Is Opie Mentally Unwell Or Just An Asshole?

4  2018-02-26 by ChrisCastle2019

I've never known of anyone who is consistently able to isolate people and burn bridges seemingly out of nowhere.



Definitely mentally ill. Bipolar probably.

They way he constantly hints at "wheels within wheels" going against him (without ever really saying what that means) shows some kind of delusions of grandeur at the least. He's always framing himself as some kind of everyman hero who looks out for his guys. That latter part normally meant "allowing them to work for him" or "plug comedy dates on a radio show."

I will always argue that Opie is a narcissist, because those guys are classically unable to accept criticism or do self-reflection. Any joke against him was an attack, and his mood always decided the room.

I don't think Opie has any deeper problems than that, but unemployment's started turning his brain to mush. Even his livestreams are coming off more rambly and disjointed.

he started suffering from Jimmy syndrome, he can't attack celebs like he used to so he has to bully everyone he feels has less clout than him.

he started believing he was an A-lister and adopted their diva attitude in a misguided fake it till you make it strategy (that to be fair had worked for him previously his entire career)

remeber when he said jimmy and him arent that close and was about to cry? that shit was oddball city

Opie is a cool dude, he's just going thru a 20+ year phase

Both and also a fucking faggot.

he seems ocd and narcissistic

Most of all he is sadly, forgetable.

I think Opie is so obsessed with not losing fans he'll say anything to get heat. He's vague so people keep talking. Let's face it. Opie has no friends left. He's proven himself to be a sensitive jerkoff 1000 times. He burns bridges with everybody, even Vos. Opie is dropping into obscurity. Watch his Twitter followers. 400K followers a month ago, down 40K to 360K.


He's just a massive pos. Twitter should remove his ✔. THAN I'll watch his pop up crap.

Didn't he say he has "seasonal depression" when he was addressing the first Greggshells episode?

is there a difference?