube channel a few minutes ago. Jesus, I was getting more views 10 years ago and I didn't have a famous younger brother to leech off of.

Where can I watch you jerk off on stream?

You can't. I was just being a retarded teenager posting atheism videos on youtube.

*Also wants children to spit into his fag mouth.

$100 gets you a free live read? God these people are stupid wops.

I think he's lowballing himself. Who wouldn't to be associated with the Joe Cumia brand?

I wouldn't.