This sub has been like this today...

150  2018-02-28 by CONCHOPETEghostcock


Hitler would understand and if not then he's no friend of mine!

Let's not say things we can't take back now...

Even Amon Göth liked a good piece of Jew pussy.

They cast a spell on you, you know?

When you work closely with them, like I do, you see this

my flaming anti-semitism was cooled by the milk from the big breasted khazar. im obsessed and in love :)

Who are you trying to fool, shyster?

Oy vey

Uncle Adolf would understand once we explain to him that we’re merely trying to dillute the Jewish race out of existence with our superior Aryan seed.

Enough with the memes. I'm entranced by fat Jew titties.

I would gladly drink a gallon of manischewitz if it meant could drop a batch on those big juicy Semitic cans.

Vaginas could create world peace if utilized the right way

Not really.

Do Jews even date us goyim?

The homely ones will marry anyone with an MD after their name or a law degree.

She won't go on a date with us alone. She's prejudiced against alcoholic Panera employees. Can you fuckin' believe that? In this day in age, a jew broad prejudiced against alcoholic Panera employees.


Depends on how much she's lusting after forbidden uncut dick.

There are no uncut dicks in America, and nothing matters outside of America.

Well you're no longer in the running to be qualified as forbidden meat.

Her swollen silicone tits are actually hideous looking.


Don't get me wrong, I would still pump some of my greasy seed in between them.

I like how I'm gone from the sub for 20 hours and I have no idea what's going on.

Who’s that?

Ben Shapiro's sister


The only thing Chapo Trap House is good for...

Pushing pictures of traps off the first page.

Why would you cut those milkers off at the bottom like that? They need a bit of abdomin to show the full context of their Khazarian greatness... mommy mommy indeed.


They cast a spell on you, you know?
