Bobo and Bocchetti morning show #4

38  2018-02-26 by bhp5


I cant imagine any that id want to listen to less than these 2 retards. Id wait patiently for an opie pop up show before i tuned into this. Wtf is 🐜th thinking

Wtf is 🐜th thinking

I can't wait to get home, kill that case of Bud Lite I have in the fridge and pretend to be a celebrity on Twitter.

I was really hoping for something good but tuned out after 20 minutes

Sweet Tapout shirt

Nice spray on hair stupid.

Do you think Keith is actually paying them for this shit?

2 retards fuck(up). It's gay retard porn.

This show looks amazing, there should be another show on Compound media every week that reviews this show.

I'm sure Red Bar is on it.


Yeah, him.

Ahh yes. Mr. NotSam 2.0 with his shoe fetish and pre-ripped jeans and failed rap career. Not to forget the uncanny ability to stretch 30 minutes of material into 3 hours

3 hours?

Look at the sad sack that can't afford a Barmy membership.

Not 100% sure but since you have you API key in this, I bet they could find out what your account is and cancel it. Then again, they don't seem very bright over at CP media

🐜 doxxed someone recently. Plus👮blocked SaiyanZ's account. They may not be smart but they are dedicated.

Honestly, what's the worst that can happen? Kumiya (a noted woman abusing, racist felon) tells your Panera shift manager you might have tweeted something?

It would be a funny conversation really. Trying to explain why this ex shock jock, piece of human garbage is taking time out of running a failing podcast network to harass a private citizen. Just tell your boss to Google him. Like the judge said, Seems a little far fetched.

It makes the Cumia brothers look like psychopaths. If anything, it's some of the goons here I'd be more concerned about.

Anyone who embeds a transferrable authorization key in the URL deserves to have their shit stolen.

not my API key don't worry, their site is fucking trash and leaks everything. :)

The RSS audio feed way has changed over the weekend. I never listened to the shows though.

They're so gun-shy with callers... at the end someone called saying they wanted to get Bobo a date, caller did mention gofundme but not in a bad way & Bobo panicked. Guilty conscience me thinks.

Retart conscience

Someone has to call in and threaten to burn Bocchetti's house down.

Am i the only one who feels bad for bochetti? Its like he has brain damage or something