Artie is out for legal reasons, so Ant is going to discuss...

26  2018-02-27 by The-Lunger

Guns, he announced 2 minutes into the show that because Artie's out he can have a much needed and long over due discussion about the 2nd Amendment. Hope he has time to fit race in.


At least he's trying to hit a new topic every episode... oh that's right.

You could watch people that actually know what they're talking about for free on the subject on YT.

a man who leaves guns strewn about his house, admits to discharging a rifle inside his home, and was convicted of domestic violence is.... idk, something sarcastic. i don't have the energy for this anymore

admits to discharging a rifle inside his home

Besides his dick into Sues anus when did this happen?

I never knew about that shit. What a fucking retard. He holds the 2nd amendment is such high regard and acts like a complete asshole with it.

Even worse, during the whole "Obama's going to take my guns" phase, this fucking hypocrite would go off about irresponsible gun owners and how they were ruining it for "responsible" ones like himself. Then he loses one of them in his couch, bites a child, and gets them all taken away anyway.

he loses one of them in his couch, bites a child, and gets them all taken away anyway.

When you say it like that it sounds even funnier.



I don’t believe it. That’s 150+ decibels in a confined area. That would cause permanent hearing loss.

He actually walks around his own house wearing his guns. There's a word for that and that word is "retarded". On the plus side it'll be hilarious when he blows off his own big toe.

Seriously though, if you own a bunch of guns wouldn't you want to keep that under your hat? I mean how can you ever live out your fantasy of killing an intruder if everyone knows you're sporting an arsenal?

convicted of domestic violence

Never Happened, He plead it down after DV rehab and alcohol rehab.

If you dont know he's going to talk about guns, you might want to be aware that Jimmy will talk about trannys and his fake addiction and his sidekick, the human half-ape, will talk about wrestling.

The man got drunk, lost his gun & batted around his girlfriend. This same man wants us to listen to him discuss gun rights? No.


The man got drunk, lost his gun

This honestly can't be stressed enough whenever this moronic, wop decides to open his yap about guns. That is the textbook fucking example of an irresponsible gun owner. He does not belong in this conversation.

What a bore of a man.

Guns. Jaws. And fucking boys.

It's all he's got in his nigger rich Long Island White trash life.

By the end of the show they were playing a reoccurring gif of a black guy's cock

For the first time in a long time I shut it off pretty quickly. I agree with him on guns and schwoogies but the repetitiveness is insufferable.

Add Mike DeVito to the mix and you have a perfect storm of blended shit.

Too bad Artie wasn't there to keep it fresh. He has this new bit about a Jew broad and Draculas that KILLS.

Artie is OUT????!!!

At a Rite Aid??!!

You silly goose Anthony Cumia always had the extra time for a heart-to-heart discussion about racial relations

How are the black crime numbahs?