TEETH, starring Gregg "Tits" Hughes

73  2018-02-27 by SHITLORD_CUNTDICK


Vurry good.

I approve. You have made me so fucking proud.

Grazi, Don Panera.

The tooth is out there

And Fox "Molar" will find it

He wears the crown.

We don't want to cross that bridge

Rocky Dennis teeth having nigga.

I just realized I wrote "Broterman". SHIT. I look like an IDIOT.

No worries. You had to make a rush job. Like whoever created Opie's mouth.

Don't worry. Opie's face soaks up all the stupid.

Game on brother. Game fawkin on!

Vagina dentata


THosE Rr Myy teEEth

He's working again! Good for him!!

FUCK all you ungrateful swine for not acknowledging my killer HAROLD HATER joke. Lotta problems on dis sub.

I just noticed it after looking again. Too subtle for me but well done.

I told you assholes, we were poor growing up. My parents couldn't afford tooth paste. We had to use baking soda and hand me down toothbrushes. We used twine instead of dental floss.

Shoulda said "Tits"

No Wisdom for Old Man

And Fox "Molar" will find it

I just noticed it after looking again. Too subtle for me but well done.