Noted Pundit Joe “I’m not a pedophile” Cumia takes in Chris Rock but fails to tag him in his tweet ..

4  2018-02-28 by AntwansBobo


Chris Rock stock is going to plummet when the market opens tomorrow.

Takes on ..not in ^

He didn't tag him on purpose just like george takei, their followers would shit all over him

Just think of how Joe and Ant might have turned out if they weren't raised by a drunk who ranted about "fuckin' niggers". He'd have been proud.

Another one to add to the imgur pile.

Screengrabs are easily manipulated.

"These people on imgur are editing my tweets"

Joseph Cumia is not a pedophile.

Tagging Chris Rock might make Daddy Tony angry. I bet Anthony still thinks he's got a chance at being friendly with Rock. All his major comic friends are tight or at least known to Chris Rock.

The Cumia's emoji game is on point.

Rock hasn't been funny in 15 years.