Jewiest Tits of them all

33  2018-02-28 by Virginia_Beach



She's nearly 50, childless and alone. She's done for.

She has a boyfriend. You obviously don't keep up with the world of big Jewish beefers.

i hope you get cervical cancer


I'm sure she'll write some book or article about how she sacrificed her family cause she had a higher calling of calling white Christian men dumb and saying being married is gross.

Thanks. You just ruined all progress that the Heboobs made today

Welp, guess that’s the end of that.

built like a brick shithouse

More like a shit brickhouse tsss

Thanks for fucking up the bit, stupid.

No thanks

The one in the middle looks like Patrice after his stroke

God awful

What are you, a virgin? Nice hymen, stupid.

Hey at least part of her is funny

she looks like she'd have course dark nipple hairs.

Trash, but I would in a second.

Tube sock tits.

We were having a nice time. Why ruin it?

Enough with the jew broad. (kills draculas)

I would.

Jewiest or Chewiest?

I always wanted to see those dirty dugs, and now she waits til they are way past the sell-by date, in what is no doubt some stupid feminist bs about how sagging is beautiful, but telling someone they are sagging is violence.

She's getting ready for a 1940's style german shower

She's not attractive

That face would scare off starving dogs on Vic Henley's meat wagon.


I'd hit it with no problem. I've fucked wayyyyy worse.