The fans are loving the direction of the show!

15  2018-02-26 by RBuddCumia


Is that you commenting? Because you're a terrible shittalker if it is.

No, I only follow the show to provide screenshots for you guys when Keith fucks up.

God's work, etc.

Probably just some civilian

I heard on People’s Court that screenshots are very easily fabricated using the website Imager.

Is that from the episode with the guy who's not a pedophile?

No, it's from the Joseph "GUILTY BY ASSOCIATION" Cumia podacast.


Him signing off as that makes me physically angry

How physically angry ARE you?

Oh brother, don't get me started!

Brother Hughes ahoy.


I always do my DNS migrations during the week when my live show airs.

Apps? As in plural? Aside from throwing even more money away what possible reason could there be for Compound Media to have more than one?

That was me LOL I'm getting tired of paying for a app that doesn't work when I emailed them for a refund they told me it's non-refundable I'm wondering if I should talk to my bank or not the app sucks

You're a chump

Sick burn there for a civilian, bro.

Fawkin buried him

I was a subscriber when they first rolled out the shitty app two years ago. Fucking thing never worked, and when I reached out to them their answer (seriously) was “have you tried it on Android”.

Dude I have a very boring job all I do is listen to podcasts this is the only show that I paid for and it's the only show that doesn't work

I was in the same boat, and when I cancelled after a year it took about six months and countless emails to get them to stop charging me.

Good one Adam

adam killing it for us today

Sorry guys for what you guys are calling a lame comment next time I will consult with you guys

They must have blocked me now after they deleted my comment and I called them out on it

I have to admit. When I subscribed ( dropped my sub when they announced Artie) anytime I had a problem they were right on top of it. Liz credited me 3 months to have me stay on when I dropped my yearly.

I don't know how Keith will ever recover from that devastating zinger by Adam White.

ah this probably explains why that feedbucket link to the shows has stopped working. anyone got a replacement link?

adam killing it for us today