Joe Rogan thinks Joey Diaz is funny

0  2018-02-27 by Chippahjim


Nice big head, stupid.

Nice height, stupid

less than 20 seconds in an he's bringing up SJWs. The repetition is making his podcast hard to listen to. It's become an echo chamber for the same 5 or so thoughts repeated continuously in 2-4 hour long blocks.

Did you see that guy that accidentally hit that moose with his car? Jamie, pull that up ..

You know, moose meat is really good for you. You ever think of getting on the ketogenic diet?

You can actually feel your body making more testosterone when you eat it.

i unsubbed a few months ago after several years. he's playing to center leftists and kids duuuuude weed crowd too much for me

Rogan himself is center left, but he's been playing towards the conservative/alt right if anything.


More like it's ok to bash Islam and sjws but I'm pro gay rights bro crowd. People that luv Dave Rubin and Sam Harris

finally, a comedian humorlessly analyzing comedy on a podcast.

Who is that Female to Male trans guest he’s talking to?

Fucking disgusted that this cocksucker describes joey as on par with if not funnier than patrice

I think he's funny and I think you,are not.