Where was Black Panther?

2  2018-02-27 by MoeGreenVegas


Old liability bitch, we really need soylent green.

Family said she had recently bought lamps off craigslist from somebody named Joe Cumia who proclaimed "they are safe i guarantee it"

More like a black cougar, am I right?


The super hero for children!

Police are fucking worthless. Always the first on the scene and don't do a god damn thing. My friend oded and a cop showed up literally just to stand over her lifeless body and talk about how dead she was into his radio until the paramedics came with their narcan and revived her

What was he supposed to do if he didn't have narcan? Sounds like he did a favor for your dumb cunt friend by contacting paramedics. I'm not surprised your friends with people that OD.

There was no point in him being there at all. We called 911 and told them the bitch wasnt breathing

Aren't all cops required to carry narcan these days?

I don't think they can legally perform a medical procedure that isn't CPR. Imagine the lawsuits and suspensions without pay if they killed some junkie while trying to help them

My point is he had no business being there, just like these cops had no business responding to a fire. All they do is get in the way

They have to show up to protect firemen,paramedics, i knew this guy his brother was cop in Newark area back in 80's the local (((residents))) would start building fires and block the street just so firemen would show so they could take pot shots at them

New Jersey is a cesspool of the highest magnitude

Sounds like the story to a great movie

Is your friend still a junkie lowlife? If so its a shame she survived

She's doing great niw, so sober she won't even have an energy drink thanks for your concern

Has she considered paying back the money she cost decent taxpayers whilst being a cancer on society?

Nope, shoutout to my niggas at r/chapotraphouse for subsidising me and my friends lifestyles

I hope your next bag is full of crushed glass

Don't just hope for something, make it happen

At Popeyes.

Has she considered paying back the money she cost decent taxpayers whilst being a cancer on society?

I hope your next bag is full of crushed glass

New Jersey is a cesspool of the highest magnitude

Sounds like the story to a great movie