Does anyone have the link to the boys Jocktobered this show?

7  2018-02-26 by RBuddCumia


No, but if they ever jocktobered Bobo & Bochetti afternoon show, I'd have to riot

We got rid of that bothersome G & replaced it with an apostrophe & 3 exclamation marks.


Bill and Joanne are pretty heavily into that mocking radness it really suits them

That fucking douche was on the chippa podacast and he sucked.

Which one?


Have her keep playing dress up.

Yeah. I want to see her feet and asshole.

she was Miss New York 5 years ago, she has some nice bikini pics around the web. Also she is less thin skinned than Ant, Opie or Jim. So that's a plus too.

It took me a while to realize this wasn't a serious question.

What’s the name of the show exactly? I archived every show for years.