Fellow members, why not take a break from all the hatred and vitriol to do your part in making the world a better place for those less fortunate?

118  2018-02-26 by ShowMeWithYourMouth


He has the nerve to be a white supremacist

Fucking mobbed up, felonious dago holding up the white race as the paragon of humanity while he plies teenagers with drugs and alcohol so he can fuck them, drives drunk and/or wrecklessly, and grooms middle school girls online.

Maybe he's trying to proof his point.

Yeah or prove it

I'm a dirty foreigner.

Me too. It's not an excuse.

It really isn't, I'm awful.

Nice spelling, stupid

Anytime you see a man putting WAY too much value in things they never had any control over such as their ethnic background, parents wealth, city/state/country of birth, generation, etc you can be certain they are over-compensating for their own lack of self-worth.

Do you think guys who are good with women brag to random people about how hot the girls he fucks are? Do you think legitimately wealthy people walk around and brag about it? Do you think genius math/physics experts feel the need to point out their superior intelligence to regular people?

No the people who have talent know they have talent, and they know their actions/rewards speak for themselves.

The guys who obsess over the failures of black people are usually people who aren't very far from them intellectually or overcompensate for their insecurity in the face of black people's over-confidence.

I don't need a parade or overt political actions to feel proud of the golden age of western white history in the 1946-1980s. Just look around at any city full of skyscrapers or the technology innovations or the absolute economic dominance of western countries. White pride isn't a thing because we don't need to make it overt to feed proud...unless you're trying to cover up your own lack of self-worth.

you can be certain they are over-compensating for their own lack of self-worth.

you're right all those kikes that talk about jews all have no self-worth. those kikes should be exterminated because of all their kvetching and talking about how jewy they are.

Larry David, Jon Stewart, Gilbert Gotfried, every other jew that has talked about being a jew. every single one sucks. Judd Apatow and Seth Rogan are hopelessly mediocre people who can't grasp what creates greatness. Marc Maron and Rich Vos adult low-class idiots who convince themselves they are worthy of praise merely because of their skin colour, rather than having the talent/traits of greatness of the people who made their ethnic group great

seriously fuck jews. they haven't contributed to society which is why they are obsessed with their stupid kike ethnicity/religion

Case in point

Rich Vos adult low-class idiots who convince themselves they are worthy of praise merely because of their skin colour

Rich Vos is a great example:

  • constantly brings up his jewishness, despite he's dumb and bad with money

  • buying used BMWs and expensive-looking watches, despite the fact he's a middle class comedian who works his ass off for everything

But still he's self-effacing enough where I still love the guy. It's people like Ant/Brother Joe who do it with total seriousness and zero self-awareness that I can't stand.

No Joe, you're not better than all black people because you were born part of a group that on average out performs black people. You can still be on the low-end of the spectrum of white people and be just as bad as them...especially when you're an anti-intellectual wife-beating boob who revels in breaking the law.

But still he's self-effacing enough where I still love the guy.

I bet you're a kike. You just moved the goal posts once I started naming Jews that fit your anti-supremacy nonsense.

Tell me 5 things you hate about Jews you anti-white faggot

It's a shame what Obama and Clinton did to Libya.

Poor mudhat had to leave his six kids and three wives behind

All three of whom were (his) children as well

He really does look like he comes from a culture that embraces child brides.

The Moors are a proud people.

He doesn’t even look like the same person anymore.

HGH is a motherfucker.

someone should make a morphing video that shows scrawny Ant transform into the bulky Margot Kidder lookin ass he is today.

Are we sure it's the same guy?

He is one of the few that would benefit from a unibrow

and a burka

Pre Nana Ant was just a simple Moroccan niglet who just wanted to play Everquest, fly his RC helis and engage in threesomes with Lobster Girl.

Simpler times.

Better times for some

Looks like trouble.

Bizarro Frank Zappa.

wait waittt... fawkin WEEZIL ZAPPA

THis was when Ant was a lovable drunken racist. Now he's a belligerent drunken racist.

Would you trust this face to buy a used camel from?

Make me a falafel, fucker.

Say what you will about AntH, but he sure is a looker.

Is this the guy Borat was based on?

Who is this people under the stairs lookin mother fucker?

someone should make a morphing video that shows scrawny Ant transform into the bulky Margot Kidder lookin ass he is today.