Studying ‘Opies’ in my coursework today...

0  2018-02-26 by Dawgsie


Nice ruler, stupid.

Well I was going to use your sexual preference to draw a straight line but your disappointed father assured me that won’t work.

You don't have that children's acrylic ruler to draw straight lines, you have it so you don't lose you're place when you're reading because you have learning disabilities.

I used it to point out to anyone that was looking at the post precisely what I was referring to.

Sorry my ruler game isn’t as good as yours. What have you got, a 2 by 4 that you use? A 30cm length of Kryptonite?

Generally I use a framing square, a level or two marks and a chalk line because I draw lines that matter, bitch.

You “draw lines that matter”.

Nothing you’ve ever done matters. Shut the fuck up with your nonsense.

Textbook case of eggshell personality.

You most certainly are.

The "I know you are but what am I" defense. A very Peewee Hermanesque display. I think you've already lost this internet battle, son. Rest up and try again tomorrow.

You see it as an internet battle.

I see it as two cunts talking.

Go outside more often.

I think I will right now. Have fun with your homework.

I will. Have fun scribbling.

My god, you've made faggots of the both of us already, I don't understand why you keep it up. I'm a faggot for getting into an argument over a joke about a ruler. You're an even bigger faggot for taking offense and starting an argument over a fucking ruler. Shut the fuck up, Gregg.

You said you were done... yet you keep responding... and blame me for it.

I took zero offence. I give no fucks about your response to my post.

That thumb has seen the inside of a lot of man ass.


I used it to point out to anyone that was looking at the post precisely what I was referring to.

Sorry my ruler game isn’t as good as yours. What have you got, a 2 by 4 that you use? A 30cm length of Kryptonite?

Generally I use a framing square, a level or two marks and a chalk line because I draw lines that matter, bitch.

You see it as an internet battle.

I see it as two cunts talking.

Go outside more often.