Sir Joseph "Newton" Cumia with another earth shattering take.

4  2018-02-27 by RBuddCumia


Bro joe needs his skin removed abruptly

Don't make me a flat earther...

It's au contraire you goddamn fucking idiot. Jesus christ almighty

I would at least Google my butchery of something like that before posting it "did you mean Au contraire?"... Of course I did Google, I was just testing you!!!

"OH CONTRARE'!!" is just as stupid as Opie saying "We're tearing down da third wahl!!!".

If BroJoe in his shit wisdom accepts a spherical earth, then fuck it, I am now a flat earther.

Even debunking flat earthers this man is stupid.

Glad esteemed scientist Steve-o was able to definitely put this mularkey to rest!

Nobel prize winning Steve-O. A gift to humanity, we are lucky to be alive during the same time.

"oh contrare". don't expect everyone to know how to spell that but the fact that these white trash dago retards try to sound smart is great.

Steve-O, no better source.

This is so Joe.