[QUESTION] How long before Danny has once again had enough of indulging "The Pests"?

10  2018-02-28 by DinkPinch

You stupid fucks will blow this again, the only question is "When?"

Whether or not you liked or disliked Danny when he was on the show, the dude legitimately worked closely with those guys, and was one of Anthony's closest friends for a while. (for the record, I thought Danny was kind of an arrogant prick the one time I interacted with him at an O&A event, but in retrospect, compared to The Pests the kid was a splendid human being) Instead of asking him - literally the only remnant of O&A that seems willing to engage in actual back and forth discussions with fans - any actual insightful, interesting questions about his time with the show, apparently its more fun to call him a jew and shit on him for having a job as a bartender. Genius.


Don’t get me wrong you’re a loser for kissing this guys ass, but who is making fun of him for being a bartender? That’s a great job if you’re in the right place.

Nah, not kissing his ass, just disgusted with how quickly this place is known to fuck up anything interesting in order to act like 4chan light with a vague O&A connection. Anthony would come here occasionally - fucked that up. Keith would come here occasionally - fucked that up. Danny came here before - fucked that up.

Making fun of him for being a bartender was absolutely done for sport the last time he was here if I remember correctly.

He seems pretty bitter though. Don’t think I’d really believe anything he says now. Plus what is there to really know about the O&A world that we don’t already know that is of any significance any way.

I get all I need from intern David’s Facebook updates.

How’s the little guy doing?

So basically we fucked up for not kissi g their asses? Cram it, buster.

Dude, your being a giant fag. Stop moaning that "everyone ruined it".

Youre sad.

Gotta stay true to Reddit and kiss people's asses i guess.

Are you that fucking starved for attention from nobodies you dolt? Who gives a shit?

“Dolt”? OMG are you Jim Norton?!?!

I don't know man, it's a tough one. On one hand, sure we're all anonymous here and i might aswell be, on the other hand, it's just an off-the-cuff word influenced by listening to the fag for hours on end.

Considering you’re apparently going for the version of Norton that no one likes, you sound like a real “bore” by spitting out that kind of “dreck”, you “ghoul”. “Eww. “

I prefer this “Slip and drown in a puddle of AIDS you faggot. Die.” <insert buhluhluhluhluh blowjob sound here>

You're autistic right?

No, I’m just way more intelligent than you.

Eh, you stink and i don't like you. So go ahead and find a fucking guitar-string and hang yourself with it while you dog sucks you dick and licks up the poo from the floor after you bowel-system has emptied itself.

Fair enough sir. I hope you have a child that gets kidnapped, molested, and rescued, then kills itself in front of you on your birthday.

Nice, edge stupid. Where did you get that one from, the 90's?

You could just fuck off

I don't feel strongly one way or the other about the guy. If he wants to hang out with the rest of us pathetic fucks, it's fine with me.

He was Opie tier garbage and he has nothing to contribute, or he would have. I remember when the queers here were nice to him the first time and he had nothing. You're a fucking desperate faggot clinging at anything to hold on to your dead radio heroes, kill yourself, stupid faggoty bitch.

Nice diatribe, stupid

I don't think we've ever "blown it" really. Whenever Danny returns to this sub he starts out gracious and engaging, but turns bitter and neurotic the moment anyone says anything negative towards him. Just look at his replies in the recent thread. He has to be the most thin-skinned and defensive person I've ever seen. He just can't communicate with people without becoming a negative, angry asshole. And that thread was only made because of his replies in this thread where he started attacking people about weed.

We always try to engage with him to get some info, but at some point he starts flipping out over something minor and turns everyone against him. He reminds me of myself when I was 14. Really sad that a guy in his 30's is still acting like this.

How can a reasonable person blame anyone for being defensive when communicating with the people on this toilet of an online community?

It’s an echo chamber of fucking laaaame jokes and insults that are thrown out indiscriminately, then validated and reinforced by the same trash people on an hourly basis (fa la la la la).

Danny’s biggest problem is that people on this sub know his last name, he’s 100% justified in being thin skinned and defensive.

He's a hooked nose, Semitic blooded Satan. We don't need him around here.

And he killed our lord's only son, our saviour Jesus Christ.

I mean, he probably has sucked baby penises as part of the blood libel-tradition atleast once in his lifetime.

You are a fag for caring so much. Move on.

Danny is shit and so are you.

A jew? Does he play for the Oven Dodger's or sumthin'?

He’s a Jew he can’t be trusted

He blew it last time because he was begging for sheckles to hire a detective.

I hid the main thread about him. I would hide all his posts if Reddit had that feature.

Enough from Danny. Absolutely enough from him. I don’t care if he has interesting gossip about O&A (and he doesn’t), I just want him to go away.

You guys will get excited, he’ll give you Erockian vagueness, ask for money, get pissed off and leave, and come back in 2019, and you guys will get excited again and repeat the cycle. This has seriously happened twice in the last 4 years and you never learn.

Trillions of years from now when the universe has cooled and there are no stars or life left, that rat face Danny Ross will be dangling promises of gossip infront of you fat white nationalists. This cycle only ends with death.

I would like him to answer the question on everyones mind. "Did Ant and Danny fall out after Ant asked him to wear a dress and lipstick?"

Until he drops his "nuke" about Ant, who cares what he has to say.

I guess that makes no sense to me. He’s an “insider” to the literal reason behind this sub’s existence that is willing to engage with fans.

Why the fuck is everyone’s default action to shit on the dude until he leaves pissed?

Thats a semi-rhetorical, it’s more than likely that it’s because the pieces of shit here think they’re hilarious (they’re not) and that this place is like that idiotic table at the comedy cellar. The natural progression from that is to get way too personal and obsessive and make shit up in a completely autistic way to get a rise out of whoever.

Not the satirical 4chan type of autism either, it’s the “You’re a fucking retard” type that plagues the majority of the members here.

That's the thing. His engagement with fans is shit. He's vague and hints around, but never actually offers anything of value. If he were actually forthright, I might be inclined to agree w/you. But he's not, so I'm not.

You've been here long enough to know that we've already gotten anything interesting out of him that he's willing to cough up. Other than that he's just an annoying bitch, so fuck him in his big Jew nostrils.

I don't know man, it's a tough one. On one hand, sure we're all anonymous here and i might aswell be, on the other hand, it's just an off-the-cuff word influenced by listening to the fag for hours on end.

How’s the little guy doing?